
Reign Of Gods

Magnus is one of the most successful person in the earth. He is nicknamed the "Perfect Man" due to his other-worldy handsome looks, extreme intelligence and his money. He is an extremely rich business man and a handsome artist but, one day all of his glory falls. He was diagnosed with the sickness Infinite-Coma. As he was nearing his final moments he is suddenly transported into another world where monsters and people with powers exist.

Magnus_111 · Eastern
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5 Chs

Test and Martial Spirits

"It's finally here." Said Magnus. The test was conducted on a large fighting stage made of stone. There were only around 100 people trying to sign up. Waiting on the line, Magnus began looking at people one after another. Sensing their cultivation realms, he was really disappointed. The strongest one of them is just at peak-3rd Houtian Realm.

Although not everyone got accepted because of the requirements. 46% of the people that lined up got accepted. The others left because of not reaching Houtian Realm. Now, after waiting for half an hour it was finally his turn.

"Early Houtian 3rd Realm. Not bad. After this test you should consolidate your foundation. Go to the martial spirit test table to see what your martial Spirit is." The young man said while showing a sincere smile. It's quite rare to see someone so young and have a Houtian 3rd realm

cultivation. Arriving at the Spirits test he put his hand on a ball and Imagined a beasts just as he was told by the guy sitting on the chair. Inside his conciousness he saw multiple beasts appearing in his head. The tiger he ate before, An eagle, snake, lion and more. But there are three that's really eye catching of them all. A bird that's shining so bright that it filled his conciousness, a snake that possess fangs with stone-hard Scales and lastly a weak light that feels really pure and ancient.

He thought for a while and chose to pick beasts that he first ate. The Sword fanged White Tiger. He first wanted to show all of his spirits but he found out that without disregarding the other Spirits he couldn't use a new one. Even more so with the snake, eagle and even the ancient light.

Therefore, he disgarded the idea. Seeing his martial Spirit. The guy testing martial Spirits was shocked. "7th Star, Sword Fanged Tiger?!" "What?! A seventh Star Martial Spirit?!" "What?!" "Sana all." Magnus didn't think that his spirit would cause such a ruckus. The elder supervising the test said "A prodigy! It's been a long time ever since a seven star martial Spirit appeared. The heavens finally gave the black Phantom sect a chance to redeem itself. For 50 years the Rising Phoenix Sect and Dragon Dominion Sect dominated the Realm City!" The elders voice was very loud and several people went to see what was happening. Magnus immediately went inside the temple to escape peoples eyes. He was given resources and the robes he received were a little more comfortable now. He also received his own badge. The badge here will allow Magnus to enter the second floor of the martial library, take 3 stars and below missions and finally allow him to challenge his fellow Sect seniors.

There are a total of 3 factions here in the sect. The outer disciples, Inner disciples and finally, the core disciples. There are a total of 3892 outer disciples, 1232 inner disciples and only 20 core disciples. Most Sect would have a minimum of 20000 disciples but, the Black Phantom Sect only has 5144 disciples and can't be a considered a Sect but because the Sect's patriarch is a Quasi-Golden Core Realm cultivator the city had no choice but to abide.

After looking around the Sect once again for an hour he suddenly felt tired even though he didn't do anything. Going back to his room, he slept deeply.

Magnus was in dream. In his dream. The lands were filled with God Qi. He was in a floating Island with a large castle filled with beasts larger than the ones here in the cultivation world. Everyone here were filled with aura of gods or immortals. Looking at his left he saw 2 beautiful woman and his right holding out 3. All of them beauties. They had looks that could flip a country upside down. Literally, but strangely, He wasn't feeling lust or admiration for these beauties. Instead he felt disgusted and also a little bit of fear? He didn't know why he felt like this. Maybe he was in another person's body, but looking at his shiny gauntlet. The reflection it showed was his face, but in his dream he had white hair and deep-red eyes. When he was on Earth he also wondered why his face and body seemed perfect. It was like lady luck was his wife. It was sticking to him like it was his third arm. He felt weird in this dream. It almost feel as if its....real. He saw armies walking in front of him. The armies were filled with Gold armor that seemed unbreakable. They kneeled in front of him shouting strange words but strangely he understood it like he learned it before. "We Greet The Great God!" The armies all had solemn expressions and their faces scream Obedience.

