

Just InCommunityForumMoreRegrets and Wishes: One More Chance by jnscrtm Anime » Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken/転生したらスライムだった件 Rated: T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, [Rimuru T., Ciel], Words: 104k+, Favs: 190, Follows: 196, Published: May 20, 2022 Updated: Jun 13, 202221Chapter 9: 7 – Reconciliation and Naming


(Rimuru's Perspective)

As I start to regain my consciousness, my [Universal Perception] gradually reactivates itself without being told. I'm greeted by the view of a beautiful girl's peaceful face. For some reason, I feel as if my slime body were heating up.

Huh, what happened to me? I had been used multiple times by those girls as a pillow. Why do I now feel like this when it's Ciel-san who does it?

She seems to have woken up now. She opens her eyes little by little. After she has fully opened them, she looks at me for a few seconds.

"Umm...good morning, Ciel-san."

"Good morning, Master..." she responds cheerfully with a wide smile.

I'm stunned by this amazing sight. She has such an angelic smile. The faint shade of red painted on her cheeks makes her look even cuter.

"So cute..." I mutter unconsciously.

"?!" She seems to be surprised. The shade of red on her cheeks becomes more intense, spreading from ear to ear. She covers her face with her both hands.

Huh, did I say something wro—wait! I did mutter 'so cute', didn't I? Ahhhhh! My body feels even hotter than before. Oh, no. Now both of us are embarrassed.

There are no words coming out of our mouths, just an awkward silence surrounding us. No one dares to start talking.

This situation continues for a good number of seconds.

"Ciel-san?" I try to break the ice.

"Y-yes, Master?" She hesitantly uncovers her face. Her face is still crimson red.

"Let's get ourselves up, okay?"

"O-okay." She gets up from sleeping to sitting position.

I jump then transform into my human form in standing position. I take a long, deep breath to calm myself down. After I feel my body—or rather my cheeks as I am already in my human form—has cooled down, I turn around and face Ciel-san.

"Come on." I smile, offering my hand to her. "We'll have an important business to tackle this morning."

She looks at my hand, then at my face, then back at my hand. "Yes, Master." She takes my hand and stand up.

We begin our activities by telling the all goblins and direwolves to gather in front of the main shack.

Nearly a thousand goblins and eighty-three direwolves are in front of us. Because the village is relatively small for more than a thousand folks, they don't have a choice but to crowd each other.

"Has everyone gathered here?" I ask loudly. "I don't want anyone to miss this important announcement."

"""No single one is missing, my lord,""" answer the elders of goblins, the alpha of direwolves, and his son.

"Good. Then, I will reintroduce ourselves once again. My name is Rimuru Tempest, and I'm a man—"

Needless to say, many of them are bewildered by this revelation. I'm glad, though, that they keep silent about it and don't question it any further.

"—and this girl beside me is my partner, Ciel-san."

"The first thing we want to announce," Ciel-san starts, "is that as a symbol that you are all indeed our subordinates, the rest of you who are still nameless will be given names."

Almost everyone except the seventy whom we've named long time ago is surprised. They look at each other, murmuring among themselves.

"I know what you're thinking," I say to get their attention back. "Don't worry. We hold more than enough magicules to name a thousand of you without even one second of break."

One by one, we start giving them a name. We only need to think of four hundred new names because we're already familiar with six hundred of them—one hundred from this village's original inhabitants and five hundred from four other tribes.

The whole process takes a little less than quarter a day. All folks were patiently waiting without complaining throughout the process. It was just so fortunate that Ciel-san helped me thinking the new names. Because if not, I might've started throwing numbers into their names.

After the naming affair for the goblins have been finished, now it's time to name the wolves. The alpha seems not to fully believe one-and-all concept, so I doubt that naming him will affect his entire pack. If that what really happens, then we'll just need to name the direwolves individually. Name ideas? We can just toss some common dogs' names back in my days as a human.

"The alpha of direwolves, your name shall be 'Fuuga'," I declare.

He evolves into a Tempest Wolf. His brown fur changes into jet-black colour with a lustrous purplish sheen.

Through a shared name. His body grows to around five metres, and a horn actually grows on his forehead. The horn indicates that he can manipulate the storm element far better than those who don't have it. Not quite what I expected, but it's not a bad thing either.

By the way, storm element is not really a single element in itself, but a composite element consisting of water, wind, and space attributes. It's a conclusion I came up with a long time ago after knowing which attributes that Veldora had as the one bearing the title of Storm Dragon.

"My utmost joy to receive this name, 'Fuuga'. My body and soul shall be all yours, my lords."

And as I have expected, none of his pack evolves after I named him. Either way, I continue to name his son. "And you, the son of Fuuga, you shall call yourself, 'Ranga'."

