
Reigning Kingdoms

In doing good, she became evil. Cateile, an independent princess of Kajor was often sheltered by her Royal Father and Mother. With the sudden appearance of an older sinister sister that she never knew existed, her life changed completely. In hopes to save her kingdom from an evil threat, Cateile sells her soul for a power that is far too great to handle. A power that eventually will summon "him".

Deja_Andio · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Black Magic

Black Magic. For centuries dark magic was banned from the continent of Kaazure. The effects of the magic were too great for the average men to handle and could not be learned by all. It had uses for both good…. And evil. When wielded by a righteous individual it could save and protect lives! However, history has shown that those that could wield it…. did so only for power. They were as Gods. Evil Gods that often-destroyed kingdoms.

For decades the High Priests of Kaazure would come together to seal the Black Magic and stop him from entering the continent. They passed this ritual down through the generations, until it reached today's High Priests. The southern kingdom's Jarhod of Kajor, northern kingdom's Kripis of Lednon, the eastern kingdom's Mawith of Lusidor, and the western kingdom's Omni of Aetranthis. All kingdoms put aside their differences for the greater good. Rather the greater evil

They called him the God of War. He was the key to those Gods destroying kingdoms He came with armies of war, deception, and fire. Lots of fire.

The original High Priests of Kaazure found the secret to sealing his magic almost 300 years ago. How? It was never known, for once the High Priests sealed his magic, they burned all traces of him. Including black magic. They only taught the world of the great deeds they had done and to be thankful for their sacrifices. The secrets were only passed down from High Priest to High Priest. Sworn to protect the secret and never tell a foreign body. They were safe and that was all the kingdom needed to feel assured. It was left at that and never questioned. Never spoken of again.

"Finished so soon?" Qemor looked over at Cateile collapsed on the bed in a deep slumber.

"Of course. She's very weak minded. It was easy to get inside of her head." Cobra wiped the wine from her lips as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her pupils, previously in the shape of a snake's, had almost returned to their original forms. Tilting her neck sideways, the small black scales had started to recede. It was the effects of the black magic.

Whenever she used her enchanting black magic, her true form would begin to show. She would take on the appearance of her guardian…a snake. It was the best chance she had at wielding the powerful magic. With her alluring tongue, captivating eyes, and majestic appearance, she was unstoppable. There had never been a soul that she could not captivate. First, she would seduce them with curiosity, beckon them with her eyes, and then finally, enchant them with her glib tongue.

"So? What was the outcome?"

"She told me nothing of great importance. Idle banter, really." Cobra looked over her shoulder at Cateile sprawled across the bed. "We need him. How is the progress with our little…. deviation?"

"I sent a hawk three days ago to general Hassan. He will succeed. I'm sure of it." Qemor's eyes met Cobra's briefly before glancing back over at Cateile. "And you're sure she's the one?"

"Well, you had better be sure Hassan does. I'm getting impatient being here in this wretched place." Cobrantes sat beside Cateile and slowly stroked her hair.

"I am sure of it. But first, she must learn to hate before she is hated." Twirling her finger around one of the coils, she yanked a strand out. Reaching her hand out to Qemor, she placed the strand into his palm.

"I'm sure she will hate you, soon enough." He wrapped the strand tightly in his grasp and exited the room.

Cobra did not so much as flinch at the undying truth he spoke. Cateile would hate her for what she was about to bring. It was her destiny, and she had no remorse for fulfilling it. She was here to fulfill an order and no one would stand in her way. No one.

Cateile's eyes shot open! She tried to sit up, but the room was spinning around her. One hand bracing her up, the other clutching her head she let out a loud groan. She squeezed her eyes shut and inhaled slowly. Her mouth was very dry. With her eyes still closed, she reached out to the bedside table where her servants normally placed water for her every morning.


Startled at the sudden placement of a cup in her hand, Cat peeked out to see who it was.

Kilik! He was sitting at her bedside. His eyes were watching her face as he gently advised for her to drink. She peeked over the brim of the cup as she studied her surroundings. Wait a moment. She was in her room! How did she get here? Wasn't she…?"

Kilik, guessing why her eyes widened, snatched the cut from her hand. Crossing his muscular arms across his chest, he leaned back. His facial expression changed from concerned, to troubled.

"Does father know?" Seeing as how Kilik waited for her to respond, meant that he was aware of where she had been. Cateile reached out for the cup again but was denied by Kilik as he stood up. Giving a small pout, she raised herself up to bring her legs under her in a kneel.

"Please. Don't tell him."

"If you know how upset the Heliar would be, then you should have nev…"

"I understand clearly. You won't tell him, will you?" Attempting to test out her charms, she batted her eyes at Kilik. After noticing that it wouldn't work, she plopped herself back into a sitting position.

