

Fearsaber · Fantasy
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My name is Zachary Hargraves and lm a thirteen-year-old werewolf, with amnesia of my previous life, I initially thought being a supernatural was a gift from the gods but the more l experienced, constantly fighting with yourself to maintain a semblance of sanity, constantly having to keep your emotions in check so your senses aren't overwhelmed or worst case go feral.

Right now l was confined to a dimly lit room, restrained to a chair, my head throbbing as l felt my body as heavy as concrete feeling nausea as if at any moment l would topple over. It was when a hot liquid substance was spilled over me, as my body felted as if it was slowly being melted from the outside, luckily for me my healing factor soon kicked it. Trying to focus around with my hazy vision making out a worktable a few stands but that was as much as l could see.

"His finally awake."

Hearing the sound of footsteps, as they bounced across the room but with each tread, the person seemed to be headed in my direction but finally stopped but l could feel an immense presence cashing

it's gaze upon me, trying to look at it but all l could see were blurs.

"Now tell us where the other half of the trinket is" said as the figure grabbed a hold of my face

Staying silent

"Guess were doing this the hard way." said another that was oddly close, what happened next,was excruciatingly painful as l felt a pair of sharp knives pierce my flesh but if felt strange as if a warm breeze blew against my skin, travelling deep into my neck: wailing in pain for them to stop but they either were quiet or taking joy in my suffering, the blade left my neck as l could feel the ooze of my blood trickle down to my torso, l could hardly tell if the wound had healed or not all l knew the room grew cold and a numbness was taking me over.

They both repeatedly asked the same question, again and again! Only to be received with silence from me, despite the throbbing in my head, seeing quintuple it was hilarious seeing them angered and not getting what they wanted or l was slowly losing my mind with the blood loss.

The two weren't even trying to hide the fact they were trying to discuss ingenious new torture methods for me one of which was to rip out my fingernails one at a time, trying to struggle free of my restraints but it felt the more l struggled the more l lost the will and energy to do so. It was evident l really wasn't living this confinement off my freewill.

"Now werewolf brat you have about one or so to talk or..." he paused sending a shiver down my spine, what could they plan to do that was than this "let's just say, it will be more fun for me and not so much for you."

It was impossible to know the time that elapsed all l could hear was finger tapping, but somehow l knew they were waiting, my heart rate was accelerating, I genuinely didn't know! However, l doubt they would listen to me, what was l going to do?

"Times up!" one ordered

"Wait l- "suddenly l was clobbered across the face as my entire body leaned to one side and my body screamed for air at the same time, as streamed of blood obscured my line of sight as l spat out blood. Trembling as l returned to an upright posture, trying to control my excessive breathing, my left hand vigorously shaking uncontrollably.

"I...l don't know l swear!" l said my voice frail and fear filled

"Think his telling the truth Ray?" they asked the partner

"Arthur you sadist, just compel the kid already." Ray protested

"Fine, you always take the fun out of everything" He complained as he cupped his hand on my shoulder, pressing his thump into my shoulder, gritting my teeth in an attempt not to scream, although l couldn't and sniveled until his eyes met mine. He had fiery ember eyes as the more l gazed into them a soothing wave of calmness swept over me like a breeze, as if all the torture from this Arthur had never happened"

"Where is the other half of the trinket?" He asked again

"I don't know the last time l saw it was with David before we went to Tempest." l blurted it all out, widening me eyes trying to resist talking l just went on how we got here, going to visit Magnus and about everyone at Pack Haven.

"You could have saved us thirty minutes rather than torture the kid." said Ray

Arthur rolled his eyes, as he released his grip, "Which one is David never mind I'll find out"

They both left without a single word

Maybe it had been two hours since they left give or take, my sense of time was time was terrible since the room hardly exterior lighting, my body had gone numb during the waiting, l tried moving my fingers but fingers to get some feeling into them. No sooner had l done that hearing footsteps once again my body screaming at me to run! Yet my blood was also boiling with anger, but once the person drew closer my claws popped out as l saw golden the locks of none other than Daelynn but l soon retracted them and just stared blankly at her.

"The silent treatment Zach" said Daelynn as she knelt down with what l assumed was a cloth as she wiped it across my face, with a small stinging as she did.

She cleaned and patched my wounds trying to converse with me but answered her with silence each time, the only two things driving me was hope and a lot of anger.

"Why did you do it!" I demanded

She narrowed her eyes at my question, a cold hatred colouring her but soon retracted returning to her usual clam, "You don't know?" saying bitterly

"If, it's so impotent tell me!" raising my voice unexpectedly

Daelynn seemed to be spacing out maybe to decide whether to tell me or not or had l open a deep would l shouldn't have, "Zach my parents, my friends and all my relatives were killed by your pack!" she barked

"Let me get this straight, you have a vendetta against Pack Haven, which l've only been a part of for two months at best. I got torture for your pointless vende-"

Within seconds a knife was to my neck as my brows widened caught by surprise "Zach don't talk as if you know me, don't they teach you anything in those wails of yours, about what really happens" her voice radiated hatred and spite, l knew l had to choose my next words carefully otherwise she would slice off my head clean off

"Your right l don't know you, l thought l was. I'm sorry if l hit a soft spot for you" I apologised as she reeled back the blade

"Your newly turned so l won't hold it against you," she said semi-seriously and jokingly, "For starters l did enjoy the time l have spent with you and if you could tell l was dragging out our tour, wonder why? Whatever you have been told about the Purge is a fifth truth of the whole story."