The name "Ranga" originally came from the combination of two kanjis read in their on'yomi—the kanji for storm (嵐) read as "ran" and kanji for fang (牙) read as "ga". Thus, Storm Fang "Ranga"

I rewrote Ranga's name inside my mind and erased the mountain (山) radical on the first kanji, and voila! It became the kanji for wind (風), read as "fuu" in its on'yomi. Thus, Wind Fang "Fuuga". At least, wind is still the biggest part of a storm, so it's all good.

Magicules flow out of my body far faster than they did when I named Fuuga. The flow is...forty—no, fifty times faster? Of course, this is not enough to even give me a shiver. But it's still an unexpected thing.

The next thing we see is the rest of direwolves shining and beginning their evolution into tempest wolves. Their bodies grow to nearly three metres.

Guess we don't need to name them individually, after all.

Just like his father, Ranga evolves to a Tempest Star Wolf. A horn grows from the centre of his star-shaped birthmark on his forehead. His body also grows to nearly five metres, although a little smaller than his father.

In terms of physique, they are very similar. But in terms of overall appearance, they are easily distinguishable. Ranga has that iconic star-shaped mark and bluish-silver surrounding his neck, his snout, and the end of his tail; while Fuuga, regrettably, looks more similar to a regular tempest wolf but with a horn and a scar on his right eye.

"I, Ranga, will devote my soul and body for my lords."

"By the way, Fuuga?" I call.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Could it be...you've handed the leadership over your pack to your son?"

"Indeed, I have, my lord. Last night, I had announced to my pack through [Thought Communication] that I would step down and that my son would take over the leadership. Is there anything that bothers you, my lord, that you directly question it?"

"Ah, no. I noticed that when I named your son, all members of your pack also evolved for some reasons. Unless your son has taken over the leadership, I think there is nothing else that makes sense."

"I never truly believed in one-and-all concept, unlike my son who fully embraced it. But when you defeated me, my lord, it made me realize that my son was actually right. I went alone by myself and had failed to guide my pack this time. So, I thought it would be better to have my son taking over the leadership. Of course, I will also guide my son if needed."

Surprise! This is not a level of wisdom that I'd expect coming from an ex-Direwolf. His decades of life and rich experience as an alpha, and the realization of how shallow he was this whole time, must've played a big role on how he chooses to act and talk.

"Then, Ranga. As your father's success, do us proud!"

"Yes, my lord! I will do my best and live up to your expectation."

I can actually evolve them into Tempest Star Wolves if I want to. But giving them too much power right from the start will cause quite a problem, I'm afraid. This applies not only to the goblins and direwolves, but also to all of my future subordinates.

They'll need to be able to control their power for their own good. Letting them evolve slowly step-by-step will help them understanding what they're really capable of and getting used to their own power before taking further steps. If they've been deemed worthy by reaching certain criteria, higher evolution can be commenced at any time.

My blessing given to those whom I've named, "Rimuru's Blessing"—don't ask me why the name is so lame because the Voice of the World was the one who decided it—enables me to monitor and partially control my subordinates' growth. It is thanks to it and [Soul Corridor] which is formed immediately after naming that this scenario is at all possible.

I'm still wondering to this day if I can change my blessing's name. Since my currently-biggest power comes from the void energy produced by [Turn Null], I think [Crest of Void] would be a cool name.

Ah, let's not overthink it. We still have many things to do.

"Alright, everyone. Now, sit down and listen." I get their attention back.

"Last, I will explain the rules every single one of you must follow," I continue after all of them have sit down and been ready to listen.

"Rules...my lord?"

"Yes. There are three of them. First: don't attack humans unless they attack you first. Second: don't fight amongst yourselves. Third: don't belittle other races. That's all. Is there any question?"

The rules this time are pretty much the same as before, just with a little bit "improvement", one can say. It's because I had some terrible experiences with humanity, like that certain greedy kingdom, etc. Even if I did successfully resurrect all victims, some regrets just can't disappear that easily. That's why I become much more careful of humans since then.

There's only silence. No one seems to dare asking.

"It's alright to question something," I say, reassuring them. "I want you to follow the rules while being fully aware of what you're actually following, not blindly accepting them."

"Rimuru-sama." Nisei hesitantly raises his hand. "May I?"

"I would like to ask about the first rule," he says. "Why are we not allowed to attack humans?"

"Good question. Humans tend to live in groups. If you lay hands on one of them, they will soon retaliate in a bigger force. And if they were to attack you in the earnest, I doubt you could easily handle them. However, it doesn't mean that you only do self-defence and let yourselves being attacked. You're allowed to attack them if it is needed. And to decide whether or not it's needed, you have to evaluate their real intention first. Should they show an obvious evil intention, an intention to harm us especially, you can attack them at that very moment. So, this actually applies not only to humans, but to any other people of any other races. Is it clear?"

"Ah, certainly so! I understand now, Rimuru-sama. Thank you very much!"