"If he were to ask, simply tell him that I was with you!.... at the err…festival! I was simply curious and…"

"You wish for me to lie to the Heliar?"

"You're like a son to him! He trusts you even more than he does me! His own daughter! If you tell him then he will believe you!"

Cat noticed Kilik's eye seemed to twitch faintly? Was it because of her asking him to fib to the Heliar? It wouldn't have been the first time. Besides, if Kilik were to be her future husband he would have to learn to side with his wife, no doubt!

"Kilik? Kilik?" After a few moments of him staring blankly at her, he seemed to snap back into it. He must have been in deep thought about what she had done. She felt a little anxious but was almost certain Kilik would help her. "Come to your senses, will you?"

"Hmph." With no more than a slight snicker, Kilik jolted the cup of water to have it splash into Cateile's face! A loud gasp left Cat's mouth. Startled, wet, and confused she stared at him in astonishment! Had he really gone mad from one little white lie?

Kilik slammed the, now, empty cup down onto the table and turned away. Smirking, he threw a retort over his shoulder.

"You come to your senses."

Nara waited in the hallway outside of Cat's bed chambers. She could overhear Kilik and Cat's playful banter on the other side of the wooden door. Pacing back and forth impatiently, her mind was in deep thought. She could barely sleep after last night's banquet and had been in a daze all morning.

Last night, Nara had tried her hardest to seem unfazed by the sudden appearance of Cobrantes. She chattered away with Cat and Kilik, all the while noticing that her big sister kept surveying the hall. Even as Cobrantes rudely addressed her father, she often laid her eyes on Cateile.

Nara knew that was a mistake. Cat's biggest strength was her courage… and her biggest curse. She knew that when Cat became curious about something, that she would pursue it to the end regardless of warnings. This would lure Cat, pull her in slowly, and devour her from the inside out. Cobra's sudden interest in her sparked a nerve within Nara. She had not even so much as mentioned her name or speak in her direction. So why Cat?

Nara had watched the long looks Cobra gave Cat. Even as she departed the hall, Cobra's gaze beckoned Cat to follow. Roughly after an hour, she did. Cat followed her.

Nara knew she should have gone after her little sister but she was grateful for the alone time she was given… with Kilik. She had to remind herself often to shield her gaze and hide her expressions from him. Some years ago, the Heliar had promised Cat's hand to Kilik. His reasoning being that his youngest daughter was quite adventurous and mischievous and needed someone to protect her.

Nara remembered sitting across from the two at the table when the announcement was made. Her face was surely flushed. With jealousy. But she had to play it off as excitement. She had always longed for her father's greatest protector. She knew that they were the perfect match. But her father's decision was final.

Since Nara was little, she had always known that her father treated them differently. In others' eyes it would seem as though Nara was treated with favoritism over Cat. Nara was free to choose who she was to marry. Cat's marriage was chosen for her. Nara was free to learn swordsmanship and archery. Cat was not. Nara was free to roam the city. Cat often was not. It was something about the overprotectiveness of the Heliar that Nara did not understand. She just couldn't figure it out.

"Nara?" Kilik was standing outside of the door staring into her face. Those brilliant brown eyes laid upon her face, eyebrows raised.

"Oh. Sorry I was in thought. How is she?" Shaking her head to clear the protrusive thoughts Nara stared back at him. She had been shocked when she had discovered him carrying Cat back last night. From where? She did not know.

"She's awake. Call for a servant to dress her." Kilik, also in deep thought, tried to walk past Nara but was stopped by her hand grabbing his arm. He shot his eyes up at her, waiting for her to speak. She just stared at him with a question on her face. Did she ask him something? He didn't hear it.

"Last night…where did you both come fro..? Err..I mean… Why was she sleeping when you carried her back?" Nara jerked her hand away from his forearm as though leaving it there too long would affect her.

"The lantern festival, Nara." There was a moment of silence as Nara began to open her mouth for the next question. "She just drank a little too much. That's all."

Kilik gave Nara one last glance into her eyes. A serious look. A look that told her not to ask further. He continued pass her and disappeared down the hallway. Nara stared after him in silence as he headed towards the Heliar's tower.

She was no fool. She had followed Kilik that night and saw where he had gone. He had disappeared into an Inn in the heart of the city. After quite a long while he had emerged, Cat snuggled into the cave of his chest, as he carried her to the carriage he had brought. Nara had begun to follow the carriage back to the palace when she stopped and turned back towards the Inn.

Cobrantes was standing at the front entrance. She was staring directly at Nara, with an expression that made her skin crawl. Nara turned and fled back to the palace without a second look over her shoulders.