
RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 43-6: Gunboat Diplomacy (Part 6)

Author Notes:

Surprise! The quick release is because the next Interlude is up! It's a quick one, primarily made to just get the civies outta harm's way. After that, it's gonna be the grand battle that everyone's waiting for! As for this chapter, well, I can only say this...




Now if you would excuse me, I gonna take a rest XD

P.S: Updated the album! 



Junker Ju400A Ghostrider Specifications:

General characteristics

Crew: 7 (Two Pilots, Two Combat Systems Officers, Three Special Mission Aviators)

Length: 45.1 m

Wingspan: 42.4 m

Height: 14.7 m

Fuel capacity: 50500 kg (111,300 lb) internal fuel

Powerplant: 4 × Ju400-D6 turboprop, 13,000 hp each

Propellers: 8-bladed variable pitch propellers with feathering and reversing capability, 5.3 m diameter


Maximum speed: Mach 0.72

Cruise speed: 800 km/h (at max takeoff weight) at 9,450 m

Initial cruise altitude: 9000 m at MTOW

Range: 5000 km at max payload

Service ceiling: 14000 m

Wing loading: 637 kg/m2

Tactical takeoff distance: 950 m

Tactical landing distance: 740 m

Turning radius (ground): 28.6 m


1× Mk103-7 30mm 7-barreled rotary cannon (Barrel length: 2.3 m, Loaded ammo: 30x184mm API and HEI)

1× 57mm L/77 autocannon (Loaded ammo: 57 × 438mm 3P all-target programmable ammunition, this allows three proximity fuzing modes as well as settings for time, impact, and armor-piercing functions)

1× 105 mm A39M Howitzer (Modernized version of the Flak 39, lighter, more precise, and autoloaded. Built specifically for the Ghostrider gunships. Loaded ammo: 105 × 769mm programmable HE for airburst, impact, and point detonate delay)

"Gunslinger" weapon system with ten launch tubes for GBU150 Small Diameter Bomb (150 kg precision glide bomb with HE or HEAT warhead) or Joint Air-to-Ground Missile Lightweight, JAGM-L (Miniturized version of the standard JAGM), Tactical and Suicidal Off-board Sensor (TSOBS), loitering munition with programmable HE warhead.


Multimode AESA radar, incorporating several enhanced air-to-ground modes such as fixed target track, ground moving target indication and track, projectile impact point position, beacon track, and weather detection.

Multispectral sensor system, laser target designator/rangefinder with eye-safe mode, and laser marker, two Image-Intensified Television (I2TV) cameras, mid-wave infrared (MWIR), long-wave infrared (LWIR) FLIR.

Owl system, fully-colored, ultra-high definition night vision system.


Digital Radar warning receiver.

UV-based Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS).

Digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) jammer-based Electronic countermeasure (ECM) incorporating integrated Electronic Warfare (EW) self-protection function of detection, processing, warning, prioritization, jamming, and threat display.

Low-Band Jammer (LBJ) –low-frequency DRFM jammer-based ECM.

Laser-based Directional Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM).

Countermeasure Dispensing System (CMDS) – chaff/flare dispenser.

The Ghostrider program was a direct result of a research directive to create an aircraft that can help support the Air Force Special Operations Command, a component of the Belkan Special Operation Commands that works closely with ONI. With major requirements being durability, long time-on-target, precision, firepower, adaptability, and serviceability, not many airframes managed to make the cut, both old and new alike. Ultimately, only three aircraft make it to the final. Those being the Fi-22G Osprey Guns-a-go-go, the G-40A Fighting Bear, and lastly, the Ju400A Spooky. All of them share the designation of gunship, however, only one made the cut for SOCOM, the Ju400A, and was adopted by the military branch. Thus letting the aircraft be the proud owner of the program's name, Ghostrider.

Coincidentally, the Fi-22G failed the program due to its being too small, while the G-40A wasn't chosen because it was too large but lacking in proportional weaponry. That said, the Fi-22G goes on to be chosen by the Air Force as a light attack gunship, fulfilling the roles where a Ju400A isn't needed.

