


Blur's eyes snapped open, and he found himself in a state of shock.

His body was drenched in sweat, his heart racing like a galloping steed.

With heavy breaths, he tried to calm himself down. The room around him was awash in a soft, eerie white glow, and he was cocooned in his white bedding.

As his racing heart slowed to a more manageable pace, Blur's mind began to race.

What had just happened? Was it a nightmare? Or was it something else entirely?

His memories were a jumbled mess, fragmented and elusive, like trying to grasp at a fleeting dream.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his mind desperately trying to piece together the fragments of his memory.

The only thing he could recall was a sense of terror and despair, as if he had been trapped in a nightmare, unable to escape.

Blur knew he had to make sense of what had just transpired, and the memory of a particular cat crossed his mind.

The mysterious creature he had encountered in the past had often provided cryptic guidance.

Perhaps it held some answers to his current predicament.

With a determined resolve, Blur swung his legs over the side of the bed and planted his feet on the floor. He steadied himself as he stood up, feeling slightly disoriented. The room had a surreal quality to it, as if it existed on the border between reality and a dream.

As he made his way towards the door, he phased through the door that appeared to be a translucent barrier, like a ghostly veil.

Blur hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. But the desire for answers outweighed his uncertainty.

On the other side of the door was a corridor bathed in the same eerie white light.

It stretched out infinitely in both directions, creating an unsettling sense of vastness. Blur took a deep breath and began to run, determined to find the answers he sought.

As he ran down the corridor, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was in a place that defied logic and reason. The boundaries between dreams and reality blurred, and Blur couldn't be certain of anything anymore. But one thing was clear: he had to find that mysterious cat and discover the truth behind his unsettling experience.

"What's wrong, Blur—Nya?" a soft, adorable voice filled Blur's ears as he ran.

Coming to a halt at the library entrance, he blinked his eyes open, and his vision was immediately engulfed by a fluffy, snow-white presence emitting tiny mewling sounds. It was a petite, precious ball of white fluff—a cat.

Blinking back confusion, Blur realized he was staring at a small white cat with whiskers twitching in curiosity.

It sat gracefully on the marble floor, its bright eyes fixed on him, conveying a hint of suspicion, as if it sensed something unusual about him.

—ding, dong-ding, ding

The facility's bells tolled in, breaking through the conversation, and the cat's worried expression shifted to an even more distressed one.

It let out another tiny mewl.

"Good morning. Why are you running—Nya?" The white cat greeted Blur with concern. It’s usual '—Nya' sound added a cuteness almost overwhelming.

Blur tried to orient himself. "Good morning."

He struggled to remember why he was running.

But as he attempted to recall the events, his mind felt like a blank canvas, as if something had wiped away his recent memories.

The cat continued with a hint of genuine worry, "Did something happen?"

"Ahh... Why was I running today?" Blur muttered, perplexed by his inability to recall what had transpired.

It was as if a fog had descended upon his mind, shrouding his recent experiences.

"Well, I was worried that you might not wake up after that blast almost shattered most of your bones and ruptured half your organs. So, I thought if I called out to you, you might regain consciousness. After a few days, you didn't respond, so I wanted to try out a '—Nya' cat-like voice. But to my surprise, you’ve suddenly woke up?" The cat explained matter-of-factly.

"Yes, well, there's something I wanted to tell you, but it escaped my mind."

Blur replied, his memory still shrouded in a thick mist.

The cat blinked, and a brief silence settled between them.

"Wait, did you just say I almost died?" Blur's heart began to race as he anxiously examined his body, finding no signs of injury.

The cat remained nonchalant. "Who k—nays’?"

His heart pounding, Blur tried to make sense of the cat's words. How had he gone from near-death to a full recovery in such a short time? It seemed almost miraculous, and he was eager to understand the advanced technology at play in the facility.

"We had you transported to the adult section for a day before you came here," the cat added casually.

"I see," Blur replied, still processing the incredible speed of his recovery, which spoke volumes about the facility's advanced technology.

The cat moved gracefully towards an entrance, and its swaying tail indicated that it held a special position within the facility.

It was not only the unofficial morning alarm but also seemed to have insider knowledge about the facility.

With newfound determination, Blur followed the cat, stopping at a seemingly invisible entrance with a translucent barrier.

Having grown accustomed to this strange phenomenon, Blur took a deep breath and stretched his body, still slightly aching from his previous experiences. He glanced around at the bright, white hallway and decided to follow the cat further.

The cat had shown him a floor plan of the facility a few weeks ago, giving him a sense of direction within the library.

As they moved forward,

Why does it feel like I have gone through all this, Blur's curiosity was stronger than ever.


Blur followed the white cat through the facility, his curiosity piqued by the mysterious surroundings.

He had seen the cat display an impressive floor plan of the library before, and he wondered how it was able to access such information.

The circular hall before him was divided into three sections: Science, Arts, and Social.

In the center of the library stood a globe, which the cat had explained served as the mind of the library itself.

Any book within the library could be accessed by following the glowing cryptic words that emanated from the white books.

It was an intriguing system, one that had always left him curious about how it worked.

"Telepathy?" Blur asked, still puzzled by the cat's explanation.

"Yes," the cat confirmed. "It's like a form of telepathy between you and the library's mind. You just need to concentrate on the words, and it will guide you."