

Just InCommunityForumMoreRegrets and Wishes: One More Chance by jnscrtm Anime » Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken/転生したらスライムだった件 Rated: T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, [Rimuru T., Ciel], Words: 104k+, Favs: 190, Follows: 196, Published: May 20, 2022 Updated: Jun 13, 202221Chapter 18: 16 - Start of Disturbance

Just a small sidenote: I removed the theoretical stuff regarding the astronomy of Cardinal World's earth in this chapter that was included in the original version of this fanfic (the WP version), because I realized that it wasn't of great importance, nor did it have any notable impacts on the storyline.


A malicious plan arranged by a certain Demon Lord has begun without almost anyone realizing it. In an area within the Great Forest of Jura, near the lands of the Demon Lords, a tremendous number of pig-like creatures are prepared to raid the forest.

From a wasteland that once was the dominion of the Orcish Kingdom of Orbic, two hundred thousand orcs begin their march, ready to destroy and devour everything in their way.

(Rimuru's Perspective)

The sound of trees being chopped and nails being hammered echoes throughout the forest.

About five weeks have passed since our first step out of our old village. Ciel and I are strolling through our currently-under-construction town as usual, seeing how our citizens are doing.

Because the outline of our town has been designed with nigh-perfection, only a little to none revision needs to be made. As such, the construction workers are able to do their job much faster. Moreover, with a surplus of workers that we have from having seven tribes instead of five and sixteen dwarves instead of four who are guiding them, the development of our town speeds up dramatically.

The new town and its houses begin to take shape. Some buildings for crucial purposes like warehouse, meeting quarter (temporary), and public kitchen have been built completely prior to the houses. The ground area on which we lay our town has been cleared. We have successfully laid out our water and septic system.

We didn't cut all trees, obviously. If we actually cut all trees down, our town wouldn't be in harmony with the nature anymore like what we had planned before. We only cut those that were in the way and actually needed to be cut. We also intentionally left out some trees and other plants to build a sort of park where everyone in town can relax in later on.

The water system takes the direction of its flow from the river we're adjacent to. We've planned to have water-processing building as well. It is nearly completed by now. That'll be where the river water is purified and distributed to the citizens' houses.

As for the septic system, we've built a large chamber out of wood that we plan to bury in the ground. Its inner surface has been treated to improve its resistance against rotting then reinforced with cement. That's been completely worked on. We were quite lucky since we could find some quicklime-type materials off the nearby hill.

Another building outside our town is a waste-processing facility where we plan to make the fertilizer we want.

In addition to this, I've had the crew build a large temporary building resembling a gymnasium. It's the place where they can sleep in during the construction period. It's rather slipshod since it's not intended to be permanent, but it does the job well.

Outlining the assorted neighbourhood divisions has gone along well. The upper-class houses, including the one Ciel and I will be staying in, are being built near the cave mouth. We will have a line of houses meant for the lords with the other residences spread around them.

We are doing this before anything else so it'd be easy to lay out the town plan without getting things jumbled and mixed up. It's basically built in the shape of a cross with a wide main street, making it easy for the citizens to work as a group if the need arises. We'll have to be careful to not create long lines of identical roads. That'll make it easy for one to get lost, yes. But it's not too much of a concern.

The only real disadvantage of this structure is that it can be easy for invaders to move around in case of invasion. But if they do make it to the centre of the town, it'll mean dozens of other things have failed by then.

Well, if we get wrecked, we can just rebuild. We can also choose to in return destroy the enemies' own town, or whole nation if needed, at any time. Not that I will feel such a need to do that, at least for now. I'm just saying that if anyone dares to mess with one of my citizens, I will make them pay dearly for it.

Naming the goblins and evolving them into hobgoblins have proven to give a great impact throughout the construction work. Both their intelligence level and physical strength have increased exponentially. They're all astonishingly quick learners and always eager to learn new things.

