
Reign of the Undead: The Rise of the Last Monarchy

[ Kingdom Building in the Zombie Apocalypse ] This story is about my book building base in apocalypse, but much better. The whole 50 chapters have been created, and updates will be slow, but if you request it, I'll update faster. Please tell me your thoughts, I want to improve my story, my writing style, and everything. Also, don't expect too much from the story. You might get disappointed. Once upon a time there was a boy who is living in the peaceful world, however it didn't last long as there is an unknown virus that spread the earth. Making him no choice but to kill people, do anything even if it's the lowest just for to survive and to protect his love ones. And his name is: Souta an ordinary senior high school student who enjoyed playing video games and reading manga. He had no idea that his life would change drastically when a mysterious virus outbreak turned most of the population into flesh-eating zombies. He managed to escape from his school with his childhood friends, but soon realized that the world he knew was gone forever. He decided to use his skills and knowledge to survive in the apocalypse, and to create his own kingdom for himself and his allies. He scavenged for resources, weapons, and vehicles, and fought against zombies, bandits, and other hostile survivors. He also encountered some special infected who had mutated abilities, and some mysterious organizations who had their own agendas. Along the way, he met some interesting people who joined his group, such as a former soldier, a former mercenary, a nurse, a mechanic, and a construction worker etc. He also developed a romantic relationship with guess the number ;) of them. Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, and gradually built their own kingdom in the apocalypse.

KLUX · Horror
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137 Chs

Chapter 110: Outpost

As the motorcycles and armored vehicles continued their journey, the survivors couldn't shake the feeling of entering into an arrangement that might alter their fate forever. In the unpredictable landscape of the post-apocalyptic world, the choices made now would determine not only their immediate safety but also their future path in the kingdom of Lunaria.

The journey with the Lunaria convoy was both tense and revealing. The survivors, now under the watchful eyes of Lunaria soldiers, traveled through desolate landscapes and abandoned towns. The remnants of a world once teeming with life and civilization lay in ruins, a stark reminder of the unforgiving consequences of the apocalypse.

While traveling, they come across a horde of zombies, roaming around, a bit far away from the road. However, instead of just ignoring the zombies, they stopped the vehicles.

The group of survivors, who is sitting on the back of the armored truck, look at each other with unease. Will they make them as baits? Will they kill them? They don't know.

The soldiers from the Lunaria kingdom get out of their vehicles, and out of cautious, the group of survivors also got out. "Don't do anything stupid and just watch" a soldier said to them

They nodded, as they watch what they will do to the zombies, to their surprise, the one high ranking officer raise his pistol and shot it in the air, the sound of gun shot filled the eerie air and attract the group of zombies that are roaming around.

"Hey, what are you guys doing? You aren't even pointing your guns at them!" Makie said, worried. "You shouldn't underestimate those zombies. Just because you're now safe from your base, that doesn't mean you should take it easy! Even the military takes caution with them," he said.

"Then, you should also not underestimate us and just watch silently," the soldier said coldly.

They watch the man, who is their high-ranking officer, face those horde alone. And didn't even use a single bullet except to attract them. He annihilate them with his sword alone.

The survivors gathered on a vantage point, their eyes fixed on the high-ranking officer of Lunaria who stood alone in the face of an approaching zombie horde. The air was tense with anticipation as the officer unsheathed a gleaming sword, the crescent moon and star emblem on his uniform catching the dim light.

A sea of undead approached, groans, and moans filling the air. The survivors held their breath, unsure of what to expect. Instead of reaching for firearms, the officer used a single gunshot to draw the attention of the horde. The zombies turned towards the source of the noise, their decaying eyes fixed on the lone figure standing before them.

Without hesitation, the officer lunged forward with incredible agility, his sword cutting through the air with precision. The first zombie fell, its head cleanly severed from its shoulders. The survivors watched in awe as the officer moved seamlessly, a dance of death amidst the approaching tide of the undead.

The sword glinted as it swept through the horde, each swing calculated and efficient. The officer's movements were a testament to years of training and discipline. His attacks were not fueled by panic or fear but by a cold determination to protect the kingdom.

As the survivors observed, it became apparent that the officer wasn't just fighting the zombies; he was dismantling them with a strategic grace that left onlookers spellbound. With every swing, limbs flew, and bodies crumpled to the ground. The officer moved with a deadly elegance, weaving through the horde as if engaged in a macabre dance of survival.

The survivors exchanged glances, a mixture of fear and admiration in their eyes. The officer's skill was unparalleled, and it became clear why Lunaria held such dominance in this post-apocalyptic world. The leader's actions spoke of strength, discipline, and an unwavering commitment to protect those under Lunaria's banner.

