
Reiki Recovery : I am The Destiny Villain

[This Novel is dropped.] Liam was reincarnated into a world, where 100 year's ago reiki recovery was started. Here strong can do anything, rules are only for weak. At the beginning with him was a system, and he choose to be a villain at the beginning. Even though he could be a protagonist and even could live his life as a ordinary person. Why did he still choose villain at the beginning. Is it really his an simple choice or was there a fate in the dark??? But when he knows the cause of his reincarnation and recovered some of his memories. He looked at the sky as if his eyes could see an certain universe. He laughed while his purple eyes flashed with a red colour and said "Even though I was failed but this demon is still alive hahaha." ******* THIS NOVEL IS SLICE OF LIFE FIRST. AFTER THAT THIS CAN BE CALLED A VILLAIN TYPE NOVEL. IN MY NOVEL MAIN CHARACTER WILL BECAME CRUEL BUT THAT IS FROM SECOND VOLUME. **THIS NOVEL CONTAINS INCEST.** **NO NTR.** **NO YURI.** *** The book cover isn't mine, if you're the artist behind this masterpiece, and you want me to take it down! I would gladly do it, just inform me in my latest chapters on the comments! Cover illustration credit on Pixiv : unknown *** Discord Server Link :- https://discord.gg/38sHvNaUzr

Parshant_Morwal · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 1. Reincarnation and System [Edited]

Time Dosen't Stop For Anyone,

It's has been 18 year since I have reincarnated into this world, My name is Liam Ashleigh.

In this world where reiki recovery had started, I was born with same face as my previous life with black hair and purple eyes, and handsome face.

Today Liam is very exited because today will be the day when system will be restarted, and also have one 'important' thing to do. Thinking of the 'important' thing he smiled.

Liam is currently in his room looking into the air, the room was in one of his villas near the mountain and in front of him there is a screen that only he can see and there is written.

{Restart System Time :- 1 Hour : 19 Minutes}

18 Year's Ago,

When he first opened his eyes he was stunned because the roof of his room has changed just slept, woke up and crossed.

He didn't get any electric shock, he was not hit by a car when saving the girl, this is not in line with the routine, and there is not any friend of his that like to prank.

As he was thinking, he opened his eyes and saw a women that look 'big.' He also thought how could he see a female and what the hell his position, where was he laying down.

That woman was looking at him tenderly but as he was about to speak there was not anything that could be heard except some baby cry.

Then he suddenly heard sound of baby cry and he was sure he was not crying.

After he gives it his attention, he felt that sound was coming from his side.

As he was about to turn his body to the side and see the child he was stunned again and then understand everything he was reincarnated as a child and beside him is probably his twin brother or Sister.

He looked at his hands and saw his hands that had become small like baby.

Then there was sound of 'DING' in his mind.

{Ding, the host has been detected that he had awakened, is the System bound?}

'System? My Gold Finger has arrived.'

After the surprise, he said in his mind' Binding, of course binding.'

It's also a gold finger anyway, how can someone who has no talents except being a little handsome like him can be mixed up in this new world.

He is self-aware, In his previous life he was a handsome ordinary person. Even though he wasn't poor but he was not rich also.

In this life, he didn't know about what kind of world this is and only with golden finger can he be ahead of others.

{Ding, the binding is successful and seeing the current situation of host and binding the system for the first time, the host has given some choices.}

Is this a God level Choice system or what? As he was thinking of this, the choices in front of him opened.

{1. Became Protagonist [Life will be hard in starting and where you will go people will humiliate you but you can face slape them in latter stages, Background will be also better in later stages.]

2. Became Villain. [Where you will go people will awe you. Life will be amazing and background will be amazing in early and middle stages but you will have feud with the Protagonist fortunately or unfortunately.]

3. Became Ordinary Person [Remain as an ordinary person there will be not any kind of adventure and talent will be ordinary. Live life like a NPC.] }

He saw the options and first he left the 3rd option. Anyway he's also a reincarnator, how could he enjoy remaining an ordinary person in his new life.

Then he looked at 1st option, Become protagonist is the most better choice because luck will protect you from danger every time but after reincarnating he didn't want to be humiliated, so after thinking for some minutes he also left this option.

Then he looked at the remaining option, Even though he will become villain but he choose this anyway.

What happens if he had feud with the protagonist's, he will become a villain anyway.

So he selected the second option.

{Host has selected second option, processing the selection, option selection is done.}

{As the option selected by host, the system will automatically turn to 'Destiny Villain System.'}

{Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Novice Gift Pack.}

He eas surprised that system can also be converted but when he saw novice gift pack his eye lit up and he forgot about it.'