In a sort of "lecture" I did before I divided several hobgoblins into different teams, I said to them: "Listen. Knowledge is not a cheap thing. Now that I have brought you some people to give that knowledge, make the best use of this opportunity. Take as much knowledge as possible while you're still able to!"

It appeared that they listened to my words and took them very seriously. They seem passionate and devoted to their respective works. They are working verd hard, yet they're still able to smile genuinely.

When I ask the workers to sometimes take a time to rest, most of the time they reply with something like: "Please worry not, Rimuru-sama. We do not need that much rest. We have evolved and become stronger thanks to the names you have bestowed upon us. We will feel irresponsible if we do not make the best use of our strength while we're still able to."

Having these hobgoblins as the construction workers really makes me feel damn lucky.

Ah, and of course, we don't order the children to help the construction.

Their physical strengths are still not enough to do one of those heavy jobs like building a building or carrying the materials. But if they insist to have a job, which they usually do, I usually will order them to help distributing foods and drinks from the public kitchen to the workers.

And not all children can get a job. Only the children whom I deem as "strong" enough who can have the job. Especially, for those who are exceptionally strong and have enough bravery, we will usually offer them to be the part of either patrol team and food-gathering team.

The public kitchen, as one might've easily guessed, is where most of the goblinas do their job: cooking and preparing the foods and drinks for the construction workers.

Since it's already midday, the town is slightly less busy than it usually is every morning. It's not like that the citizens are slacking off—with Gobta and his gang often as the exception. Some of them might seem to be resting, completely relaxed. But I can tell you that they're definitely ready to carry out any orders we might give them at any moment.

Speaking of Gobta, he's already capable to summon a tempest wolf. The whole thing happened around four days after we had set our feet on this new land.


At the time, he was supposed to go on a patrol together with other members of the team. We spotted him skipping, relaxing, and sleeping on quite a hidden place within the forest along with his three best friends: Gobte, Gobto, and Gobzou.

As a punishment, we brought them into one of the freshly-built small building and tied them up on the ceiling with an awfully-weakened version of [Universal Thread]. The way we tied them up was like what I did to Gobta in previous timeline. Then, I said to them before leaving: "Your punishment will end when you can free yourself. You may use any ways to do it, but you're not allowed to help the others directly. The moment you violate this rule, we'll immediately know and we'll give you an even more extreme punishment. Bye!"

We then also told the other folks not to try entering the building for a while without explaining the real reason behind it.

After a few days, Gobta ended up being the first one to successfully free himself. When he became so desperate because he was also holding his pee, he prayed with all his heart. He remembered the tempest wolf with whom he had been paired, then he thought, "Can you come on over, please." Then, the wolf did come—at least that was how he put it.


The sun is at its culminating point, radiating its maximum light and heat intensity for the day.

It's a rather hot day, I must say, although still not as bad as it usually is in summer. If it wasn't for my [Natural Elements Nullification], I'm sure I would've been feeling like nearly melting after hours of exposure to sunlight.

It should be already spring more than a month ago looking at the pattern change of the direction of the natural wind and the change of the atmosphere's average temperature. Various kinds of flowers are seen blooming here and there, spreading fragrant smells and filling our eyes with such a colourful scenery.

We walk together from the last construction site we visited, heading back to our house. Every citizen who passes us by cheerfully greets us. We also occasionally give some children who excitedly get near us a head-pat.

We arrive in front of the entrance of our house.

The construction of our—my and Ciel's—house has been completed about ten days ago or so. The hobgoblins had been insisting that ours would be prioritized before all other houses, so we could not say no to them and just let them do whatever they wanted.

We open the door, get into the house, and close the door again. I walk to the dining room then sits on a chair while Ciel continues walking into the kitchen.

Our house was designed not to be too huge in size, but not too small either. That way, we can have a decent, comfy interior while still having a spacious garden outside the house.

The garden is where we planted the flower seeds that we'd bought from Dwargon. There are so many kinds of flowers, but the most prominent are blue amaryllis and blue forget-me-nots. We also planted a few cherry blossom trees of sorts that we got from the wilderness, although they are still small and haven't bloomed once.

