
Reigning Kingdoms

In doing good, she became evil. Cateile, an independent princess of Kajor was often sheltered by her Royal Father and Mother. With the sudden appearance of an older sinister sister that she never knew existed, her life changed completely. In hopes to save her kingdom from an evil threat, Cateile sells her soul for a power that is far too great to handle. A power that eventually will summon "him".

Deja_Andio · Fantasy
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20 Chs

CHAPTER 5: Ipreya

"My Queen! We are almost to the harbor." A guard jogged up to stand beside Cobrantes, whom had her eyes closed in contemplation. She petted a ghost snake that was wrapped around her right forearm, slithering onto the other arm. Without even so much as a nod towards the young guard, she turned towards her quarters aboard the ship.

Cobrantes' long black hair pooled down her back, whipping into the wind. She adorned an all-black gown, outlined with golden embroidery and a matching veil that covered all but her eyes. The overhead sun touched her face and golden hues flickered in her golden-brown eyes as she made ever brief glances at the guards she passed. She has deep brown skin that shimmered with hold in the light. She was a rare beauty. All the men aboard the ship had been often caught staring at her when she emerged from her quarters. She had heard several men getting berated by their leaders for daring to covet the queen.

After what Cobrantes had been through she had learned how to use the art of seduction to her benefit. With her intelligence and beauty, she knew there was no way that she would remain caged like an animal forever. If only her beauty didn't attract.... that man, she wouldn't have had to live through years of abuse. However short lived it may have been.

Upon entering her quarters, she opened a nearby pot and slid the slithering beast into it. On the countertop, she took off and placed her Nekos; golden claws that only the most powerful were allowed to adorn. Each claw symbolized a great life that she had taken away. Throughout her years of fighting on the battlefield she had killed many great generals. And as of recently.... a king.

"Your grace. You awoke so soon." A gruntled, raspy voice came from the woman who was still laying half naked in her bed. As she had completely forgotten about the damsel all morning, she grinned into the mirror as she took off the veil and laid it upon the countertop. She brushed her long curly hair that had been tossed around by the morning wind. "Why don't you come and relax more, my queen."

"It is already morning, Furya. It is time that you get yourself adorned as well." Cobrantes walked over to the bed and lowered herself down next to the woman. Caressing her bare shoulder, she leaned in.

"It seems I'm disturbing something. Should I come back at a later time? Perhaps after we've reached harbor?" Her closest advisor Qemor stood in the doorway. His tall figure was nothing but a shadow as it blocked out the sun's rays from entering. His shadow's silhouette almost reached the bed where the two women sat. He leaned against the threshold, his fingers tapping the counter next to him impatiently with his handsome face showing amusement.

"Why yes, Qemor. Anyone else would have had the proper sense there would be no discussion." Furya did a slight giggle as she turned back to try to brush her lips with the queen's.

Cobrantes grabbed Furya's chin right before their lips could touch and she peered into the woman's eyes annoyingly. Digging her nails into her cheek, she pushed her face away from hers. "Get....out."

Although Cobrantes' words were spoken calmly, the lady scurried to grab her belongings and leave the room. It was a routine since she became queen to never request anything twice of anyone. If she did have to request twice, that person wouldn't live very long.

"I could've come back later and let you enjoy your *cough* time." Qemor shot the queen a grin as he made his way to the bottle of wine that sat by her bedside. She reached out to caress his muscular arm as he was about to pour himself a glass.

"Any time with you Qemor is a better time." The Queen's smile immediately left her face as he brushed her hand aside from his forearm. She had been rejected again and again from this man and now was no different.

"No. It can't be." Qemor stepped back to a safe distance between the two and continued to sip his wine. He had to brush his long brown hair from out of his way as he drank.

Cobrantes crossed her right leg over her left and leaned back onto her elbows. Dismissing the recent rejection that she was so familiar with, she eyed the man. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Maybe too handsome to whereas she had tried to keep her distance but couldn't help falling in love with her closest advisor. He had protected her from life and death even at the expense of taking a sword to his chest. She would never forget the loyalty this man had shown throughout the years.

"We are almost at Ipreya, my queen. It is best that we prepare."

"I suppose you are right. I should prepare myself for my joyous family reunion."

"Joyous?" A small chuckle left his lips.

"Isn't that why I'm here? To reunite with my long... lost...family."

"No." Qemor placed the now empty glass down onto the counter and leaned back against it. He crossed his arms and propped one leg up against it.

"No?" This response made Cobrantes sit up in question at him.

"Forgive me for saying this but...you are all too predictable." He waited for her reaction and after he got nothing but an eyebrow raise, he continued. "I know you, Cobra. You are no fool, but you tend to take me as one. I know that right now we sail to their harbor, meanwhile our armies are coming on foot. I know that you are going there at the pretense of closure but at a reality that we both can't deny."

"And what is that reality?" Cobrantes now stood, slowly inching closer towards him until she stood almost chest to chest with him. She could feel the body heat permeating from him. She could smell the wine that had just graced his lips.

"The reality of war. I am no fool." He inched his head closure to hers to combat her intimidation.

"You could be my fool." Cobrantes whispered against his lips as she grinned, not surprised that he already knew of her plan.

Qemor grabbed her gently by the back of the head and pulled her closer, still not yet connecting his lips with hers.

"I'll always be...the queen's fool. So long as you are queen...." With that he dodged his way around her to the door, leaving her where she stood. Cobrantes sat in the same position staring into the murky mirror atop her counter. Every time Qemor had said the word "queen", he would remind her of that night. That night that she had decided that she would be the queen.

Maybe I should've given a warning about the BL/GL that will be seen in this novel? But who cares!? The more the better! lol

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