
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
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140 Chs


Regressor's Instructions Manual

Chapter 1009 of the User Manual for Regression

Reap as You Sow (16)

'This is a big problem.'

Damn it, this is really a big problem.

Choosing the Doom Evolution was not entirely without impulsive aspects, but it was a calculated action to some extent.

In fact, it would be appropriate to express it as an unavoidable choice.

At the point when Templar Zen took his last breath, the allied forces were weakened, and I thought that if by any chance Bahamut absorbed Jenny's power like he did with Templar Extra, it could be the worst situation.

Although I only took a sip, the origin and power of negativity contained within it all came to this side.

Considering that Bahamut has resistance against Kim Hyun-sung, as mentioned earlier, there was a greater possibility of utilizing it.

Light and darkness are difficult to merge, but...

'I have the connection channel called the Regressor's Instructions Manual.'

I also thought that I could take measures to make Kim Hyun-sung use the power of negativity.

It was a short time, but I had prepared a scenario where the Plague Lord, who reunited after a long time, lends power to Kim Hyun-sung, even though it was an unlikely scenario.

'Lending power is only for this time.'

Or something like that.

'Killing you is up to me.'

Or something like that.

'Was this all I could do?'

While delivering the same lines.

But that plan went in vain.

'My character has changed too much.'

It has changed too much even to me. I never imagined that I would transform like this.

Looking around, I see frozen figures.

As if the air froze in such a sudden situation, the battle came to a halt.

Although it felt strange that Bahamut also stopped moving and stared at me, perhaps it could be a natural reaction.

A being that has surpassed the level of myth suddenly descended, so it's natural for him to be wary from his perspective.

The appearance of a being with a presence that surpasses ordinary beings, with its fur standing on end as it guards against me, was enough to make him tense.

'It's rather fortunate.'

Because the situation hasn't been properly assessed yet.

I felt like I should take some action, but I didn't bother to move my feet. Instead, my body floated about a meter above the ground.

'Oh, I can levitate.'

It's not fast, and I can't move quickly, but it gives off a great atmosphere.

There's no need to flutter the snake wings.

At a speed that's just right for striking a pose, my body slowly starts moving forward at a pace that exudes a solid atmosphere.

The movement feels alien and eerie, slowly raising my hands. It doesn't hold any meaning; it's just for the sake of striking a pose.

That's when I heard Kim Hyun-sung's voice.

"No... no way..."


"No way... no way..."

He's screaming now.

"No way... sob... This is..."

The recurrence of PTSD from the Plague Lord. It's a scene that's stimulating enough to make Kim Hyun-sung jolt awake even if he's asleep.

It's over now. I'm tired now. It shows the state just before the will to live is broken, just as he spat out such words.

"Ah... aah... ah...."

Jeong Ha-yan is blankly staring in this direction. Something seems off about the way her eyeballs are shaking. Her face is already turning red.

It was at that moment that I noticed the spilling nosebleed. The sound of it hitting the ground was audible. Seeing the blood pouring out, it seemed like there was a psychic ability related to the mental realm, tied to Lord of Desire and Eternal Sleep, as a fundamental passive trait.

"Ah... ah... ah... huh? Huh...?"

The realization that her herself is bleeding comes a little later.

Jeong Ha-yan urgently brings both hands to her face, but the blood continues to trickle down.

Her hands and face are covered in blood, and it seems like his eyeballs are turning even more.

She body trembles, and it feels like she could threaten me at any moment.

I couldn't know what Jeong Ha-yan is thinking right now, so I trembled a little.

'It seems strong.'

But even though we have the same level of power, looking at this situation...

"This... seems difficult..."

Sure enough, Cha Hee-ra mutters to herself.

"No... It feels like it's going to be tough."

Jeong Ha-yan doesn't show the same appearance. However, the blood flowing from tightly pressed lips tells Cha Hee-ra just how much supernatural mental strength she's enduring.

"Physically and mentally exhausted... It's not my limit."

Noona, hold on. Endure it.

"Even though I don't like it... I'd better not get involved, right?"

That's right. Noona, step back.

This noona was considering the possibility of losing consciousness.

Judging from the situation, it seemed that the passive effect was spreading to the rationality first.

Although I couldn't tell for certain without looking closely, there was a high chance that it wouldn't discriminate based on gender, and even animals or monsters with a lower level of power. [[[The influence of his "Charm" is what he's talking about.]]]

It must be a matter of resistance. After all, it's important how much one can resist psychic abilities fundamentally.

'What should I do about this? How do I unravel this?'

"Kim Hyun-seong. What state are we in right now?"


"Snap out of it. This bastard. Do you really want to end it here?"

"I... I don't feel anything. Nothing at all..."

The blazing anger had already been suppressed. Instead, what took its place within Lee Ki-young was apathy.

Just like when Doom Ki-young awakened, a new personality emerged.

That's why it was important how I would start the fight. Even the people in front of me were on guard against Bahamut while not letting their guard down towards him.

No, it felt like they were even more cautious and wary of me.

[Generating a mandatory quest of normal grade.]

[Noona Ha-yan needs to stay away from here for a while? (0/1)]

[Delivering a normal-grade quest to Cha Hee-ra.]