"What does it mean by 'don't belittle other races'?" asks a little hobgoblin whose appearance doesn't seem to change even a bit after evolving. Yes, that's Gobta.

"Another good question. You've all gotten stronger by evolving, right? You've just freshly evolved. That's why, listen to me: don't let it get to your head then start pushing weaker races around. Don't think that you're way better than them just because you've got a little stronger. You know very well how it felt to be trampled on by the strong. You once were one of them, after all. You wouldn't want them to grow stronger themselves, stronger than you did, then retaliate someday and make you feel it that again, would you?"

"No one of us would want it, sir."

I can see some of them nodding their heads in satisfaction. They look even more satisfied than the last time I set this rule.

"That concludes the rules. At the very least, you must uphold those three rules to the best you can."

"""Yes, sir!"""

However, I'm not finished yet. "After this, we're going to have some of you to pair up and live together. 'To pair' means 'to form a group consisting of two', in case you don't know. Some of the hobgoblins and goblinas will pair up with direwolves."

I said "some" because there is no way we can pair a thousand hobgoblins-goblinas with only eighty tempest wolves.

"Rigurd," I call.

"Ah, yes?"

"From today onwards, I hereby declare you as the 'Goblin King', the one whose job is to keep the village well-run and well-governed."

Two fountains of tears overflow his cheeks. He kneels and puts his right fist on the ground. "Thank you very much, Rimuru-sama. I promise that I, Rigurd, shall devote my entirety to this vital post."

"The tribal elders Regurd, Rugurd, Rogurd, Ragurd, Ririka, and Ririna; come forth!"

"""Yes, sir.""" They come in front of me then kneel.

"I hereby declare six of you as the 'Goblin Lords'. Rugurd, Regurd, Rogurd, and Ragurd; your job is to aid Rigurd carrying out his duty to manage the local government. Ririna and Ririka, your job is to manage the inventory of our goods."

"""We shall devote ourselves for the job you have given us, Rimuru-sama,""" they exclaim in unison.

"Then, it's all settled. Rigurd, please stay here for a moment. I have something to talk about. The rest of you are allowed to disband."

All hobgoblins and tempest wolves disband and go back to their activities.

"Rigurd, I will give you my first order: assign a job to everyone whom you see as the most suitable. There should be a patrol team, a food-gathering team, a material-gathering team, and those who maintain the houses and tools. Pair them with the wolves so the jobs can be much easier."

"Understood, Rimuru-sama. I shall assign the jobs according to their best capabilities."

"And speaking of houses and tools, I see you're not quite good at building house or making clothes. Is that right?" I go straight to the point. I've got to solve this problem quickly if I want the development to get faster.

"I am ashamed to say this. Yes, we currently do not have enough knowledge regarding those matters," says Rigurd apologetically.

"Nah, it's alright. Just gather the material first. If you do not have a knowledge, then I'll bring some people to give you that knowledge. After this, I and Ciel-san will go to the Dwarven Kingdom."

"That is quite sudden, my lord. Should I assign some escorts or do you need any other things?"

"No, I don't need any of them. Just do your jobs perfectly when we're away."

"Understood, Rimuru-sama." He puts his right palm up in front of her chest then slightly bows his head. He immediately walks away to do his first job.

After I make sure that everyone has been assigned with a job, it's time to meet "them".

Our transportation will be, of course, our wolves. We can use [Space-Time Domination] if we want to, but that won't be a fun ride. I want to also explore the forest and enjoy the scenery with Ciel-san.

I want her to feel how happy it is to be able to feel what I can feel, see what I can see, and touch what I can touch; another form of happiness other than to serve me. Maybe I should spend more time alone with her when we've arrived there.

"Ranga, Fuuga." I call them who are just observing not too far away from us. When they hear their names being called, they immediately run to us then sit in front of us while their tails are wagging excitedly.

""Yes, my lord,"" they say in unison.

Even though Fuuga earlier had shown a somewhat mature attitude, there is no single trace of it left. Now, he acts like a normal, obedient dog alone in front of us.

"You two will be our personal wolves. Ranga, you will be mine; Fuuga, you will be Ciel's, okay?"

Ciel-san seems to a little bit surprised hearing this.

"We both would be really happy to take this position," answers Fuuga.

I look at Ciel-san with a smile on my face. She just nods and smiles back. I turn my attention back to our wolves.

I climb to Ranga's back and Ciel-san climbs to Fuuga's back. I turn my face to the crowd that's watching us this whole time. "Then, we will be going to the Dwarven Kingdom now." We wave our hands at them.

They wave their hands back. "May safety always be upon you, Rimuru-sama, Ciel-sama."

"Yeah." I change my attention to our wolves. "Then, let's go."

""Yes, my lord!"" Ranga and Fuuga starts running.

Thus, our journey to Dwargon has finally begun.


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