A few moments later, I can hear the sound of something being chopped from the kitchen.

As one can easily guess, Ciel is cooking for our lunch. I unconsciously hum happily because I know it's going to be really good, and I mean really good regardless of what kind of food is being cooked.

After waiting for some minutes, Ciel enters the dining room bringing two bowls of food. Just by smelling the aroma spreading out of the kitchen, it really wakes my appetite up.

"Master seems to be so excited for the food." She puts them on the dining table; one is put near me and the other is put across me. "Do you like my food that much, Master~?"

"Of course, I do," I say while snapping a pair of disposable chopsticks. "Because I know that anything cooked by you is going to be heavenly good."

Ciel has been cooking our meals since our house was finished. Every time I eat her dish, I'm always drown in blissfulness. Not even the most luxurious dish I've ever tasted in my lives and my past life can begin to compare with Ciel's mere simple cooking. The difference is like earth and heaven—or perhaps I am just exaggerating, but that is how I genuinely feel about it.

We fold our hands in front of our chest. "Bon appétit!" we say in unison.

Today's lunch menu is Gyuudon, a type of donburi dish, a Japanese dish in the form of steamed white rice with various kinds of toppings on it. By the way, we got the rice by planting very-rice-like grain corps on a small area in our gardens then harvesting some of them. We genetically modified the corps a little bit, so it grew faster than the regular ones.

I take a mouthful of rice together with a slice of meat with my chopsticks then put it into my mouth. I begin to chew it.

The texture of the meat, how perfectly cooked it is, combined with the balanced saltiness and sweetness... Ahhh...

I'm being drown in blissfulness, yet again. "So delicious."

"You can praise me more, Master..."

"Your cooking is the most delicious, the best in the entire worlds and dimensions, Ciel."

"Thank you..."

A-ha-ha...since when did you become like this, Ciel? Not that I complain about it, though. She looks much cuter that way.

Wait—what am I thinking about? I can feel my entire face heating up.

"Hmm?" Ciel, not knowing what's actually happened, just tilts her head. "What is the matter, Master?"

"Ah—n-nothing. Anyway, how's the current situation around the forest?" I try to change the subject. I eat another mouthful to distract myself from the remaining embarrassment.

"Ah, right," she replies. "I actually have planned to tell you that after this, but it seems we can just discuss this over the lunch."

She takes a mouthful of food with her chopsticks, chews it for a few moments, then swallows it. "I have started to sense some movements done by the orcs from the east direction. Their main group is estimated to reach the marshlands around the area of Lake Siss in less than a month."

"How about the ogres?"

"From the southeast direction, a smaller group of a few thousands of orcs are detected heading towards ogres' village. Judging from their speed, they are estimated to reach the village, I am afraid, at this sunset."

We continue eating our lunch while discussing about the orcs and the ogres, and what we are going to do with them.

The result of our discussion is basically: I will create a [Multiple Parallel Existence], then Ciel will split a part of her consciousness and use my [Multiple Parallel Existence] as a medium to manifest that split consciousness. Ciel will then send her manifested split consciousness to the ogres' village.

Once again, my [Soul Corridor] really is a big help to our plan, because that makes it easier for Ciel to split her consciousness without her "core" having to leave my soul. Not that it is possible for both of us to separate our souls.

After we've finished our lunch, we immediately clean the tableware then go to the living room and sit on the sofa.

"Oh, I remember something," I say. "What about 'that trio'?"

"They should almost reach this town's nearby area from the west direction."

"Is 'she' with them?"

Ciel looks at me in the eye for a moment then looks down at the floor. For some reason, her expression becomes somewhat gloomy. She looks hesitating to say a word.

"Yes, your 'destined one' will most likely come."

Huh, why does Ciel become gloomy like that when I ask her about 'her'?


"Yes, Master?"

"Are you okay? Why did you look sad out of the blue when I asked you about 'her'?"

