


Ding-ding dong, ding dong—

The fourth bell rang, its echoing chime resonating through the facility.

It was an eerily haunting sound that felt like it was crawling up my skin the first time I heard it.

But after a few weeks of listening, I grew accustomed to the sound, and it no longer sent shivers down my spine.

Moreover, I found myself seated on a cool marble white bench in the dressing room.

I had brought Number 102 here for a change of clothes.

Six white sheets were spread out in orderly rows, each providing a small, private space for one to change.

She had occupied one of them.

While I was beside the sheet keeping my gaze focused on the ceiling, the girl had taken occupancy in the space, hidden from my view behind a white sheet.

The room was filled with the soft rustling of fabric as she struggled to change.

I couldn't help but sneak a glance up at the soft blue light emanating from the white ceiling, trying to avoid eavesdropping on the intimate sounds behind the sheets.

My dignity as a male was at stake, and I didn't want to invade her privacy or make her uncomfortable.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she emerged from behind the white sheet, wearing the same simple white clothes she had before.

While it wasn't a surprise, the fact that she had managed to dress herself in such a short time astonished me.

It was as if she was a quick learner with a remarkable memory.

Unable to hold back, I offered a genuine compliment, "It looks good on you," as her white hair danced in the soft light, and her bright blue eyes gave off an impish air of cuteness.

She responded with a dainty yawn, her small frame shivering ever so slightly.

"It seems like it's time for bed," I suggested, recognizing her fatigue.

"Let's go."

We left the dressing room behind and made our way to the living quarters.

Upon arrival, I walked up to the first room and stood at the entrance, turning to her.

"This is my room," I informed her, "You can choose any room you want."

However, to my surprise, she hesitated, her blue eyes filled with uncertainty.

It seemed she wasn't ready to make such a choice yet, or perhaps she still needed guidance to her quarters.

I couldn't simply allow her to follow me everywhere; it wouldn't be beneficial for her in the long run.

A sense of responsibility washed over me, and I decided to offer some advice.

"I understand that you're alone and might feel lonely," I began gently, "but it's important not to rely on me for everything, especially when we've just met."

Her eyes seemed to search mine for reassurance.

I continued, "There might be a chance that I'm a bad guy."

She uttered an uncertain "Ar..." in response, which, strangely enough, I understood.

"Obviously, I'm not a bad guy," I reassured her, a hint of a smile on my face, "but what I'm saying is that there's also a chance for you to discover your own strengths and make new friends.

Relying on me for everything wouldn't help you grow as a person."

To my surprise, Number 102 smiled back at me, though her smile held a hint of melancholy. Her small act of courage in choosing her own path seemed to resonate with me.

My heart throbbed slightly, but I pushed that feeling aside.

"That's the spirit, 102!" I encouraged her. "Just remember, I'm here as a friend whenever you need someone to talk to."

She then walked up to the room next door and phased through the translucent barrier.

As I thought back on what I had just said, it occurred to me that those might have been words of wisdom—similar to what the cat had implied earlier.

The next day arrived with a peculiar wake-up call that I couldn't ignore. Ding—dong, ding—

The bells tolled as their eerie sound filtered through my room, coaxing me out of sleep.

As I groggily blinked my eyes open, I whispered to myself, "It's morning."

Typically, I would be roused from slumber by the soft paws of my feline companion, but today was different.

The cat had left yesterday in search of a solution to the communication limitations of Number 102, leaving me to take care of her in his absence.

My thoughts briefly wandered to Number 102, and I hoped she was an early riser; I had no desire to wake a sleeping princess.

"Huh!?" My doubts were soon washed away as I was greeted by a sight that immediately sent my heart into a frenzy.

There, in my bed, right beside me, lay a half-naked young girl.

It was Number 102, her long white hair sprawled across my pillow.

She looked entirely too comfortable nestled beneath my blanket.

"W-what?!" I couldn't help but exclaim, my voice cracking in panic.

The girl stirred, her eyelids fluttering as she slowly roused from her slumber.

In a rather clumsy manner, she stretched her arms, accidentally smacking me right in the face.

"Ouch!" I winced, instinctively rubbing my sore cheek.

She let out a tiny yawn and stretched some more.

It was clear that she hadn't quite grasped the situation yet, or perhaps she was doing all of this intentionally?

However, her demeanor changed as she glanced around the room, her eyes widening with alarm.

It was at this moment that she also realized her state of undress, and she hastily pulled the blanket up to cover herself.

For the first time, I saw her react in a way that felt normal, or rather, too normal given the circumstances.

After all, we had bathed together before, and nothing unusual had happened until now—well, until this morning.

What had transpired during the night?

"Ah...?" she stammered, her face burning with embarrassment.

My mind was swirling with a million questions, and my own face must have been as red as hers.

How had this girl ended up in my bed, and why was she half-naked? I couldn't wrap my head around it.

My questions started to receive answers when I noticed a white book with glowing blue script lying on the bed.

It was unmistakably a book from the library.

I picked it up and read the title, ‘How to Close the Gap with Your Partner’.

"No..." she muttered, gesturing as if she wanted to hide the book from me.

The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. She must have read the book.

She bit her lip, clearly flustered. "Th... This is..."

Despite the awkwardness, I managed a nervous smile. "I understand."

I understood that everything that had happened yesterday was her attempt to follow the book's directions.

Number 102 nodded, her blush showing no signs of fading. "Yes..."

It was clear that someone was in for a lot of trouble, but despite it all, I couldn't help but feel that the entire situation wasn't entirely her fault.

In spite of this bizarre situation, her stomach chose that moment to grumble loudly, breaking the tension. She couldn't help but blush—beet-red at the timing.