
Reigned in Freedom

An arranged marriage tears Christine from the only family she knows and into the arms of a masked Stranger

MaTk29 · Urban
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130 Chs

Chapter 114

Bullets had been coming from the house and Michael and his men had fired back until four of his men lay dead. Michael was seething. He kicked his horse roughly in the side and made a mad dash for the house. But he did not fail to hear the gunshot that went off in the trees. He turned his head toward the sound and knew someone had to be there. He also knew it had to be Christine and whoever owned the cottage. Erik was not dense enough to keep Christine in the house in her condition, he would do everything to protect her, including having her hide in the bushes. Michael found this amusing and shouted at four of his men to head towards the trees and if they found anyone they were to kill them immediately without hesitation.

"But bring the curly haired wench 

Christine realized immediately when she heard the men approaching that it had been a mistake firing the gun. How could she have not thought about that? Pistols made noises, she was not a half wit, she should have known that! Now men were riding towards them and she knew without a doubt that they would kill them if they were discovered. Christine turned quickly to Meg and Antoinette.

"Both of you need to run, and run as deeply as you can into the trees! Do not stop, do you understand me? It will be your life if you do!" Christine said. Antoinette grabbed a sobbing Meg and without another word ran into the trees, disappearing into the darkness. Nadir turned to her.

"We either run or fight," he murmured. Christine took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. What should she do? It was her fault that they were coming towards them in the first place but she did not have any time to waste, she needed to get to Erik and help him, before it was too late. Nadir was studying her intently and he seemed to know what she was thinking.

"Go, Christine. I will distract them until you can make it safely to the cottage."



His shout was emotionless and Christine knew she could not argue. Making sure her cloak was secure she ran, the cottage the only thing she dared look at. She heard the men on their horses but they seemed not to notice her because they rode past her without even once glancing at her. Gunshots up ahead caused her pace to quicken in fear. The fact that she really did not know what she was going to do once she got there was a thought she refused to think about. She would come up with something when she got there, and hoped that everything worked out for everyone.

Erik had no idea how many of Michael's men were either dead or wounded, but their firing from the house had made the numbers a little easier to manage. He believed there had to be six men left, but that itself was a relatively large number when Erik had to do everything to make sure he came out of this alive. Before Christine he would have faced this battle not caring if he lived or died. He truly had nothing to live for but she had changed all of that. Now he would do anything just to live.

Climbing up the stairs he rushed into his and Christine's bedroom. He had told Anthony and Raoul to stay hidden in one of the rooms, their pistols ready, when someone came in they were to fire. Until then they were to remain quiet. Erik glanced at the bed as he walked in and shut the door. Memories flooded him of what he and Christine had shared, and the display Christine had given him. Because of his face he had never believed that any woman would be comfortable enough to do such a thing in front of him. She had done it for him, and he loved the fact that she wanted to make him happy, because that was all he wanted for her, to make her happy. The sheets were still in disarray from their night of passion and Erik would have given anything to go back to that moment in time when all he needed to worry about was giving Christine pleasure. Hopefully he would have a night like that again soon.

He heard Michael and his men break down the door and he prepared his pistol and his state of mind. He would end this, once and for 

Michael felt his men tense up as soon as they entered the cottage. It was completely dark and no sounds could be heard. They were already at the end of their nerves given the fact that their comrades had fallen before they had even reached the house. These men were a very good shot. Michael was seething, before the night was through he promised himself, and his sons that he would avenge their deaths and he would kill the masked devil, and he would be the one to be victorious. Not Erik.

"All of you, search down here, one of you come with me upstairs!" Michael barked. The men were afraid of him, he knew this well, and they jumped to do as he said.