Apparently there was a lot that Mrs Solevt didn't tell me, firstly concerning Daelynn her entire coven was slaughtered by werewolves why exactly, even she didn't know but by the description of one of the wolves it sounded oddly close to Mr Solevt, but her working theory was due to the alliance between the elves and the vampires, they were survivors but that's where ended that explanation but l felt there was more she was hiding but l really didn't pry l've learnt my lesson.

Concerning the Purge, it was very ironic to hear that Malcuss wasn't as bad as l thought, don't get me wrong he still killed innocent supernaturals but according to Daelynn he only did that to protect his own coven as well as allies but cruel to those that did oppose him. Although, he had a never ending spite for mortals.

"Then factions were made and a civil war broke out, long story short spear of destiny was destroyed or something and now we have present day" l blurted

"There a few things missing like the gods in there but sure most of it yeah. For each supernatural there story and experience of the Purge to tell" she said

But l do understand Daelynn and her hatred for Pack Haven, maybe l shouldn't have jumped to such a conclusion without knowing what she had been through.

"There's one thing l don't get then, you could have killed me at any time, especially when we fought me in Pack haven or when you met me in town, why didn't you?" I asked curious

"Your just different, l get along with you pretty eyes." she teased.

I couldn't tell if she was serious or just teasing me.

She rampages through a small bag she carried to remove a small vial and shook it then proceeded to remove the cup, put it to my lips, and told me to drink it. At first it had a sweet but better after taste in my mouth, making me grimace

"I take it that it was better?" she asked rhetorically as she took care and freed me from my restraints.

"What was that?" l asked as l tried to stand

"A special concoction think of it as an antidote to wolfsbane" she said as she supported as l wobbled as l tried to stand.

The more we walked, l starting slowly getting feeling my legs, it was good to see sunlight again or in this case the misty cloudy sky of Tempest but it seemed like l was held in a medieval type torture chamber. As we passed through multiple corridors I started to regain my enhanced sense but there were two guards dressed in knight attire approaching us, turning to Daelynn who just gave me a reassuring smile.

"I'll try to get you out of here" she whispered as the guards drew closer.

Real reassuring Daelynn, the guards grabbed me and soon Daelynn had disappeared as they dragged me to yet another confined space. I was noticing a tread here but it was more of a cell this type than a dark room this time, they shoved me in and closed the door. Just like that they returned to their posts at the far end of the hallway.

I held the bar, maybe l could rip the bars and make a run for it, l doubt the guards could catch me if l ran but once l placed my hands around the bars, feeling an ominous.

"Don't bother, even if you could escape which is unlikely as those bars are made of concentrated silver and the guards would be on you in seconds" said a familiar that l could never forget Misty

She was seated at the corner, face battered and bruised with little remnants of newly formed scars on her cheeks, her hands were shaking as she held a book, strands of her hair was gone seemingly been forcefully pulled out, but her beet red eyes indicating she had been crying in other words she looked like shit

"Who would have been guessed you'd be here," saying jokingly," How long you been here and where did you get that book."

"The book l simply asked for, as for how long since yesterday after...." She paused as if reliving a traumatic experience again to the point she spaced out.

"Remember you still lost our bet Misty" I said in an attempt to snap her back to reality

"I think you've lost some brain cells grandpas; do you need a nap" she fired back

Sigh of course she still remembers turning me into a grandpa which last for a week, L don't look with wrinkles and grey hair, the worst thing everyone kept joking about it, never again.

"Fair enough, you're not going to let this go are you." she said

"No, not really"

Rolling my eyes looking around the cell and through the bars wondering if there any other escape routes, so l turned to the smartest person l know, "Got any-"

The guards opened the cell surprisingly and aggressively shoved both of us out. However, my vision was blurred, it was very difficult to make out anything in particular but where were the guards taking us perhaps yet another cell?

I was answered as we stopped in our tracks, a sharp object dug into my neck as l was shoved tripping and falling over. Vampires have no respect these days. Blinking repeatedly as my eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room. My body still sluggish and fatigued, having a same of familiarity to the room the filled with portraits of vampires in military like uniforms, rising from my feet there were large window frames.

My eyes meeting a man cladded in a lavender suit, his complexion was pale but his eyes transverse the room, his cold expression lifeless look aiding to his already intimidating presence aura in the atmosphere but the way his chin rested on his hand he seemed to be contemplating, but what exactly.

Then Alex, David and Misty were brought in and we were all left facing the man who laced his hands.