The Junker Ju400A Ghostrider gunship is a heavily armed, long-endurance, ground-attack variant of the Ju400 transport, fixed-wing aircraft. It carries a wide array of ground-attack weapons that are integrated with sophisticated sensors, navigation, and fire-control systems. Unlike other modern military fixed-wing aircraft, the Ju400A relies, mostly, on visual targeting. Since its large profile and low operating altitudes of around 3000 meters make it an easy target, its close air support missions are usually flown at night or when SEAD operations are committed alongside it.

The sole operator is the Belkan Air Force, which uses the Ju400A for close air support, air interdiction, and force protection. Close air support roles include supporting ground troops, escorting convoys, and urban operations. Air interdiction missions are conducted against planned targets and targets of opportunity. Force-protection missions include defending air bases and other facilities. Ju400As are based at Fritzlar Air Base, northern Hesse, and these gunships can be deployed worldwide.

The Ju400A has its weaponry mounted to fire from the port side of the fuselage. During an attack, the gunship performs a pylon turn, flying in a large circle around the target, so is able to fire at it for far longer than in a conventional strafing attack. Its primary weapons are the 30mm Mk103-7 Gatling (for suppression of soft-skin and lightly armored targets), the 57mm L/77 cannon (for precision destruction of small groups of enemy units, lightly armored and above), and the 105mm A39M (for when you really need to delete something). Auxiliary weapon systems come in the form of ten common launch tubes (CLTs) that formed up the Gunslinger system. Each tube can be fit with either a small, precision munition or a loitering munition.

Suffice to say, nothing can beat the Ju400A in terms of being an army morale booster. While Phantoms and Harriers are wonderful, they are usually not visible for friendly units to react. But a Ghostrider in the AO? You can bet your inheritance that the boots on the ground will be cheering at the sight of their enemy being pounded to a pulp, counterclockwise style. Just the view of a consistent red stream and bright booming alone can encourage friendly units to fight twice as hard while their enemy scurries away, avoiding the Grim Reaper dropping their scythe on them.

The Sardegnians should be worried, for a Ghostrider is now baring its fang right at them.


"This is the Ju400A Ghostrider gunship, callsign Kriegsdude, to 501st elements on the ground. Enemy air defense was suppressed, we're now on call and on-station to support ally advance!" Said the commander of the gunship. The large decals, splatted near the cockpit, feature a WW1 gas mask and helmet, flanked on both sides by two MG08/18 LMGs with holy scriptures wrapping over the barrel shrouds.

Almost immediately after the announcement, a fire support request comes in. The requester is a JTAC belonging to the Brigand scout platoon. They've come across a hot spot of activity that's blocking the way ahead for a 501st mechanized company to capture Auschwitz's affiliated airbase.

As the spearhead of the formation, the Brigands are coming under fire and you can hear the conflict bleeding over the radio.

"Kriegsdude, this is Brigands 2-1! Fire mission, danger close! Enemy armor and infantry, 200 meters to the southwest of our location, over!"

"You heard the man, eyes on and guns on back there!" The flight chief shouted over the back, prompting the combat system officers to work. Thanks to the intuitive instrument and HUD design, it takes almost no time at all for them to locate the friendly platoon's location amid the wartorn city of Auschwitz. The Brigands are bogged down at an intersection, their vehicles and dismounted troops using the building as cover, trading fire with the Sardegnians due South.

"Got eyes on friendlies!"

With that, they swiftly identified the source of the Brigands' conundrum, a well-dug-in position of Sardegnians, featuring MG nests, entrenched AT guns, and a couple of machine gun-equipped tankettes. "Enemy spotted!"

"Friendlies are outside of 105 danger zone!"

"Roger, 105, setting for impact. Got good lase, we're sending it!"


With a loud thump, the 105mm cannon, already trained on the target, fires its shell, jerking backward before resetting in the reload position, thus allowing the autoloader system to ram the next round in after input from one of the three special mission aviators. From below, you can see a larger, red tracer flying for a few seconds at most slamming down right in the cluster of Sardegnians, obliterating a tank, a dozen soldiers, and a couple of static MG and AT.

"105 hits for good effect. Switching to 30 and 57, let's clean them up!"

