
Reign of the Undead: The Rise of the Last Monarchy

[ Kingdom Building in the Zombie Apocalypse ] This story is about my book building base in apocalypse, but much better. The whole 50 chapters have been created, and updates will be slow, but if you request it, I'll update faster. Please tell me your thoughts, I want to improve my story, my writing style, and everything. Also, don't expect too much from the story. You might get disappointed. Once upon a time there was a boy who is living in the peaceful world, however it didn't last long as there is an unknown virus that spread the earth. Making him no choice but to kill people, do anything even if it's the lowest just for to survive and to protect his love ones. And his name is: Souta an ordinary senior high school student who enjoyed playing video games and reading manga. He had no idea that his life would change drastically when a mysterious virus outbreak turned most of the population into flesh-eating zombies. He managed to escape from his school with his childhood friends, but soon realized that the world he knew was gone forever. He decided to use his skills and knowledge to survive in the apocalypse, and to create his own kingdom for himself and his allies. He scavenged for resources, weapons, and vehicles, and fought against zombies, bandits, and other hostile survivors. He also encountered some special infected who had mutated abilities, and some mysterious organizations who had their own agendas. Along the way, he met some interesting people who joined his group, such as a former soldier, a former mercenary, a nurse, a mechanic, and a construction worker etc. He also developed a romantic relationship with guess the number ;) of them. Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, and gradually built their own kingdom in the apocalypse.

KLUX · Horror
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137 Chs

Chapter 16: Zombies

Several days passed without any significant occurrences. The sounds of gunshots gradually subsided, and it became quiet.

One evening during dinner, I addressed the group. "We've been staying here for several days, It's time for us to move and have real experience in fighting zombies, Tomorrow, we'll go to the gas station and nearby houses to scavenge anything useful."

They both agreed, in the next morning, with our stamina improved after several days of training. We set out early in the morning, using the pickup truck as transportation.

Navigating through the off-road terrain, the pick-up truck jostled and bumped along the uneven path. The broken cars sprawled across the main road compelled us to take this less-traveled route. Despite the discomfort of the bumpy off-road journey, it seemed like the only viable option.

The traffic-clogged road, cluttered with abandoned vehicles for about 500 meters, didn't provide a clear path to the gasoline station. Our choice to venture off-road was a strategic maneuver, a necessity born out of the chaotic remnants of the once-bustling streets.

We manage to get out the off road and continued to travel on the main road, after hald an hour of driving we arrived at the gas station, finding it devoid of zombies due to its distance from the town. We collected useful items and filled several gallons of gas. Our strategy for encountering zombies was for me to lead from the front, with Steff supporting me and Amy guarding the rear.

While looting a nearby convenience store, a mysterious oom where a young woman in her twenties was unconscious behind bars. She wore a blue jacket, appearing in a state of despair in the dark and cold prison. But that story would be discussed another time.

"With all these supplies, It should be enough for a month," I stated.

"That's great!" Amy exclaimed.

"But these aren't enough," Steff noted.

"Why? We still have a lots of foods anyways?" Amy asked.

"That's because it can only keep us one month. And we should not underestimate the world, those foods we had might be the last food we can have for the next yeats, We should look at the houses nearby," Steff explained.

"Ehh, you're too serious" Amy said being carefree again.

"Amy, she's right, we should take this chance while we still have them" I said to her

"Okay~" she said being carefree

After gathering supplies from the gas station, we proceeded to the nearby houses, both to scavenge and gain experience in killing zombies. As we reached the fourth house, Amy said, "This is the fourth house already, yet there aren't any zombies nor canned foods."

"That might be because they all have gone to the military safe base," Steff suggested.

"The safe base..."

"Get ready, I'm going to open the door," I announced.

As soon as the door opened, we spotted two zombies. They suddenly emerged, running towards me and attacking. I quickly dispatched one of the zombies by stabbing it in the head with the katana. The group decided to use the second zombie for experimentation. I kicked the zombie away.

"It might be better for both of you to leave the house," I suggested.

"I'll watch," Steff said.

"If Steff is staying, then I'll stay too!" Amy said.

"It's your choice." When the zombie again ran towards me, I used my katana to cut off its hands. The zombie didn't feel any pain and just continued to rush towards me. I then cut off its feet, and the zombie, now without hands and feet, still struggled to bite me.

I even stabbed its heart, but it continued to move. "What the hell..." I said disgustedly. Only when I stabbed its head did it finally stop.

Amy and Steff witnessed something unbearable. Steff immediately left the house to get some fresh air, while Amy rushed out and vomited.

"We should have only listened to Souta," Steff said.

"Cough cough, you're right," Amy said.

I searched the house, but there was nothing. Then I got outside. "Are you two okay?" I asked.

"Somehow," Steff replied.

"I can't stand it! It's the worst," Amy replied.

I giggled. "I've warned you."

"How are you okay?" Amy asked.