{Ding, does the host open the novice gift pack?}

"Open it."

{Ding, Congratulations to the host for gaining the Physique of Heavenly Devourer Demon, Demon Devouring art and 1000 villain point.}

(Author Note :- The physique will be changed in the future.)

As he saw physique of 'Heavenly Devourer Demon' and Demon Devouring art his eyes lit up.

Even though he don't about what it is but the name is absolutely overbearing, so the Art and Physique should be better, right.

Then he looked at it's description,

{Physique :- Heavenly Devourer demon : The Heaven Devourer demon Physique enables the cultivator to swallow anything by creating a black hole in front of them.

It can swallow other people demon heart and become strong. The cultivators who has this Physique will not have any Demon heart in his life.

[Note :-This can complement with demon Devouring art.] }

{Demon Devouring art :

A forbidden techniue that allows the cultivator to swallow other people cultivation and even their soul.}

Well even though he knew that it would be amazing but he was still stunned as he read it's introduction.

{Ding, does the host merge the physique and learn art?}

He looked at this, and said in his heart 'Merge and hide any kind of natural vision.'

{Ding, for hiding natural vision it will take 1000 villain points, does the host spent 1000 villain points?}

Liam saw this and allow it.

Even though it need to spend villain points for hiding the vision.

But he didn't know what kind of world has he born except that here we can cultivate, what would happen if it was any high rank world and the family was poor does he want to become orphan at the beginning.

As he allow it, there was vast information about the art inside his mind.

Also when the physique merge with him. He felt very comfortable not any kind of pain or some black like substance that kept out from his body for washing the tendon or anything.

{Ding, Congratulations the host for Merging Heavenly Devourer Demon physique and Learning Demon Devouring art.}

{Ding It is detected that the current timeline don't match the plot time, System is going into hibernation till then. When the timeline is correct and match the plot line, the system will awaken then.

Note : Novice gift pack can be used normally.}

{System restart time : In 18 year}

18 year later or the current time,

After the some time later the system started as it was written and his heart also relaxed.

{System is restarting and restarted successfully.}

"Open status"


[Host]: Liam Ashleigh

[Age]: 18

[Strength]: Early stage of Void Core

[Charm]: 100 (out of 100)

[Luck]: 5000 (100 for ordinary people)

[Life span]: 600 years

[Villain Points]: 0

[Ability]: Demon Devouring art, Basic Fighting Skill, Basic Sword Technique.

[Items]: None

As he saw his strength, he smiled in this world, known as Tellus, Void core is absolutely safe, It is only second to Gold core where the cultivators can cultivate till now.

Tellus a world that was ordinary before but because of unknown reasons, here the aura recovery started hundred years ago.

The concentration of Aura is relatively normal and we can only cultivate till Gold core.

When the second time Aura recovery would start, only then can be some higher strength then Gold core can be cultivated.

In Tellus Cultivation level are also defined.

In the beginning, there was no 'stages' concept in the Cultivation.

Each level was different according to Foundation building, Inborn, Nascent soul and other notable symbols for each realm.

The Concept of this was popularised during when the Will of world imprinted some basic information about cultivation level.

Even though the will of world is somehow intelligent according to him but it doesn't or cannot interface in the world.

Cultivation level's can be also called from 1- 9 stages.

There other name are Five Acupoint, Dantian, Extraordinary Meridians, Void Core, Gold Core, Spirit Lake, Nascent Soul, False Immortal, Tribulation Immortal, True Immortal.

The stages are divided further into minor realms. Primary, intermediate, advanced and peak stages.

In order to breakthrough these minor realms, a cultivator must fulfil the Cultivation level requirements first.

Relatively the more powerful the person will be the more he will know about the world.

Liam Mom and Dad are absolute force they are in gold core peak stages you can say as long as aura recovery start for second time they can breakthrough and enter Spirit Lake primary stage.

His Mom and Dad in this life don't have much time to spend in home.

Because his Dad is the Head of Federal Government that is known as number one force in Tellus.

He suddenly thought of something and asked the System "System, is this Important to fight with the protagonist? and are there any system tasks?"

{Ding, The system has task's but the system will not force the host to do any task.

Everything depends on the host's choice.

The system will not interfere. Even if the host becomes a good person, the system will not interfere with the host's will, but there is no reward.}

After hearing it Liam smiled and said "It is better"

Fortunately, his system is not forcing him to do this and that, otherwise Liam would definitely feel uncomfortable..

"System, What is the book triggered book."

{Ding, Trigger The book " The Master Comes down from the Mountain " Information about the book has been transmitted to host mind.}

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