
Reign of Evil: Tales of Villainy

I have no intention of establishing premium contracts for this book, so readers can rest assured! Your satisfaction in reading will not incur any costs!!!! I simply ask that you spread the word to your friends so we can embark on this journey together!!!!!! Embark on an unforgettable journey with Johnny, a brilliant young scientist mysteriously transported to a medieval world filled with intrigue and charm. With his sister Cecilia by his side, Johnny navigates a tumultuous society divided into three classes: aristocracy, devout clergy, and humble peasants. Beneath their humble façade lies a dark secret marked by a mysterious symbol they all share. As Johnny faces the challenges of this new realm, his insatiable curiosity fuels an unrelenting quest for knowledge and discovery. Interwoven with the history of this medieval world, Johnny brings with him memories of a distant past where he was a talented scientist in a technologically advanced world. In this previous world, heroes with incredible abilities, similar to those in comic books, protected society and fought monstrous threats. However, a groundbreaking scientific discovery led him to an experiment that transcended the barriers of space and time, leading him to his current fate. Now, he must balance his thirst for knowledge with his survival in this new world filled with surprises, mysteries, and dangers. As his journey unfolds, Johnny faces difficult choices, often prioritizing the pursuit of truth over ethical concerns. His burning ambition leads him to commit controversial acts, challenging conventional notions of right and wrong. Johnny demonstrates an insatiable thirst for knowledge, willing to sacrifice ethical principles and traditional values in his quest for truth. This dark aspect of his character makes him a profoundly intriguing character, leading him to explore uncharted territories and question morality in the name of science and discovery. The character is cold and calculating, and does everything to achieve his goals. The chapter release frequency will be 3-4 chapters per week! My mother tongue is not English, I think this work will need a proofreader in the future.

Jonas321 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

The heart

In the distance, the sound of horse hooves echoed across the field, announcing the arrival of an imposing group of knights. They approached with military precision, their armors shining under the light of the setting sun. The leader of the group, Sir Reynald, and his fearless companion, Lady Elyssa, commanded the formation.

Sir Reynald's armor was a masterpiece of forged iron, polished to reflect the golden light. His helmet, adorned with a griffin crest, partially obscured his face, revealing only intense eyes radiating authority. A red cape fluttered behind him, a badge of his commanding position.

Lady Elyssa, on the other hand, wore a more elegant armor, with engraved details that highlighted her grace and skill. A white plume adorned her helmet, contrasting with the silver armor that shimmered with the promise of justice. Her eyes, as sharp as Sir Reynald's, surveyed the scene with a mix of curiosity and determination.

The knights under the command of Sir Reynald and Lady Elyssa formed an impressive unit, each wearing armor reflecting the wealth and pride of their kingdom. Their lances were resting on their shoulders, ready to be raised at the slightest sign of threat.

As the group approached the bloody scene, Sir Reynald raised his hand, signaling the knights to slow down. Lady Elyssa maintained her serious expression, her eyes scanning the environment for any suspicious movement.

Sir Reynald dismounted, followed by Lady Elyssa and the other knights.

"What happened here?" Lady Elyssa asked, her firm voice echoing under the helmet. "Cursed! May the Emperor's justice fall upon the wicked!"

The wagon, once destined for transporting goods, had now become a grim scene. The smell of blood permeated the air, mixing with the scent of death that hung over the battlefield. Lifeless bodies lay in heaps, witnessing the carnage that had occurred there.

Sir Aldric advanced cautiously, his expression hardened by the brutal sight. Lady Elyssa, by his side, remained alert, her eyes scanning every corner for signs of imminent danger.

Suddenly, a faint moan drew their attention. Among the lifeless bodies, they found a survivor, a child in a fetal position, crying in anguish. Sir Aldric and Lady Elyssa exchanged glances, wondering what had happened.

Lady Elyssa, with a mix of concern and compassion, crouched beside the fallen wood. Her keen eyes caught the sobbing sound of a child, and with determination, she moved the wood aside, revealing a small frightened face and tear-streaked eyes.

The child, dressed in blood-stained rags, trembled in fear. His sobs echoed in the disturbing silence of the battlefield. Lady Elyssa, with firm and gentle hands, began to carefully check the boy's body for injuries. Her skillful fingers traced the bloodstained clothes, searching for signs of cuts or bruises.

To Lady Elyssa's relief, the child seemed to be physically unharmed. The blood staining his clothes was not his own. A sigh of relief escaped the knight's lips as she looked into the terrified eyes of the child.

"It's okay, little one. You're safe now," reassured Lady Elyssa gently, keeping the boy close to her. The knights around watched with compassion.

Sir Aldric, observing Lady Elyssa taking care of the child, approached with a serious and determined expression. His eyes, normally firm, showed a hint of concern. He came near the vice-captain, respecting the space she provided for the child.

"What happened here?" Sir Aldric asked, his deep voice echoing under the helmet. He observed the child attentively before turning to the boy, as if about to question him about the recent events.

However, Lady Elyssa, noticing Sir Aldric's approach, intervened immediately. With a disapproving expression, she raised an eyebrow, silently indicating that it was not the appropriate way to deal with a frightened child.

"Sir Aldric, please!" she reprimanded with a firm yet gentle tone. "We can't approach the child as if he were a soldier under interrogation. He has been through something terrible."

Sir Aldric stepped back, understanding Lady Elyssa's point. He nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in her words. "I apologize, Lady Elyssa. Sometimes, my military training overrides my human sensibilities!"

Lady Elyssa, sensing sincerity in Sir Aldric's words, smiled slightly, recognizing the humanity behind the facade of a hardened soldier. Her eyes sparkled with respect as she assessed her captain.

"No need to apologize to me, Sir Aldric!" Lady Elyssa said respectfully, her smile reflecting understanding. "You are the captain, the highest-ranking position in the guard!"

The captain nodded.

Lady Elyssa gently stroked the hair of the small child, addressing him with a soft voice, seeking to comfort him. "What's your name, little one?" she asked, her compassionate expression conveying warmth and security.

Amid sobs, the child replied with a trembling voice, "My name is Alexander." His eyes still showed traces of fear, but Lady Elyssa's loving presence was beginning to calm his tears.

Curious about the child's situation, Lady Elyssa continued to gently stroke him while asking, "And with whom do you live, Alexander? Is there anyone else with you?"

Alexander, still somewhat hesitant, replied with a tearful voice, "I live with my sister, Cecilia, in the place where Lord Kaloch is the boss. Until some really mean men grabbed me and took me in these wagons. Then, something very strange happened, and after that, well, all of this happened!"

As Lady Elyssa continued to gently stroke Alexander and ask her questions, the ground began to tremble subtly. In a surprising display, bright runes appeared in the air, forming magical patterns before revealing a majestic figure dressed in golden armor.

I apologize for the delay. To make up for it, I will release an additional chapter!!!!

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