
Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

"This twisted world needs to be reset. That's what V2 is for!" ------------------------------------------------------------- Waking up only to find that she's reincarnated into a world very reminiscing of a game that she used to play, Yuki is suddenly thrust into a worldwide conflict. To ensure the longevity of her newfound motherland, Yuki will have no choice but to flip this war upside down. If only to finally has some closure for past life also. So buckle up, strap your helmet tight, and keep your rifle loaded and on safe. This is not your bog-standard story about overpowered characters on a battlefield, no. This is a story about warfare in all its bloodied glory, the leader that calls the shot, the soldiers that execute them, and the nation that's backing them up. And along the way, sprinkle those a healthy dose of beautiful maidens, lily/futa romances, and build a harem. This is not gonna be a quick and decisive run, no. We're in this one for the long haul. Hail, Ironblood! As of now, this story is available on Scribblehub, Patreon, Webnovel, and RoyalRoadl. Do note that I'm the actual author for this one. Send me power stones or better: Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Heartbreak117

Heartbreak01 · War
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RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 21-3: The Hunt for Bismarck (Part 3)

Author notes:

I'm back with the next part of Hunt for Bismarck (Already up on Pa-treon)! Hot damn, writing the newest chapter gave me the chill, for I tried to put myself in the position of the Eruseans. Spoiler, it wasn't fun to be on the receiving end of whatver the Bismarck decided to throw at you. Nada!

And now, for the absolutely major good news! I offer my heartfelt congratulation to the Duke of Indochina, known to you all as Duke of Coffee! For he, has made the contribution of supporting me as a General! Thus joining Nicolae (Otherwise known as Dan Nicolae Barzu) as fellow Generals to the Reich! And as he's a long-time supporter, much like, Nicolae, he's allowed the opportunity to creat his very own character to influence the direction of the story. And I am proud to inform you all that the Duke of Indochina, and his subsequent heir, will be playing a big role in how the Asian continent will develop in the future!

Up next will be welcoming our newest Private, Private Simon Gürtler, who is now joining his fellow prestigious Patrons in supporting the Reich! Moving on, will be that Captain Pheonix Rampant is back after Pa-treon decided to screw up his Patron status! It appears that recent changes from Patreons have troubled a lot of people. To that, I thank you all for still stick with me after everything!

Aside from that, I'm pleased to inform that I'm starting a trial run of NSFW/R-18 images of our characters! The first two pictures of Yuki will be avaible for all tiers, and so will subsequent ones! However, NSFW pictures are only for Patrons only. Call it additional benefits to you all :D

And as I am learning how to generate images better, I hope to bring better quality content to you all to justify the price tags. Hopefully, I won't blow up my PC lol

Enjoy and have a nice day!

P.S: Here's two new images of Nicolae with new rendering style!


Placing down the headphone with a direct line to Grand Admiral Karl Donitz, Admiral Tallulah still can't quite believe that their first naval action will be happening soon. Much less it will be one of the most ambitious maneuvers of history. Don't get Tallulah wrong, she is more than able and is not disheartened by the prospect of leading a handful of ships. Rather, she welcomes the upcoming challenge. Tallulah is smart enough to understand just what kind of mind game is the upper echelon playing. Hence she is eager to contribute her effort to bring about the collapse of the Erusean Navy.

Turning around to Captain Lindemann, Tallulah says. "We have our orders. Maintain present heading and formation. Make contact with that Royal Navy intercept party ahead of us and if they ignore our warning, we are to initiate combat and punch a hole through their blockade. The convoy must get to La Coruna on schedule." Tallulah then smirks. "Battle stations."

Lindemann snaps a salute before saying on the fleetwide communication line. "This is flotilla leader to all elements, battle stations. I repeat, battle stations! Prepare for the interception of enemy high-speed destroyers and possible torpedo attacks. All elements are to report their combat readiness."