Splitting the work between the two of them, the combat system officers use both the 30mm Gatling and the 57mm autocannon to mob up the rest of the Sardegnian oppositions.


With a long, purring sound that is reminiscent of a deadly kitty, the Gatling unleashes a hail of red, 4200 rounds per minute, and redecorating the ground with countless holes. The beam of death swipes through the last surviving enemy tank before running along the Sardegnian makeshift trench and fortification line, decimating the infantry to countless pieces.

*Kadunk* *Kadunk* *Kadunk* *Kadunk* *Kadunk* *Kadunk*

Accompanying by a metallic booming, the 57mm gun rhythmically delivers high explosive ordinances with pin-point accuracy, mobbing up the rest of the MG nests, garrisoned buildings, and emplaced AT guns. Each impact sends a blast of debris and gore high up in the air.

"Oorah airbornes! Target is history!" Said one of the officers before they both fist-pumping each other.

Hearing that, the flight chief calls it in with a wicked grin.

"Brigands 2-1, enemy wiped and you're good to go. We'll cover you till you storm the airbase so keep 'em coming. Over."

"Roger that, Kriegsdude, that was bloody outrageous mate! We're Oscar Mike now. Out." Having said that, the scout platoon carries on forward, moving past the destroyed emplacements and corpses.

Maintaining a close eye on the platoon, the Kriegsdude crew spot movements.

"Personnel coming out of a building block in drove." The weapon officer who spotted them said.

"Navigator, switch the MFD to gunner view." Ordered the flight chief to his co-pilot. "Can we confirm that they're armed?"

"Stand by." Returned the weapon officer as he zoomed the camera in, switching the view from black-hot thermal to normal, high-definition colored view. After that, it's quite easy to spot the guns the group is holding. "Unknowns are confirmed to be armed hostiles, dressed in Sardegnian Army attires."

"Calling it in now." Said the flight chief. "Brigand 2-1, Kriegsdude, you have what seems to be three full squads coming from the direction of the airbase. Lightly armed, no AT. Do you want to deal with them yourself or should we take the lead on this one? Over."

With the call made, the reply comes back after a few moments. "This Brigand 2-1, it would seem that you won't need to expend your munition on this one. We're mounting up, gonna let the vic crews get some roadkills. Over."

"Roger that, 2-1. Have a nice trip. Out."

On the ground, the infantry element of the Brigand platoon starts mounting up on the Class B Pumas. Once aboard, four soldiers aboard each IFVs start sliding open the four hatches above the troop compartments. Using the opening, these soldiers prop themselves up and braced their guns on the roof of the Pumas. Not stopping there, the more magically adept personnel cast a couple of barriers, very useful to tank a few hits or to bounce whatever grenades the enemy threw at them. This basically turns the Pumas into a moving bunker with all-around firepower and protection.

With everything set up, a member of Brigand 2 slaps the back of the IFV's turret. "We're good to go! Kick her into gears!" The sentences act as the starting signal for the mechanized scout platoon.

Speeding forth in a column formation, with the two Class C Pumas spearheading and shoring up the rear while the Class B Pumas stay in the middle, the Brigands soon come across the group of footmobiles Kriegsdude spotted. The gunner aboard the lead Class C grins wickedly as he sees the shocked expressions of the Sardegnians. Not letting the opportunity go to waste, the gunner pulls the trigger, sending a 105mm HEAT shell, set for airburst, down range. Near instantly due to the velocity of the shell, the unfortunate Sardegnians bear the full brunt of what can only be the equivalent of a super-sized buckshot to the face. Somewhere, in a whole other universe altogether, someone is screaming out that the Belkan just committed war crimes by doing that.

But then again, this type of shell is one of the more tamer weapons that Belka has in their arsenal. Queue thermobaric and incendiary munitions, or Yggdra forbids, kilotons explosives.

By blasting the Sardegnian marching formation wide open though, the lead Class C paved the way for the subsequent Class B Pumas and their riders to come down and hammering hard on them. Swinging their turrets, one on each side of the road, the Class Bs pump the general directions with 57mm HE. They need not aim, for the densely packed Sardegnian formation proves to be their undoing. The explosive shells completely throw the Sardegnians into disarray with survivors scampering for cover, any cover at all if it means getting away from these steel beasts.