"I...I am perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong." She smiles at me.

But for some reason, in my eyes, her current smile is different from what I'm used to. That smile in front of me looks so forced—to the point that it looks fake—as if trying so hard to hide the sadness behind it.

I look at her deeply, squinting my eyes with suspicion. "If so, why do you look so sad?"

"It...it is just your imagination."

Here she goes. She finally throws that line after so long. Once she says that, it will be impossible for me to get anything from her. She must be hiding something big again from me.

Could it be

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" A knocking sound is heard from our house's entrance door.

"Excuse me, sir, ma'am," says a voice that follows afterwards.

We immediately stand up and walk towards the entrance door. As we open it, what we see is a huge hobgoblin. He is practically a muscle-bound freak of nature, huge in frame and almost the size of an ogre. "Hell, larger, even!" as Kaijin once said.

"What is it, Rigurd?" Ciel asks in my behalf.

"I have come to report you, Rimuru-sama, Ciel-sama," he replies. "We have captured a few suspicious individuals."

"Suspicious?" I ask to confirm. "A bunch of monsters, or what?"

"No, sir, but humans. We did not engage them as you ordered."

"How many? And where they are now?"

"Four in total, sir. We brought them to a cafeteria near the public kitchen."

Four? Yup, it seems my guess is right. It is 'them'. 'She' also comes with them.

"Alright. Take us to them."

Following Rigurd's lead, we make our way to the cafeteria to see these "humans". The town's cafeteria is where our citizens usually eat at if they don't cook for themselves.

A conversation enters my ears.

"Wh-whoa! Hey! I want that!"

"That's just mean, isn't it? I raised this meat myself!"

"Sir, I regret to inform you that I am not giving up this food!"

"Munch, munch."

It certainly seems like some excitement. We look into the cafeteria through the windows, and what we see are four people sitting on chairs around a table.

Three of them are gluttonously savouring the food served to them as though they wouldn't get any more meals after this, while the other one—the one with a mask—is just taking slice by slice in a quiet, relaxed manner, somehow able to eat it with the mask on.


"M-my apologies, Rimuru-sama, Ciel-sama," he replies to my silent question. "It would seem that the ants made off with most of their luggage...and even then, they had not had a decent meal in sometime, so I had some brought to them."

'Ants,' he said? So, they did 'that stupid thing' again, huh?

"Oh, that's no problem," I answer to erase his doubts. "In fact, I say good job noticing. Helping out someone in need is a nice thing, you know?"

"Ha-ha! I will do my best to improve my rule and be less of a burden upon you, Rimuru-sama, Ciel-sama!"

Things will be quite hectic from now on...

I hope Ino...I hope WE can overcome all the problems that we have had, that we have, and that we are going to have.

We take a step into the cafeteria to greet the poor human guests that we are having.

(3rd Person's Perspective)

In a mysterious place, a high-class Majin is seen standing under the shadow of a tree, looking at a magic ball.

He has a white hat on his head. He wears a yellow-coloured shirt with a white robe on top of it. He also has a red-coloured bow tie. Overall, it looks like he's wearing a high-class attire. There are apparently also some magical properties on that outfit.

His face is unknown since he covers it with a mask that has a beak like that of a bird. His ears are long-pointed, hinting that he is an elf or some kind of it. His left hand is holding a cane while his right hand is holding the magic ball.

"How's it goin', Gelmud-sama?" Someone besides him cheerfully asks. He's wearing an asymmetric clown mask, drawn to look as if he's making fun of his enemy.

"Umu, it looks like everything is going according to the plan."

"Whatcha goin' to do after this?"

"I am going to visit the ogre village and offer them to submit to me."

"If they refuse?"

"Simple. I will make Geld's minions raze all of them, erasing them from existence once and for all."

"Then, hope yer plan will go well. See ya later."

Gelmud is currently pleased with how things have been going without a hitch. He continues on his way, heading towards the ogre village—the last race in the Great Forest of Jura which he'll ever pay a visit to.


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