
Reigned in Freedom

An arranged marriage tears Christine from the only family she knows and into the arms of a masked Stranger

MaTk29 · Urban
Not enough ratings
130 Chs


He is gone, Erik, there is no need to mention anything," she said. Erik's lips twitched with his need to say something but he managed to suppress it. If Kenneth had not been dead he would have been soon, no one touched what was his and lived with it. They both turned when the door opened and Raoul came in, an emotionless expression on his face. Christine sighed, hoping the two men did not get in an argument. Erik's features hardened slightly at the man's appearance but he said nothing, which Christine was grateful for.

"What is it, Raoul?" Christine asked, slightly curious. She had hoped that Erik would not be disturbed until he was better.

"I need to talk to Monsieur Desslar...in private," de Chagny said. Christine stared at her good friend for a long time, wondering what he had to tell Erik that she could not be present. She glanced at Erik; he too was studying the young man.

"Very well, Christine, leave us," Erik said, surprising the other two people in the room. She would have argued but knew Erik was in no condition to argue back so she quietly left the room, a murmured thank you from Raoul.

Erik studied the man he thought of as a rival for several long moments. Once more he looked impeccable and it made Erik angry. He knew the man's looks and charm was what attracted Christine to him and he did not like it. He also did not like the fact that Raoul obviously cared for Christine far more then he should and the man needed to realize that Christine was already taken.

"What do you want, Chagny?" Erik asked. Raoul kept a safe distance from him, hoping an argument would not erupt from this conversation. Taking a deep breath to collect himself Raoul slowly began.

"There are several things I need to discuss with you that involve Christine," he said. Erik nearly growled. How had he known that this little fop was going to mention Christine?

"Remember your place," Erik warned.

"I know my place, I am Christine's long time friend and I have every right to worry about her welfare," Raoul said, rallying his courage. Erik pushed himself into a sitting position, ignoring the way his body screamed in pain.

"Indeed, but there is nothing to worry about concerning her welfare," Erik snapped. Raoul's eyes flashed at this man's impertinence.

"As you believe, but her brother and I saved her from being raped," Raoul growled. Erik became very still. What? Kenneth had...

"What?" he whispered, very softly and very dangerously. Raoul knew he was treading in dangerous water.

"She was not...raped. But she was beaten, as the bruises confirm. You say I should not be concerned for her welfare and yet you were not there to protect her," Raoul said. Erik felt a dark shadow pass over his heart. This man was right. He had failed his duty as a husband. What would have happened if Anthony and Raoul had not been there to help her? She would have been forced to give up her innocence. Something that was only hers to give. The thought made him angry and he wished he could give Kenneth the pain of a thousand slow deaths.

"I made a mistake in underestimating Rousseau, it will never happen again with anyone," Erik said. Raoul was not so easily convinced. He cared to much about Christine to simply push the matter aside.

"I do not believe you," Raoul said, which caused a scowl to crease Erik's face.

"I do not care," Erik snapped. Who did this man think he was talking to him like this? He needed to remember his place.

"You should, because if we so wish it Anthony and I will take her away from you," Raoul threatened. Erik stood up, even though he could feel his wound open from the stitches and blood begin to run. He felt light headed but he refused to back down.

"I could kill you for talking to me in such a way!" he growled, advancing on the young man. Raoul backed up immediately until he felt his back being pressed up against the door.

"No one-and understand me when I say this, Chagny-no one will take Christine away from! She belongs to me!" he hissed. Raoul swallowed but tilted his chin.

"If she decides that she does not want to be with you, what then?" Raoul challenged. Erik's smile was grim and sarcastic.

"She has no choice! I am her husband, her father agreed to this marriage and she will be bound to me until the day she dies!" Erik growled.

"Which might be sooner then necessary seeing as you cannot protect her!" Raoul snapped. The crack of Erik's fist connecting with Raoul's jaw echoed in the quiet room and Raoul slumped to his knees, his head reeling. Erik felt nauseous but swallowed and stood still, even when perspiration began to bead on his brow.