"The rebel forces have been captured and brought." Said The leader of the army.

"You bastard! You will pay the price of offending the Human Emperor! Don't worry. You'll experience hell soon!" Said the rebel leader with an arrogant face. Each and everyone of the rebels had arrogant and prideful faces.

Magnus suddenly stood up. As of this moment he couldn't control his body. Looking down on the rebels, Magnus' eye color changed into a deeper red. One couldn't find the light on his eyes even if you look at him face to face. It's as if he's looking at a person that did something very wrong. His eyes cold like an emotionless person. Suddenly, Magnus shouted "Kneel!" Everyone around suddenly felt something heavy on their backs. Even the woman in his left and right were forced to kneel. No one in the castle didn't feel the pressure. The rebels faces changed and ugly expressions appeared on their faces. They screamed but no voice came out. No one knew what was happening to them but everyone felt pity for these people. They were obviously suffering yet they cannot Express it. Some were scratching the floor and some held their heads while kneeling. Some even had their head split or explode. Some people watching puked and left the castle. Even the guards solemn expression changed for a second before returning back.

The person sitting on the throne looked at them without sympathy and only a void abyss that's rotating was in his eyes. Magnus couldn't believe what he was seeing. He has no idea what was happening right now. Confused and Lost he wanted to turn his head but he couldn't. He was forced to watch the scene and his head hurt very much.

In a certain room, A person was floating in a bed while having an ugly expression. That person was Magnus. He was floating like someone who is dead and his expression always change every minute. His hair and eyebrows change color to white and his eyes were open and the color was also changing everytime. From Red to Wine Red until it change into a very deep red color.

Magnus face turned very pale. It was as if he was experiencing something horrible and scary. His Qi was also going out of control but not like before, The city was filled with an unknown Qi that was very beneficial to everyone,but no one took the Qi because it also feels like sucking it would make them explode. They didn't know that if they did, they're Qi sea cannot handle the unknown Qi and will undoubtedly explode.

At the same time, The scene inside Magnus' dream change. He was fighting someone that's extremely strong, but the "him" in the dream was surpressing the person. They were fighting intensely and while Magnus was swinging and thrusting his spear. Everytime he swinged or thrust the space would tore apart and it seemed as though everything was being controlled by Magnus. Nature,fire,ice and etc. It seemed as if he is loved by everything.

The scene changed once again and Magnus was fighting a demon like person. The "him" here looked young, around 15 years old. They were fighting really intensely and both of them were smiling while clashing. It looked like both of them were enjoying the fight, but the surrounding was getting destroyed and space tore. It seems as if they were friends because once everything was over they both laid on the ground smiling with satisfaction and laughing wholeheartedly.

The scene got back to the first one. He looked at the rebels getting destroyed and everything went flying. There was a barrier around the rebels and other people weren't affected.

After seeing it again his hurt head very much. After experiencing it for approximately for 6 hours he finally fainted and woke up in the real world.

He noticed his hair was white and his eyes were bleeding. His hair slowly changed from white to black and his eyes also changed back to azure color. His whole body was filled with sweat and it seemed like his whole room was in a mess. He smiled bitterly and fixed his room. His mental fortitude just reached a new level. Experiencing pain like that, not even the Golden Core Realm can withstand it.

He walked out of his room and saw that it was early morning and the Qi quality was much purer compared to later. He walked till he reach a certain building. He went inside and talked to the new receptionist. "I'd like to take a 4-star Mission please." The receptionist looked strangely at Magnus. He said in a low tone "You can't. Only an Inner disciple can take missions from 4-star to 8th Star." "I see".

Magnus was looking around and saw a mission titled "Slay Beasts Emergency". The mission was to slay 2 dual winged vulture that's been burning a village in the outer most part of Xin dynasty. It'll take at least a week before he can reach the village and the people would probably die the moment he arrived. He asked the receptionist about it and she said "Don't you know we have teleportation arrays here? They'd be dead even if you go there full speed. You need to take the Teleportation array to get there." "Oh, Alright" Magnus replied.

He took the mission and immediately went to the transportation array.