The announcement comes as a somewhat of a surprise, but ultimately a welcome one by the crew of the Bismarck. Tallulah and Lindemann take their spot on the bridge, gazing approvingly at the men and women making sure that all the stations aboard the battleship are up to snuff for the eventual conflicts.

"The Bismarck is green across the board with our guns loaded with high explosive shells, ma'am, sir." Lindemann's XO gave the report.

"Yes, I can very much see that. Standby for the deployment of a spotter drone. Once the destroyers are gone, we will need an additional eye in the sky to search for the other Royal Navy ships." Tallulah commanded, letting the XO salute, and is just about to return to his post at the CIC when she calls out. "Wait!"

The XO returns to his former posture. "Yes, ma'am?"

"Once we've made contact with the destroyers, make very sure that their outbound comms are jammed. We only need to let them report their status as alive and in contact with our vessels, once. Anything after that is not allowed to be transmitted, let's keep them guessing about the fate of their ships, yeah?"

The XO nods, his lips parting into a smile. "Yes, ma'am!"

"Good. And when we face any other group like one, we will be doing just the same." Tallulah then dismissed the XO, turning around to see an impressed Lindemann.

"You're gonna play them like a fiddle." The Captain of the Bismarck commented, making the Admiral in charge of the flotilla chuckle. "Our Royal Navy peers are in this to gain knowledge about our capability. As such, I will use our very ships as bait to lure them in. What happens after that will just be the hunters become the hunted."

"A bold, but risky move, in normal circumstances. But our Reichsmarine is anything but normal so I will happily see this through." Lindemann acknowledged the idea, confident that the flotilla can tide through anything the Erusean Royal Navy can throw at them.

Tallulah pats him on the shoulder. "Can't word it any better myself. Now then, radar, ETA till they're in visual range?"

"Ma'am, the Royal Navy destroyer squadron will break past and approach our 40km radius in thirty minutes."


"Four E-Class destroyers, ma'am."

Tallulah nods "I need gunnery to work on a firing solution for the lead vessel. If they ignore us and continue to proceed to the 30km mark, I want to be able to engage them as soon as possible." She looks at Lindemann. "Have the other elements pick their targets, I want all vessels to engage the destroyers as soon as Bismark does."

"You got it, Admiral." Lindemann replied before disseminating the command to the rest of the convoy escorts.

Very soon, Tallulah notes that the timer of thirty minutes has run out. This is signified by the turning of the two quadruple 431mm cannon turrets of the bow of the Bismarck. Tallulah doesn't have to take a look to know that the C-turret of the battleship is also laying on the lead Erusean destroyer.

Lindemann checks a computer terminal and reports. "Gunnery station reports that all guns are trained on the lead enemy vessel, the destroyer Electra."

"Good, adjust the course of the flotilla so that all our guns have a firing solution on those destroyers. And broadcast my message to those destroyers only."

An Ensign that's in charge of ship-to-ship communication speaks up after a few seconds. "We're ready, ma'am."

Before Tallulah can pick up the radio to address the approaching destroyers, Lindemann leans in and adds. "The destroyers belong to the Fifth Squadron of the Erusean Navy."

Tallulah rolls her eyes at the reminder but goes on to say in fluent Erusean. "This is Admiral Tallulah of Reichsmarine Battleship Bismarck escorting the convoy Fur Spaniard. Approaching destroyers of the Fifth Squadron belonging to the Erusean Royal Navy, you're to change your heading. Further continuation of your interception course will be judged as an act of attempted piracy and will be fired upon."

Having said that, Tallulah turns to the comms officer, who shakes his head. Lindemann comments. "No response? I reckon that your smooth words would have ruffled a feather or two but-"

"This is Captain Laponfey of the Destroyer Electra, Fifth Squadron. Convoy Fur Spaniard, you're hereby given the order to stand down and prepare for a military inspection on the authority of the Erusean Admiralty. Any attempt to resist will be met with deadly force from the nearby Royal Navy fleet!" From the loudspeaker of the comms officer's station, a very haughty voice came out. The manner of speaking makes Tallulah raises an eyebrow while the rest of the bridge crew is dumbfounded by the absurdity of the Erusean's request.