Where the 57mm failed though, the gun riders of the Class Bs open up with their rifles and machine guns, complimented by the remote-controlled machine gun turret of the rear Class C Puma. Having been trained in combat maneuver tactics like the one they're using now, these riders can engage the enemy foot mobiles with surprising accuracy despite being on the move. Soon enough, after the drive-by, what's left behind are either dead or dying Sardegnians. It would be a miracle if one of them escaped unscathed and it would be ridiculous if they would not turn and run away for good.

"Kriegsdude, this is Brigand 2-1, be advised, we have passed the designated group of infantry and are continuing towards the airstrip. Requesting a battering ram to facilitate our entry, over." The JTAC of the Brigand platoon requested.

"Roger that. Engaging anything armed and not flashing blue on IFF. Those are all hostiles." The flight chief responded before turning back to the gun crew. "Alrighty boys, clear hot but be advised, the runway needs to be intact for future ops!"

"Roger Roger! Turning our mains to the airstrip... Yeah, yeah, we're seeing movements."

"More enemy personnel and armored." The combat system officers lay their guns on Sardegnians who are stationed at the airfield. From the look of it, they're hunkering down using the few bunkers, watchtowers, and tankettes they have available... It would seem they mobilized everything they had in stock.

"Cleared to engage all of those." The flight chief reiterated.

"105 on airburst setting." Aiming the howitzer aboard, one of the CSOs said. The projected impact point is smack-dab in the middle of a group of open-top infantry fighting positions. Basically, unprotected MG nests and foxholes in the eyes of the Kriegsdude.


"It's shot!"

Three seconds later, the shell detonates 10 meters above the targeted area, bathing the kill zone with countless fragments and the accompanying shockwave. Suffice to say, if the Sardegnians hadn't been eviscerated instantly, they would be wishing for it if they somehow got out of that alive. Airburst munitions never treat a living being well... It seems like this has been happening quite a lot lately.

"Kaboom!" One of the special mission aviators whistled as he watched the live feed. The man then goes on to return the howitzer to the firing position after it receives a new round from the conveyor autoloader. "Gun ready!"

"Tracking enemy vic movement."

"Sending another one!"


Unlike the poor infantry from last time, the 105mm shell detonates above a group of tankettes. With their poor protection supersonic shrapnels easily punctured their roof armor, turning every single one of them into beehives. A couple of them even outright exploded due to the fragments igniting their fuel tanks.

"That's a hit."

"No shit, Sherlock." The two combat officers bantered before one of them sighted another target. "More enemy personnel, moving near the ATC."

"Roger, tracking. Switching to 30."


With a burst of red tracers, the enemy group that just exited the airfield's air traffic control tower is sent flying everywhere. "Hehe, niiice!"

The flight chief interjects. "Our boys are getting near. Mob up the rest for them lads."

"Roger, firing at will." At the behest of their commander, the officers split their duty. One of them uses the Gatling while the other aims the 57mm.

Together, they create a cacophony of destruction.


*Kadunk* *Kadunk* *Kadunk* *Kadunk* *Kadunk* *Kadunk*

On the ground, nothing escaped their wanton destruction. Troops in trenches? The 30mm can just wipe the slate clean, turning the whole system unrecognizable. MG bunker? The 57mm can just penetrate and turn the internal into mush. Tankette? Any of the guns aboard the Kriegsdude can just sneeze in its general direction and it will be gone.

Ultimately, almost nothing is left of the airfield defense, clearing the entryway for the Brigand platoon and the subsequent company that will follow their track.

Before that, however, something else came up on their radar.

The navigator who is sitting next to the flight chief in the pilot seat, reports in amazement. "Am I reading this right? These Luigies are trying to take off under these conditions?"

"Where?" The flight chief asked, prompting the navigator to point to the new radar readings that just come up. "Well, I'll be damned. They're pulling out biplanes from the hangars to try and stop us? They may as well dig their own graves then."

The flight chief then speaks into the comms, both internal and external. "Be advised, Kriegsdude is moving to intercept enemy aircraft trying to take off."