"Welp, because I'm a man?" I replied.

"Being a man and a woman has nothing to do with something like this," Steff said.

"Let's just forget about that and move to the next house. I can go alone if you two aren't still feeling well," I suggested.

"I'll go. It's dangerous to go alone," Steff said.

"How about you, Amy?" I asked.

"I'll also come. I don't want to be alone in here," Amy said.

We moved on to the next house, walking cautiously.

"This will be the last house, it's getting dark after all" I declared.

"My god, I'm still not used to seeing human organs," Amy exclaimed, feeling nauseous.

"This is the last one, so don't worry," Steff assured her. "And besides, I also feel the same way. Who would stand seeing human organs anyway."

"Well..." They both looked at me, I got used to it when I scavenge for supplies on the road, I awkward left their gaze and went to the door.

I attempted to open the door but found it locked. "Let me borrow your axe," I requested. Steff gave it to me, and I swung the axe at the door, making an opening to grab the knob and forcefully opening it.

I was ready to face any zombies inside. However, instead of zombies, we encountered a fearful middle-aged man hiding inside.

"Are you the rescue team?" the man asked with hope.

"No," I replied.

"Then, can you help me out?" the man pleaded.

"Why?" I inquired.

"Come on, we're fellow humans," the man appealed.

Amy and Steff looked at him with disgust.

"So, it won't work, huh? How about a trade?" The man proposed.

"What trade?" I asked.

"Hey, come out!" the man shouted.

I unsheathed my katana, prepared for a fight.

"Wait, no, no, no," the man backtracked hastily.

Two twin sisters, around fifteen years old, emerged from the room. They appeared thin and showed signs of being mistreated.

"You can have them as long as you take me to the safe zone," the man proposed, his tone oozing confidence.

I remained skeptical. "How should I know they're in good shape?" following the man's script.

"They will listen to any command you give them. You can use them as bait or for anything you like. And more importantly, they are still virgins," the man emphasized, his face twisted with depravity.

"Where did you find them? What happened to their parents?" I demanded.

"Their parents were on vacation, and they entrusted me with their care. No one expected this disaster to occur," the man explained nonchalantly.

"I see," I approached the twins, inspecting their faces and observing them silently.

"Good, I'll take the offer," I decided.

"Hehe, that's what I'm talking about," the man grinned wickedly.

"But, Souta!" Amy protested, but Steff covered her mouth before she could continue.

"You sure have fine girls with you," the man approached Amy and Steff, both of them backing down.

"Hehe," I feigned agreement, and when the man drew near the my girls, I swiftly stabbed him in the back where his heart was located.

"What a shame," I said coldly as I withdrew my sword from the man's body.

"You two okay?" I asked them with a cold tone, they both nodded

I turned to the twins. "What are you going to do now?"

They remained silent.

"Steff, Amy, check their bodies for bite marks. You know what to do if you find any. Meanwhile, I'll search the house for anything useful," I said with a cold tone and cold eyes.

Amy got goosebumps from it, with the face that I made that was not normal. I seemed like a psycho. "They say that in the beginning, you fear to move or do it, but after you do it, you won't even give a damn. Would this also apply to Souta, who had already killed a human being and won't even bother killing another?" Amy thought to herself, looking at me with admiration and scared eyes.

After half an hour, I returned with a compound bow and arrow, along with an air gun.

"Lucky! Look what I found," I exclaimed with joy.

"Is that a bow and an air gun?" Amy asked in surprise.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Our father was a hunter," one of the twins spoke

As the twins spoke of their father being a hunter, curiosity piqued in all of us. Amy, always gentle in her approach, asked, "Are there also other weapons your father has?" Her tone carried a genuine interest.

The younger-looking twin pointed towards a painting on the wall. I promptly removed the painting, unveiling a metal box secured with a code lock.

"Do you know the password?" I inquired.

The younger twin needed assistance, requesting a chair to stand on. "Can you give a chair or something to step on so I can reach it?" she asked. I obliged, providing chair one from the kitchen. "Thank you," she expressed, climing on the chair and unlocking the vult, after a few minutes, the code lock clicked open.

"Here, I have opened it. You can take a look," she said as she descended from the chair.

I opened the box, revealing a cache of weaponry – a rifle, two military knives, a pistol, and dozens of boxes of ammunition. The group stood in astonishment at this unexpected windfall.

"Seriously?" Amy exclaimed, reflecting the surprise we all felt.

"You can take it all, but in exchange, take us both with you and keep us safe from any danger. I don't want my sister to feel that kind of torture anymore," the younger twin declared, a determined resolve etched on her face.

I turned to Amy and Steff, gauging their thoughts. "It's your choice; you're the leader, so make the decision," Steff suggested.

"I agree with Steff!" Amy chimed in.

A smile formed on my face. "Okay then, I agree to this deal." We sealed the agreement with a handshake, our group now expanded to include these two sisters who had endured the harsh realities of this new world.