"Stand down? What part of Bismarck being a battleship did they not understand?" One of the Ensign on the bridge said aloud, followed by Lindemann commenting. "Whoever is sending these Eruseans out with an order, obviously didn't pack any brain with them."

The XO in the CIC reports. "Enemy vessels approaching 30 km on bearing 57."

Tallulah sighs exasperatedly before saying over the radio wave. "Now you listen here, Captain Tomfoolery, you're stating to an Admiral, who is clearly outranking you and of the Belkan Navy no less, to peacefully comply with your shoddy request out of nowhere? An order of giving up without any resistance whatsoever, no less? Gosh, if the rest of the Erusean Navy is anything like you then the Ustian Navy is a much more worthy foe. Damn, tea must have gotten your head all mushy-washy."

"You bloody so-!"

"Enough!" Tallulah cut the Captain of the Electra, going on to say. "Our nations are at war with each other, Captain. And I will be a sorry excuse of an Admiral if I didn't retaliate to an obvious undermining of the Reich's authority. Bon Voyage to Neptune, Eruseans."

Tallulah then gestures to the Ensign by the comms station, making him end the transmission. Understanding that the moment has come, Lindemann opens a line to the rest of the flotilla. "All vessels, pick your target and engage after Bismarck. Gunnery crew, half salvo... Fire!"

Per order and with the firing solution already calculated, six out of twelve primary cannons aboard the Bismarck fire. In a collective burst of air, smoke, and water vapor that blackened out the sun for a second, six super heavy high explosive shells are launched skyward. And were it any other battleship of the era, engaging a fast-moving destroyer at a distance of 30 km would have been nothing more than a pipe dream. Yet, for Bismarck with her state-of-the-art computational facility and fire control system, the hit rate for those six shells is 50%. Truly a stellar number that would no doubt cause the Captain of the Electra a run for his money... That is if he lived to learn about it.

The whistling of heavy artillery coming down atop them has been a shock to the Erusean sailors. As prophesized by both the gunnery chief of the Bismarck and the staff of the ship's CIC, three 431mm HE shells impact along the length of the Electra. The first shell, but of course, lands directly on the thinly armored conning tower of the E-Class destroyer. Suffice it to say, the super heavy shell eviscerates the tower in the blink of an eye, going so far as to completely knock the B-turret of the destroyer off its hinge and making it collapses onto the A-Turret. Not stopping there, the second shell touches tip with the aft of the Electra, right at the location where the depth charges rack is located. The ensuing combined explosion of both the shell and the anti-submarine weapon would have pushed the destroyer forth like a rock skipping on water if not for the third HE shell landing. The last 431mm shell to impact the poor destroyer has torn through the anti-air turret amidship before hitting the base of the second funnel of the vessel. The catastrophic explosion of the third shell shatters the thin hull plating of the deck, allowing the blast to travel below the ship and into the boiler room, wreaking havoc as the steam boilers and fuel tanks rupture, adding more to the final kaboom. One that goes on to effectively snap the Electra in half in seconds with the fore end of the ship pointing directly up in the air, the B-Turret being dislodged and falling into the ocean due to gravity. The aft section of the ship, however, is pushed forward, skimping the surface of the water due to the second HE shell combined explosion with the depth charges. Both ends of the ship ultimately meet their demise, sinking at record speed due to the total annihilation of its structural integrity. It still has to be said, however, that the missing shells from the Bismarck, while splashing all over the Electra, still cause some damage below the waterline in the form of hull cracks and aided the quick sinking of the vessel.