"Oh, say what!?" One of the crew exclaimed.

"Cool! We may as well get our first air-to-air kill ever! Oi, help us get the TSOBS ready!" A CSO jutted his thumb toward the Gunslinger system.

"Better score a good kill, you hear me!?" The mission aviators jested before moving to check on the Gunslinger. "Yeah, we're all good here. Launching the one, true son of bitches!"

With a muffled poof, the Gunslinger system jettisoned a loitering munition through one of the holes in the rear cargo ramp. Unfolding its wing, the TSOBS activates its engine and built-in sensors, allowing the CSOs to control it remotely. Before the Kriegsdude can turn into a good attack position, the TSOBS already acquired a nice target to engage, a Fiat C.R.32 fighter craft. Taking off from one end of the runway, the biplane just manages to lift itself some five meters off the ground when the TSOBS dives down for the kill. With the fuze set on proximity, the TSOBS detonates right above the pilot's cockpit, turning unfortunate Sardegnian and his entire plane into a squished and punctured mass before everything explodes into a big ball of fire.

"Booyah! Target is history!"

As the carcass of the plane came crashing down on the runway, the other aircraft that were still behind it could only stop, not being able to sortie with the way forward being obstructed. This, in turn, makes them sitting ducks for the Kriegsdude that is now in position.

"Light'em up."


Per command, the 105mm howitzer unleashes another round, aiming for the packed formation of C.R.32s. In a flash, everything goes from intact to suboptimal for the Sardegnian pilots. If even a tankette can not survive an airburst shell, one can only imagine just how devastating it is for the parked aircraft. Eventually, nothing is left at the airbase that can offer any sort of response against the combined force of the Kriegsdude and heavily armed Brigands.

The curtain in this little skirmish comes down when Brigand 2-1 storms the ATC, taking the officers and soldiers alive, albeit very dispirited. Finally, with a Leopard MBT and a slew of IFVs coming to assist the Brigands, the Kriegsdude can now move on to greener pastures. Fulfilling their role in supporting the urban operation, culminating in the push to break the walls into inner Auschwitz.

Due to the strategic value of the site, Kriegsdude handed over the task of supporting friendly units any further to elements of the 501st Combat Aviation Brigade.

Ultimately, the crew of Kriegsdude performed splendidly for their first overseas deployment, being the proud owner of the first air-to-air kill aboard a Ju400A Ghostrider. This will become the talk and record for other Ghostrider crews to admire and hopefully achieve some days. The feats garner enough attention that the Kriegsdude crew will go on to plaster a motto beneath their emblem, thus complimenting it:

"Blessed be my guns."

As much as I loathe myself for saying this, I am asking for a favor.

I have calculated my current income and tried to plan for the months ahead. However, I was surprised and scared when I learned that, in January and February of 2024, I may be in deep trouble. Why those two months in particular? Well, it comes down to Vietnam loves freaking extended holidays. On New Year and Tet holidays, banks will take a break at the beginning of the months/holidays. When this occurs in conjunction with weekend breaks, the matter stands that my monthly income won't be processed! Not until they're done with taking whatever break they need to.

That means, for the first two weeks of these two months, I may fall under the situation that I have money, but I can't withdraw any. As such, the home won't have any actual food, like, nada. While I can survive on instant noodles (if I still have them by then), my mother who is sick, surely can't.

It pains me to say this but I am asking for your favors, your help, and only if you can spare it. My Pat-reon is still there for monthly donations in return for benefits. Current income 605 USD/month out of 800 USD/month goal.


However, I have also set up a Ko-fi (hopefully properly this time) for coffee tips. This is for one-time tippings if you can't afford a monthly subscription. It's my hope that the money from tippings will be used for an advanced withdrawal to procure emergency food. There isn't any benefit for Ko-fi just yet, not sure how to balance it alongside my Pa-treon. So you can't read advanced chapters, but you can at least check up on some sexy pics XD


Jokes aside, if you can support me monetarily, I hope that you can boost the popularity of my fiction in any way you can. On behalf of my mother, thank you, for everything!

Heartbreak01creators' thoughts