
Regressor System

The world had gone chaos until rankers save the people but the mc dies and get reincarnated that was 307 years ago now the mc has the ability to regress infinitely welcome to regression system that takes place in Japan in the year 2310 enjoy.

Blackcoatguy · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Day 7 The fire attribute

The moment I stepped into the ring of fire I realized something it felt easy my lungs didn't hurt and my breathing was fine it felt comfortable even like I was deep in a nice relaxing bath.

as a sit in the middle of the ring of fire I began to meditate like before but instead no uneasiness just comfort I feeling I haven't felt in a long time I smiled the next moment I see my father looking at me for some reason then proceed to tell me it time, time? I think too my self but it was only a few seconds I said but he then said in confused that it has been 4 hole hours.

4 hours What!? really? I then proceed to get up as the fire ring burns out it really has been 4 hours.

father: let's go your mom has food ready he said in a happy tone

ok I responded as we walk back to the house and enjoy the food my mother ask how it go she ask I then had said with a smile on my face it's going great I think

mother: oh is that so great your all most turning 5 she said smiling

I know mother I said but when we I go shopping with you I said I want to go outside the portal Into the city of Japan I said but she responded you not ready yet, oh ok fine I said as I leave to go to my room bearly able to reach the door knob and walk into the room I checked my status it was the same before except the was a new title fire mage, what does that mean I unlock the fire attribute?

I then to rush down stairs dad dad I unlock the fire attribute I said after running down stairs my father and mother both in have shock faces what !? yeah I got the title fire mage does that mean I have the fire attribute I said the look my mother gave was shock and confusion what does that mean you have access to the system but how at such a young age she said with a shock still on her face

father: he is my son after all he said after calming himself down from the shock

I then said is that a bad thing she then ask how have seen the system I said don't know I see it for long time now like two years back I said even though I was lying because I seen when I was born, she stands in shock saying the she has an awesome child she give to.

my father then said we are going to have to up grade your training know that your a fire mage. I then get excited I can't wait to be a rankers.