The total destruction of the Electra in the span of five seconds caught members of the Erusean destroyer squadron by complete surprise. Most can only dumbly gaze at the sinking corpse of the Electra, lost with all hands, with the sub-leader and second in the line of the destroyer squadron, the Encounter, to immediately pull starboard. They risk a collision with the debris had they maintained their old heading. The prompted evasive action has luckily spared them another swift death as the sky itself starts whistling. Stradling the Encounter, causing the rupturing of her hull below the waterline, and hitting the two destroyers behind her. This time, it's not just the remaining 431mm cannons that fired, but also the six 380mm guns of the Gneisenau and the eight 203mm guns of the Prinz Eugen that gave their shocking reports. By combining their firing data together, these vessels of the Belkan flotilla timed their shots perfectly so that their shells would land at the same time, casting not just devastating damage but also striking absolute terror on their enemy.

It's unknown just what shells have landed near the Encounter, but she is taking in seawater into the boiler room, effectively killing off her mobility at sea. And while the Encounter is struggling to restore her choking boilers, the last two destroyers of her squadron aren't so lucky. Hit by a major explosion, but not to a devastating effect as the 431mm, followed by smaller ones, presumably from Eugen's 203mm, the destroyer Esk is eeking out her last breath as the ship is slowly tipping to port, her entire port side is ripped apart all across her length. The other, the destroyer Express, is sinking head first... Well, though I said that, you have to realize that there's not even a head left from that destroyer in particular. The front section of the Express is gone, reduced to atoms by well-placed shots from Bismarck's main guns. The most powerful battleship of the era is milking that 50% accuracy for all of its worth.

And when the Captain of the Encounter gazes at the utter annihilation of his squadron, paled face and clattering teeth, he tries to hail for other Erusean ships. His action is made out of fear and duty, he needs to warn the mainland of the preposterous capability of the Bismarck and her cohorts. Unfortunately for him, his goodwill is returned with nothing but heavy static no matter how his comms officer tries to contact the rest of the fleet. Desperate times call for desperate measures. The Captain of the Encounter orders the deployment of all of their smoke canisters. He hopes to God that it will be enough to obscure the targeting of the enemy's vessels. Unfortunately for him, the existence of radars aboard even the smallest ship of the Reichsmarine has rendered his effort null. Much to his absolute horror, the Captain of the Encounter hears the whistles of Death coming for him. So, as any sensible man will do, he immediately orders to abandon ship. And before his crew even registers the order, the Captain has already ditched his heavy coat before running out of the conning tower and diving overboard. Two seconds later, a shell of unknown caliber tears through the bridge of the Encounter, bearing swift death to the remaining sailors as it explodes, engulfing the upper portion of the destroyer in a ball of fire.


"CIC has confirmed, destroyers Electra, Encounter, Esk, and Express, have been eliminated. Our path forward to La Coruna is clear. Do we send out a recovery team for the survivors?" Lindemann reported succinctly. His even tone, however, doesn't tell the whole story. Until now, he is still feeling goosebumps due to the mighty shockwaves of the 431mm cannons of the Bismarcks. Though they only fired two full salvos, the result was devastating to the point that he's glad to have been born Belkan.

Tallulah, who heard the report, crosses her arms while gazing with reverence at the turrets of the Bismarck. "Bitches love cannons..." She muttered to herself before turning to Lindemann. "Give the coordinates to the Spanish Coalition, let them deal with the Eruseans. I reckon the Inquisition would like to have a word with the Royal Navy as to why they're intercepting their supplies in the first place. As for us, we can't detach any of our vessels to help them, lest they're sprunged upon with any Erusean surprise. Maintain present heading."

Lindemann nods, replying. "That can be arranged. This will no doubt make the Royal Navy loses a lot of face in the end. I will also take the chance to report the result of our first combat with the Erusean navy... If you can even call it that."

Tallulah smiles, gazing ahead. "Convoy to full. Let's escort our cargo out of this engagement zone first before we proceed as planned. Bismarck and Prinz Eugen will split off to deter any pursuer."

"Aye aye, Admiral."

As usual, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! Please, leave a like, a comment, or a review if you have the time to motivate me further!

You can also come and check out my other fanfic which is Random Omniversal Bar!



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