
Reigned in Freedom

An arranged marriage tears Christine from the only family she knows and into the arms of a masked Stranger

MaTk29 · Urban
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130 Chs

You are mine

"Oh, Erik! Your voice! You sound so sincere!" she gasped between laughter. Erik suddenly had her pinned to the bed with his body, staring down into her started eyes.

"I am sincere, you belong to me," he growled. Christine could feel her heart thundering in her chest. The way he was so effortlessly pinning her to the bed made shivers go up and down her spine.

"I do not," she protested breathlessly. She gasped when his hand cupped her breast.

"This belongs to me," he murmured, liking the way she fit his palm. His hand slowly made its way down to her outer thigh, where he gripped and opened her legs, pressing his arousal hard against her, eliciting a moan from Christine's mouth.

"This, in time, will belong to me," he continued. Then his mouth found hers and Christine could not think for a long time as his tongue invaded and conquered.

"You belong to me," he repeated against her mouth when he pulled away. Christine could only nod weakly, wanting his mouth claiming her again. There was silence for a long time, neither of them saying a word. Christine swallowed, not knowing why she said her next words but unable to remain silent any longer.

"Erik? Susannah...she told me about-about what is expected of me in the marriage bed," Christine said. Erik became very still. Oh, his spit-fire never ceased to amaze him! Her words stirred his body but also warred with his conscious. Was she telling him this because she wished to bed him? Or had what she had learned frightened her and so she was telling him that she could not possibly do such things? He liked the former rather then the latter.

"And what do you think about what you have learned?" he wondered. Christine said nothing and Erik wished he could see her face so he could read her emotions but it was far to dark.

"I do not know what to think," she whispered. Erik grinned, knowing Christine could not see it. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"Let me show you..." he murmured. Christine did not protest when he slipped his hot tongue into her mouth. How could she protest something that felt so good. She sucked on it and rubbed her own against his and he groaned agreeably for her to continue. His hands parted her robe and he moved his mouth down, latching onto her breast so suddenly that Christine gasped in surprised pleasure. He suckled and pulled on her and Christine's hand tangled in his hair, pulling him closer to her. There was dampness between her legs and Christine did not know what to do. She could feel Erik's hard arousal against her and pressed herself up into him, trying to relieve some of the pressure she felt.

Erik ground his pelvis against her and Christine wondered how she had gone so long without feeling like this with anyone. Could any other man make her feel this wanton? Erik had this passion that she craved and she would do anything for him to give that to her.

"Let me feel you," Erik said huskily, pulling her robe off and beginning to do the same with her thin chemise. Christine allowed it, hoping God would not think her a sinner for these feelings that she had no control over. Her breasts were suddenly pressed against his bare chest and they both made a prolonged moan at the contact.

Erik had never felt such small and yet beautifully tempting breasts. He took her into his mouth again because he had never wanted a woman more then he did that moment. Christine arched against him, the feeling of his mouth sending jolts of heat straight between her thighs.

"Erik!" she gasped. The feelings were too much, she felt as if she were burning in emotion.

"Tell me how good it feels," he murmured against the flesh of her breast. He knew how good it felt but he wanted to hear her moans. Christine blushed at his words, knowing what they were doing must be a sin, anything this good had to be. But it was when he touched her between her legs that she tried to move away. Erik, however, pinned her down.

"No, Erik...you cannot," she whispered, shaking her head.

"Why?" he demanded, knowing she had no answer. He was going to give her release, he had to do it. He needed to show her how good it could be between them.

"I...I...it cannot be right," she whispered. Erik kissed her and slowly stroked her with his fingers.

"Tell me it is not right when I am finished," he murmured. As his long fingers slowly began to explore her he liked the way she pressed her face into the side of his neck. He could feel the way her breath trembled and he marveled in the feeling. She was so moist and he could not get the idea out of his head that he was the first and only one who would touch her like this and live.

Christine pressed against his hand, whimpering at the feelings that seemed to be gathering in her stomach. Was this making love? She did not think so because Erik did not appear to be receiving any pleasure. She felt as if she was reaching for something the more Erik caressed her and she unconsciously fought it.

"Let it come, Christine...it will feel so good," Erik promised. Christine gasped against the damp skin of Erik neck and gave into the most incredible sensation she had ever experienced in her short life. It washed over her and seemed to be never ending and when it was finished she collapsed beneath Erik, completely spent. Erik pressed a hard kiss to her mouth. He had almost climaxed in his trousers but had somehow managed to stop himself.

"Perfect..." he murmured. He could not have asked for a better response. She had been willing and had let him take her to a place she had never been before.

"When you are ready to give me everything you are...I will give you much better then this," he murmured, moving off of her but still keeping her close. Christine was in a daze, not really knowing what had just happened. Her breasts rose and fell with her labored breathing and she closed her eyes. She did not know how it could get much better then this.