



A stiff voice suddenly broke the silence, drawing my attention to the girl I had collided with earlier.

She tentatively tugged at the hem of my shirt, uttering words that were barely audible.

I strained to understand her, but it was clear that she was still unable to speak fluently.

Confused, she squirmed slightly when she noticed my gaze fixed on her.

"What's wrong?" I asked gently.

"Na..." she whispered.

It seemed that she still couldn't speak properly.

She took a few steps back, her long white hair swaying with her movements. It appeared as if she was trying to convey something, but her words remained unintelligible.

I knelt down, bringing myself closer to her in an attempt to hear her better.

She leaned in slightly, attempting to speak, but it was still too unclear.

As she leaned closer, her long bangs veiling half her face revealed a hint of redness on her cheeks. She gave off an aura of someone who was shy and reclusive.

Realizing that waiting for her to speak might be futile, I decided to take a guess at why she had approached me.

She held a book tightly between her chests.

"Um... that book," I began, trying to communicate.

She immediately extended her hands, offering the book to me.

It was clear that she had brought it with a specific purpose in mind.

"Are you going to give me the book?" I asked, trying to understand her intentions.

There was a brief negative reaction from her as she shook her head, indicating that my guess was incorrect.

Despite her communication limitations, I was determined to figure out her intentions.

I noticed that she was making an effort to communicate, even if it was challenging for her.

"Do you want me to read the book for you?" I suggested, picking up on her garbled comments.

She nodded in response, confirming my assumption. It appeared that the reason she had sought me out was to have me read the book she held so dearly.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.

Did she see me as some sort of teacher?

It was clear that she had her own set of limitations, not just in speaking but also in comprehending written words.

I sighed, realizing that the cat had left me with the responsibility of tending to her needs without providing much information about her.

Perhaps he trusted me, or maybe there was no one else to turn to.

"The Princess's Knight," I said, picking up the book she had offered.

I read out the title, and it became apparent that the book was reminiscent of picture books I had seen in my early days, with unconventional drawings for a book that seemed more suitable for children.

"P-prin...cess..." she stuttered, attempting to say the word.

"Ah, that's the name of the book," I replied, trying to help her.

"N-nam..." she started, her eyes fixated on me with a curious expression, as though she had just discovered a new word.

"...Uh-huh," I responded, acknowledging her discovery.

There was a brief pause in our conversation, and I noticed that she stared at me with a look of confusion.

It suddenly dawned on me that she might not know what a name was.

"You don't know what a name is?" I asked, seeking confirmation.

She nodded in response, confirming my suspicion.

It seemed that she had no knowledge of the concept of names.

As I pondered her situation, I realized that it bore similarities to my own. I had found myself in this facility with no memories and had struggled to recall my own name.

Was she in a similar predicament?


A sudden glitch in my memories sent a sharp pain through my head, making me wince.

My thoughts were disrupted, and I couldn't remember my own name. Had I lost that too?

I tried to push the thought aside, as dwelling on it wouldn't get me anywhere.

I had so many unanswered questions about this place, and the library, with its white nuns, and was providing no hints only doubts.

Her continued stare brought me back to her question—what is a name?

I sighed and offered an explanation, "A name is similar to your number, but instead of numbers, we use words, and each name has a meaning. Just like the princess in this book."

"D-do... I've... a na...?" she tried to ask, struggling with each word.

"Well, even if you ask me, it's not like I have a name either, so no, both of us don't have a name," I replied, trying to comfort her.

"H-ho... do... I ge... it?" she inquired, her gaze now more focused and inquisitive.

"Normally, you get names from adults, but I doubt that would be possible here," I explained, unsure if my words were truly getting through to her.

Her sapphire-blue eyes, partially visible beneath her flowing white hair, glistened with curiosity as she absorbed my explanation.

It was evident that she was trying her best to comprehend the concept of names, which was entirely foreign to her.

"Um..." I mumbled, feeling somewhat unsettled about what to call her.

It was clear that she didn't have a name, just like me, and referring to her as 'she or girl' felt rather impersonal.

After a moment of contemplation, I decided on a temporary solution.

"Why don't we call you by your number, since you don't have a name, at least until I think of a name for you?" I suggested, looking for her approval.

She blinked in acknowledgment, seemingly accepting my proposal.

I turned my attention to her neck and peered over it, noticing a small number tag with the digits "102" etched onto it.

"Great," I declared with a slight smile.

"That'll be your name for now, Number 102."

A sudden realization washed over me. Perhaps the reason behind our shared experience lay in the very nature of this world. It was as if the facility itself erased our past lives, reducing us to blank slates with no memories or names to call our own.