
Reigned in Freedom

An arranged marriage tears Christine from the only family she knows and into the arms of a masked Stranger

MaTk29 · Urban
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130 Chs


"I have to go back, Anthony," she whispered. Her brother said nothing. How could she make him understand that she felt as if she had to be with Erik? She could not explain what she meant because she did not really know what she meant. She had to be with him, she was afraid of what might happen when whoever wanted them dead caught up with him.

"We are going to Italy, Christine. If he comes after you and regrets his actions perhaps you can go back with him," Anthony said. She did not like the fact that he was taking charge of her life. She loved him for wanting her to be safe but she felt as if she should handle the things that she felt were none of his business. This was her marriage and Erik was her husband and they should work things out between them without any outside interference.

She knew Erik well enough to know that if he came after her it would not be because he was sorry for his actions. He would come because in his mind she was just like another piece of property that had just been stolen. He would not let anyone take what was his. She just prayed that he did not hurt Anthony in the process.

Christine would never be able to forget what had happened that night. Erik had hit her and the fragile trust she had begun to have in him had been shattered. She had known that his temper was no good but she had always believed that he would not hurt her physically. He had proven her wrong. And she was not the type of woman who would allow any man to hit her like that, temper or not.

She did not know if she would ever be able to forgive him...


Monsieur Khan,

I hope you do not find me impertinent for writing this letter especially after my husband treated you at your last meeting. But you must understand that what you accused him of was both ill-taken and ill-placed. I do not know much about my husband but I do know that there was something there between him and my mother, perhaps you know more then I do.

But I write to you in desperation. Whomever wrote you that letter accusing my husband of murder wants him dead...as well as myself I fear and I know no one else who might be able to help us. I know you have no obligation but surely my mother would have also come to you for help if she were in trouble? My brief encounter with you told me that you are a good man and I do not know who else to turn to, perhaps you will consider helping my husband find whoever is behind this? I am sure we could use your help. I appreciate any help you can offer.


Christine Daae Desslar

Christine sighed and sealed the envelope. The candle at the desk in which she sat had began to dim and she still had one more letter to write. They had reached Italy two days prior and were now staying in one of Anthony's small estates. This one he had received for his birthday the year prior and this was the first time she had ever been there. She had not talked to Raoul since arriving and he seemed to be avoiding her as well. She supposed it was for the best.

She prayed that Nadir agreed to help Erik because she knew no other man who could help them. The last letter she needed to write was to Erik and there was much she wished to say to him. She just hoped that he was well enough to read and answer her letter.


I know I am probably the last person whom you wish to hear from but there are many things that need to be discussed between us and I felt a letter would be the easiest way. I am sure you are aware why my brother took me from you, Erik. You hurt me...I do not think I will ever be able to forgive you for it. Your temper broke what little trust I had in you and I do not know if it will ever work between us. We are just too different. I am afraid that if you come after me my brother might kill you...I do not want to see that happen.

But you had no right to hit me, Erik, and that is why I consented to go with my brother. I know I should never have kissed Raoul but I needed to make sure that he was not the man I was supposed to be with. You almost killed him in your rage as well. Perhaps your time alone will give you time to think about what you want in life.