"Children" he spoke, his projecting through the room, "They have seen it fit to using mongrels such as these how long can your kind stoop"


His shoes echoed through the room as he trotted towards us, a spiteful distaste growing on him.

"When l took half of the trinket, indeed, l expected retaliation but now..." he took a quick glance at us, "I should have massacred a half of your worthless pack"

"What makes you think that would have happened." David snapped

"Tish! Bet your nothing without your followers." Alex added

Closing his eyes momentarily before his gaze landed on David, "Does the name Draven Necrosis" he paused as David's brow rose and his flight instinct wanting to kick in "As for your insolence boy! It must be accounted for!"

In a swift motion a gust blew at me Alex was gone and so was Draven. Thunderous explosion expulsions as large bookcase cases toppled, cracks on the glass widows donning shades of red accompanied by screeches and finally Alex's body to slide across the foundation like a ragdoll creating a small stream.

Alex body was lifeless, his heart beat gradually slowed, as blood gushed out of his chest tainting the floor, turning to David and Misty, they were just as horrified as I was. Misty herself was bewildered on the verge of collapse as she saw Alex at her feet. His skin was forcefully curved out; he was still breathing but for how long.

Making two steps in my direction, freezing where l stood, my legs coated in iron and lead he dropped a spongy pinkish object but it was drenched in blood. It was a lung!

"I have been speculating whether, l should just kill one of you if not all of you, but l also thought wouldn't it be better if l mentally broke all of you. So with those countless decisions l had to make the conclusion was the best option, leaving your carcasses at the entrance of Pack Haven" he ranted sitting down on his throne cross-legged as he waved his as we were taken away from his presence.

While being escorted back to the dungeons the guards were conversing amongst themselves complaining mainly about 'how they weren't getting paid enough' or 'how Draven scared'. I was more concerned with my friends David seemed to be putting on a brave face yet l new it was a façade, Alex was...wasn't doing too great at the moment, Misty had barely lifted her head since we left Draven castle.

One of the pedestrians shoved a guard "Watch where you're going!" roared the guard.

Upon noticing their fellow guardsmen was missing, they quickly called out with no response. A hooded figure took out the guard that distracted, pulling back their hood it was none other than Celeste "You guys okay, sorry we took so long, we had trouble navigating the tunnels. Eric, Natalia and the others are getting the other trinket"

There was a moment of silence until David responded "It's been a long day" Celeste took a quick glance at Alex being carried by David and noticed the drenched shirt. She nodded and leading the way as l carried Misty who was lagging behind.

Simultaneously a series of explosions went off in the direction of Draven's castle as l saw a bird in the distance. A battalion of guards scrambled towards in haste weapons drawn, as we sprinted through the street. It was good it was daytime because l couldn't imagine fighting hordes of vampires not in my current condition.

I saw a flashes of the same scene unfolding and it ended up with us face to face with Draven.

"We have to split up now!" I ordered

"But the tunnel is only a few blocks away" Celeste protested

"I trust Zach, find another route" David said

Celeste focused on the street seeing more coming guards in the distance, "David left, Zach right"

A dual nod as we followed her instructions, passing through a narrow alleyway my friends fading in the distance, slowing my pace as a troop of guards went past me, peeking my head out of the alleyway one it was clear l went on but luckily it seemed the residence were to spooked to come out of their houses "Keep going straight" Misty wheezed

However, l was immediately surrounded by eleven warning donning celestial bronze armour glittering in the sunlight, boxing me in there was no way l was running away without fighting them. They raised their spears from every direction at me.

The first attack was thrown, a spear jabbing my side taking a piece of my flesh with it, holding my torso trying to stop the bleeding. I wasn't going to be able to take another attack like that especially if they decide to come at me at once. Luckily for me a friendly face descended to my rescue releasing a shockwave of fire blasting the elves away, "Now you owe me" gloated Eric

Leaving with a smirk, slipping into a tunnel, praying to whichever god was listening that l wasn't being chased and this tunnel lead back to Pack Haven.

"Hey Misty, under better conditions this would be romantic" l joked

"Idiot!" she said laying her head against my shoulder passing out.

Fighting off the sleep that was creeping up on me, then a sudden rush of adrenal hit me as one fateful sadist heading my way, as much as l wanted payback, l was in no condition to do so.

My eyes shifted to a shade of blue, the inner beats within me wanted payback as much as l did. Although, there was another feeling of calmness yet power flowing through me, scanning the tunnels: it was supported by pillars l was getting an idea

Hurryingly l took out the first pillar but it gave the two vampires time to catch up, the tunnel shook in response which was a plus, least if my plan worked out. Dodging their attempts of grabbing me or Misty which infuriated them but the light at the end of the tunnel motivated me to try create some distance between me and them.

Arthur lunged at me, quickly l slide under him as he crashed into Ray. In delivered an intense kick that surprised me as the two slammed into a pillar as the tunnel shook aggressively with a result of debris caving in them in.

Proceeding towards the end of tunnel with it caving in, being bathed in sunlight trying keep my eyes open but l saw of gargoyles descending towards us.