
Regrets of my life

My first book is out- Dusk Veiled Desires: cunning devotion. [PAINFUL POEMS] VOLUME 1: Short poems. Amidst the roses in full bloom, Under the starry night's bright loom, A girl sits in the garden alone, Penning down her heart's sorrowful tone. The moonlight casts a dim hue, Reflecting on her hair's brown hue, As tears flow silently from her eyes, Longing for the one she loves but denies... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOLUME 2: You and me (well you need to read to find out what's inside) {starts from chapter 53} "Well... I think this is our goodbye," she softly sighed, A bittersweet farewell, emotions amplified. "But I can't leave you," he pleaded with his heart, Their love entangled, yet forced to part. "My love, I'm not real," she whispered, eyes filled with pain, An ethereal presence, destined to wane. "You are to me," he vowed, his voice trembling, Their connection profound, their souls assembling. "You know that I will always be with you, But not physically, my love, this much is true," She spoke with tender sorrow in her tone, A love transcending bounds, their spirits known... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ whatever I write here is totally based on my real life. (unrequited love) Hello there! Welcome to this book, which is not a novel or a story. In this book, I will share my poetry and inner thoughts, which I've been hiding for a long time. All of my writing is based on my life, and I kindly ask that you do not repost my work without giving me credit. Thank you I hope you enjoy reading my writing and find something that resonates with you. -zylyria YOU CAN READ ANY VOLUME FIRST. It just depends upon your preference.

zylks7 · Urban
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88 Chs

let us close our eyes

We close our eyes when we pray, when we cry,

When we dream of moments that touch the sky.

For the beauty that moves us, deep within,

Is not merely seen but felt, where emotions begin.

In prayer, we seek solace, a connection divine,

Closing our eyes to quiet the noise and align.

The sacred whispers heard by the heart's ear,

Where faith and devotion blend, crystal clear.

When tears fall, blurring the world's view,

Closing our eyes allows emotions to flow through.

In vulnerability, we find solace and release,

Opening the gates of healing, offering peace.

And when we dream, with closed eyes we soar,

Exploring realms where imagination will explore.

The visions and hopes that stir our soul's art,

Unfolding in realms where the heart plays its part.

The most beautiful things, beyond what eyes can see,

Are felt deep within, where the heart roams free.

In those tender moments, love's essence is revealed,

A tapestry of emotions, forever to be sealed.

So let us close our eyes, embracing the unseen,

To truly grasp the beauty where feelings convene.

For the heart holds the key to life's wondrous art,

Where the most beautiful things are felt, not just seen.

I hope this poem captures the essence of the beauty felt by the heart in moments of prayer, tears, and dreams. If there's anything else I can assist you with or any further adjustments you'd like me to make, please let me know.