

"Hah, hah... I should've exercised a little more!"

Blur shouted out blaming himself for his lack of stamina as his heart raced while he sprinted through the narrow, dimly lit hallway.

His breath coming in ragged gasps.

Every footstep reverberated through the corridor, creating a haunting echo that seemed to chase him.

"And what was that thing?"

His mind was a whirlwind of fear and confusion, struggling to comprehend the inexplicable situation he had found himself in.

His footsteps echoed louder and louder as the lights above continued their relentless blinking.

Blur's legs burned with exertion, but he dared not slow down.

"Was the hallway ever this long?"

The oppressive atmosphere of the hallway seemed to press down on him, urging him to flee faster, to escape the unknown that lurked behind.

Finally, as the hallway seemed to stretch endlessly. Blur's frantic sprint led him to an open doorway.

Without hesitation, he burst through it, his eyes widening as he found himself in the cloud garden but at night.

The cool night air hitting his face like a breath of freedom, but that was not of priority.

He dared to hope that he had lost whatever pursued him, but a nagging dread clung to him.

He couldn't shake the feeling that the darkness was still close behind.

With a trembling glance back at the path he had just run, he saw something that sent icy tendrils of fear down his spine.

The creature, the beast with its unnerving, shadowy presence, was still on his trail.

It moved with an eerie, animalistic gait, its form now clearly visible in the artificial moonlight. Its claw-like fingers scraped against the ground as it moved, like a predator closing in on its prey.

Blur's heart sank as he realized that his escape had not shaken off this relentless pursuer.

He knew he had to keep running, to find safety before the beast closed the gap between them.

With newfound determination, Blur sprinted toward a nearby forest, the trees looming like sentinels in the night.

The distant hope of losing the creature in the dense woods propelled him forward.

But no matter how fast he ran, the beast remained a few feet behind, its malevolent presence casting a long shadow over him.

Blur's lungs burned, and his legs felt like lead, but he couldn't afford to slow down.

The forest was within reach, its dark, enigmatic interior offering a sliver of sanctuary.

He pushed himself to run even faster, branches and leaves scraping against his arms as he entered the woods.

The beast was almost upon him, its grotesque form mere steps away.

Blur knew he had to do something, and he instinctively chanted a command under his breath.

"[System] command: [Wind]".

He eyes glowed a blue glint as he commanded the wind in garden.

He couldn't see it, but the invisible air clustered together at his back and in front of the beast.

As the beast lunged forward, its claws outstretched, it collided with the concentrated air.

A deafening explosion ensued, a shockwave of force that sent both Blur and the beast hurtling in opposite directions.

Blur crashed into a tree with bone-jarring force, his vision blurring as he lost consciousness for a fleeting moment.

Blood trickled from his nose, staining his face in midnight blue.


He groaned in pain as he slumped against the rough bark of the tree.


Across the clearing, the beast was thrown back several meters, its form contorted and writhing in agony.

It emitted a haunting, discordant cry, its voice a cacophony of tortured sounds.

Blur's vision slowly cleared as he fought to regain his senses.

His body ached, but he knew he had to keep moving despite the pain.

The last of his strength was summoned, and he reached out into the woods while slowly crawling and lifting himself off the ground.

Blur was drawn into the forest by a shadow as it provided cover—he struggled to stand and pushed farther into the woods.

Blu's vision was a blurry haze as he struggled to regain control of his body.

He could feel a force tugging at him, pulling him out of the dark forest.

His limbs moved without his consent, and his head felt heavy from the lingering effects of the spell he had cast.

As he slowly lifted his head, his bleary eyes fell upon a figure half-shrouded in the shadows.

It was Number 102, her face etched with determination as she strained to carry his limp form.

Despite the peril they were in, Blur couldn't help but be stunned by the way she held steadfast with her intent to save him.

His mind struggled to break free from the fog that clung to his thoughts, and gradually, he regained a foothold on reality.

Control over his own body returned, though he still felt a bit dizzy and disoriented.

His hand moved to his nose, and when he pulled it away, he found something unexpected—.



It wasn't the crimson red he had anticipated.

Instead, it glistened like a deep blue, shining like the sky on a clear summer day. Blur's brows furrowed in confusion as he stared at the strange sight.

"I'm... I'm seeing things?" he muttered to himself, his voice barely a whisper—why is my blood blue?

"Pi-ii…" The monstrous voice echoed through the forest, a primal and unnerving sound that reverberated like a raging beast.

Blur's attention was torn away from his peculiar blue blood as he scanned the surroundings, trying to locate the source of the voice.

His eyes darted around, searching for any sign of the creature that had pursued them.

The shadows danced menacingly, concealing their foe.

However, his gaze soon settled on Number 102. She stood there, trembling with fear, her eyes wide with terror.

In that moment, Blur realized that he couldn't simply leave her behind.

They were in this together, and if no one was going to save them, then they had to save each other.

Summoning every ounce of courage he possessed, Blur attempted to step away, to confront the approaching beast.

But as he moved, Number 102's grip tightened on his clothing, her eyes filled with desperation.