As the last zombie fell to the ground, the officer stood amidst the carnage, his breathing steady and composed. The survivors, now realizing the magnitude of the display they had witnessed, felt a newfound respect and perhaps even a tinge of fear for the high-ranking officer who had faced the horde alone and emerged unscathed.

The officer turned to the survivors, wiping the blood from the blade with a deliberate motion. His gaze met theirs, and in that moment, the unspoken message was clear – Lunaria's strength didn't solely lie in its walls or weapons but in the formidable individuals who led the charge, facing the horrors of the world head-on, alone if necessary.

The high-ranking officer stood amidst the fallen zombies, his uniform a stark contrast against the backdrop of carnage. The pure black fabric seemed untouched by the gruesome encounter, and the crescent moon, mountain, and star symbol stood out in pristine white, a beacon of order in the midst of chaos.

His dark hair, slick with sweat, framed a face marked by determination. The survivors, still perched in their vantage point, couldn't help but marvel at the scene before them. The officer turned towards them, the intensity in his eyes softened by a nod of acknowledgment. It was as if he had just orchestrated a symphony, and the survivors were the audience witness to his masterful performance.

As the survivors descended from their observation point, they approached the officer with a mix of awe and trepidation. He sheathed his sword with a fluid motion, the metallic clang echoing in the aftermath of the battle.

"Your skills are... remarkable," Markie ventured, his voice carrying a hint of admiration.

The officer acknowledged with a curt nod. "In Lunaria, survival requires discipline and mastery. It's not enough to simply exist in this world; one must dominate it."

The survivors exchanged glances, realizing the gravity of the philosophy embedded in Lunaria's approach. The officer's demeanor radiated authority, a testament to the unwavering leadership that had propelled Lunaria to dominance in the post-apocalyptic landscape.

"Your group has potential to survive in this wasteland with only pure strength is already amazing," the officer remarked, eyeing them appraisingly. "But potential alone won't ensure your survival. In Lunaria, strength and unity are paramount."

With those words, the survivors found themselves at a crossroads once again. The officer's display had left an indelible impression, and the choice to either conform to Lunaria's structured order or forge their own path weighed heavily on their minds.

"Let's get back before it gets dark; we still have a long way to go," the high-ranking officer declared, and the survivors nodded in agreement. They swiftly made their way to the armored vehicle, the powerful engine roaring to life as they prepared to depart.

Hours passed in tense silence, broken only by the rumble of the vehicle's engine. The survivors, still processing the encounter with the officer and the zombie horde, exchanged occasional glances. The post-apocalyptic landscape rolled by, a desolate expanse of abandoned structures and remnants of a world that once thrived.

As they neared their destination, the vehicle's headlights cut through the encroaching darkness, revealing the outline of a small village nestled near a dense forest. The officer directed the driver toward a fortified outpost at the village's edge, a beacon of relative safety in the gloom.

Upon arrival, the survivors were greeted by the guards at the outpost, their eyes watchful and expressions hardened by the harsh realities of this new world. The officer disembarked, his black uniform a stark contrast against the backdrop of the outpost's defenses.

"We've encountered a sizable zombie horde on our patrol. Stay vigilant, and ensure the outpost is secure," the officer instructed the guards.

The survivors followed suit, disembarking from the vehicle and exchanging glances as they absorbed the surroundings. The outpost, while not as grandiose as the main base, bore the unmistakable stamp of Lunaria's influence. Barricades lined the perimeter, and guards patrolled with a practiced precision.

As the night settled in, the outpost came alive with activity. Fires were lit, casting flickering shadows on the faces of survivors who had weathered the apocalypse. The officer, still clad in his imposing uniform, joined a gathering of leaders to discuss the patrol's findings.

Markie, Margie, Jonathan, and their group found themselves amid the outpost's inhabitants, absorbing the atmosphere of resilience and camaraderie. The villagers had adapted to the harsh reality, finding solace in the protective embrace of Lunaria's outposts.

The survivors, though grateful for the relative safety, couldn't shake the underlying tension that lingered. The encounter with the officer had left an indelible mark, and the outpost, though a haven, felt like a pitstop in a journey fraught with uncertainties.

As the night wore on, the survivors settled into their temporary quarters, the rhythmic sounds of distant patrols and occasional distant howls from the forest serving as a haunting lullaby. The outpost, a microcosm of Lunaria's influence, held secrets and whispered promises of survival that awaited discovery in the days to come.