

Blur's curiosity peaked as he examined the peculiar book in Number 102's hands.

There was an undeniable sense of familiarity about it. The leather cover, the brown parcel paper, and even the style of the illustrations bore a striking resemblance to "The Princess's Knight" from his previous loop.

He couldn't help but wonder if there was a connection between these two books.

"Where did you get that book?" he asked, hoping to gain some insight.

In response, Number 102 began to gesture in a somewhat comical manner.

Her movements were exaggerated, and while her intentions were clear to her, all Blur could muster was a befuddled expression.

It was clear that her speech difficulties extended to her attempts at pantomime.

Growing increasingly perplexed, he watched her gestures.

What was she trying to say? Why was she acting so oddly?

Seeing his confusion, Number 102 made another attempt, this time more determined.

She gestured for him to follow her. It was as if she wanted to show him something important related to the mysterious book.

Without any other clues to go on, Blur decided to trust her instincts.

With a nod, he agreed to follow her lead.

They walked out of the room and traversed the familiar, spacious hallway.

As someone who had lived in the facility for a few months, Blur was well-acquainted with its layout.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity mixed with trepidation. He wondered where this unexpected journey would lead them.

Stopping at the entrance to the library, Blur couldn't help but seek reassurance.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" he asked Number 102, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

She responded with a confident nod, which gave him a sliver of comfort.

With her as his guide, they ventured into the right wing of the library—a part of the facility he had explored before.

The walls of this section were similar to the rest of the library. They were composed of a white, concrete-like substance, impenetrable and mysterious.

Number 102 examined the walls closely, as if searching for something specific.

Then, she placed her hands on the surface, and to Blur's amazement, a blue line pulsed on contact, reminiscent of network wires.

In an almost magical display, the wall transformed.

A rectangular slab of the wall shifted inward, dividing into smaller square boxes before vanishing into the wall itself.

The transformation revealed an entryway, much like the entrance to a dark cavern or dungeon—a secret room concealed from Blur's knowledge, possibly by the cat.

As they entered the room, the air was thick with dust, causing Blur to cough.

Blue light illuminated parts of the space, revealing wooden bookshelves laden with books of various colors, all of them looking old and filled with stories of a bygone era.

It was as though they had stumbled upon an ancient bookstore preserved in time.

The sight left Blur in awe, and a thousand questions raced through his mind.

What secrets did this hidden room hold? Why had the cat kept it from him? And most importantly, what did Number 102 intend to show him in this mysterious place?

Intrigued by Number 102's gestures, Blur followed her lead through the dusty, dimly lit secret room filled with ancient books.

She guided him to a specific row of books, her eyes fixated on one spot in particular.

It was clear that she wanted him to see something here.

Surveying the shelves, Blur's gaze fell upon a collection of old books.

They were all titles he had never seen before, each with a unique and weathered cover.

Number 102's choice of book stood out among them.

The title read "the spirit cat."

His curiosity piqued once more, he carefully picked out the book and began to read.


In a distant village, there lived a remarkable cat named Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi was no ordinary feline—he possessed nine stunning tails, each as beautiful as a rainbow and as graceful as a dancer's ribbon.

These nine tails represented the nine stitches in time, and Kiyoshi was believed to be the guardian of those precious moments.

The village held Kiyoshi in high regard, treating him with love and respect for his unique gift.

Children would often gather around him, listening to the soothing tales he spun about the past, present, and future.

Kiyoshi was not only a guardian but also a storyteller, sharing the wisdom of the ages with those who would listen.

One fateful day, strangers arrived in the village.

They were greedy men who had heard of Kiyoshi's nine tails, believing that possessing them would bring them untold riches. Ignoring the warnings of the villagers, they devised a wicked plan to capture the cat.

Under the cover of night, they lured Kiyoshi with promises of food and safety.

Trusting souls, Kiyoshi followed them into the woods, his tails shimmering like a constellation of stars.

Unbeknownst to him, a treacherous trap awaited him at the end of their journey.

As Kiyoshi reached the heart of the forest, the strangers ambushed him.

With no regard for the guardian of time and his gentle nature, they attacked him with cruel knives, severing his nine tails with ruthless precision.

Kiyoshi's once radiant and colorful tails were reduced to one, a shadow of their former glory.

The strangers left him wounded, bleeding, and broken, carrying away the eight stolen tails with wicked glee.

They believed they had the power of time itself, unaware of the curse they had brought upon themselves by betraying a guardian.

Kiyoshi lay there, defeated and in pain, his ninth tail now a muted reminder of his former splendor. The villagers, alerted by the commotion, rushed to his side.

Tears welled up in their eyes as they saw the cruelty that had befallen their beloved guardian.

But the cruelty didn't end there. The strangers, now in possession of the eight tails, harnessed their power to unleash a devastating force.

They conjured flames that engulfed the entire village, reducing it to ashes. The villagers cried out in despair as their homes and memories turned to smoke and dust.

Seeing the extent of the strangers' malevolence, Kiyoshi knew he had to act.