The response comes immediately.

[Generating a mandatory quest of heroic grade.]

[Damn... I was about to do something... Thank goodness. But don't make that voice ring in my head again. Yourself. If you don't want me to become repulsive. (0/1)]

With those words, Cha Hee-ra grabs Jeong Ha-yan and disappears from sight.

Even as she is being dragged away, Jeong Ha-yan, who continues to maintain a fixed gaze, felt slightly eerie, but seeing that she didn't show any other actions, I could feel relieved.

I turned my head and slowly opened my mouth at the right timing.

At that moment, Kim Hyun-seong mutters, and I nodded my head and opened my mouth.

"Ki... young-ssi."


"Are you... alright?"

[Come over here.]

Something felt different about my voice. It's embarrassing to say it with my own mouth, but it seemed like it became more respectful/magical. It's a bit over the top.

Slowly and deliberately, the voice that reverberated throughout the space filled the entire chamber in an instant.


[I think I know what you're afraid of. I am the person you're thinking of. Please... come over here.]


[Don't be afraid.... please, come on, come on...Hyun-seong.]

It felt like a siren calling the crew members into the sea. You know, when they sing and call them over.

He started moving slowly, as if I had no intention of posing a threat. I informed him through the Regressor Instructions Manual that he was correct, that I was the previous Lee Ki-young.

It would be good to provide a little more assistance to Kim Hyun-seong so that he can make his own choice.

Although my personality may have changed slightly, this incarnation remembers everything.

Memories of the past continue to surface. He may also be facing a challenge from Kim Hyun-seong. I mean, I remember everything. Remembering every memorable scene and line.

'Psychic attack!'

For some reason, it feels like I'm conducting a psychic attack. I actually aimed for that.

Kim Hyun-seong doesn't seem to be in a state to fight at the moment. It might be better to exclude other emotions.

Of course, Kim Hyun-seong also feels discomfort. Wouldn't anyone find it strange? Until just a moment ago, I directed my anger towards himself, and now I'm telling him to come closer.

If he doesn't feel discomfort, there's nothing to say even if he's called an idiot.

Nevertheless, Kim Hyun-seong started moving towardsm e. He had no other choice, as he had been resented just now.

Kim Hyun-seong's mind is in utter chaos. Honestly, it's hard to read it properly.

The situation that led to this, guilt, anger, frustration, confusion—various emotions whirl around.

I thought he had become somewhat stable, but the fortress he had slowly built crumbles too quickly. It's like dominoes falling.

The only remaining comfort is knowing that this person remembers myself.

'At least it feels better than when it was Doom Ki-young.'


[Yes... I am that Lee Ki-young.]

Of course, I don't forget to intervene in his mind through the Regressor Instructions Manual.

I gradually broke down the walls of caution, discomfort, and unhelpful emotions.

But I must not touch the sense of belonging. This operation is based on that sense of belonging.

With each step Kim Hyun-seong takes, he becomes more and more blind to his surroundings.

'But there's not much to repel him after all...'

Perhaps it's the influence of the newly acquired ability. Despite not having done any specific work, Kim Hyun-seong continues to move as if he's intoxicated in his sleep.

To others, it may appear as if he is willingly entering a trap. No, he is actually entering a trap.

"Ki-young... Are you... are you okay?"

He looks like he's under hypnosis. It seems like he's wandering around in a dazed state, less awake from his sleep.

He is actually under hypnosis. Of course, it cannot be compared to such things as systematic and complex.

[Yes, I'm fine.]

"Thank goodness... Thank goodness. I'm relieved."

I saw him sigh with half-closed eyes.

"I'm really relieved. Now... now... it's really... good... that you're okay."


Why are you crying?...He keeps crying everyday.

Such a crybaby.



'Why is his mental strength so weak?'

No matter how much there is a company setup, it feels like it ended in about 30 seconds.

I need to set up items and artifacts related to you. If a psychic comes out, taking him out will be a piece of cake.

[I'm here, you know.]


[That... that... scares me so much.]

"Huh? Huh? What...?"

[That creature over there. It's... it's too... too frightening and scary.]

"Ah... yes. I... I can... I can help you with that."

[Can I help you?]

"Yes... that's...

[I also want to help.]

"Yes... yes. If Ki-young wants it... but safely..."

Let's start with the level. Hyun-seong knows how to use divinity. I don't know how he realized it, but he has sent me a quest before.

I slowly begin to weave the power of negativity. The white darkness gradually takes shape.

Like the skeleton of a giant resembling the Red General. [[[Cha-Heera's giant red form.]]]

With Hyun-seong, it will be much easier.

[Will you follow me?]

"Yes... yes..."

The one who knows what I want responds passionately. When I point the way, he covers that path as his own.

[You're doing well... Stay there. Yes. Like that.]

"Tha... thank you."

Although it is a bit difficult power to coexist, there is no resistance due to the influence of the connected souls.

As Hyun-seong slowly turns his body, a giant figure intertwined with the power of divinity and negativity turns his body and draws a sword.


[It would be nice if you could get rid of it...]

"As Ki-young wishes."

[For me.]

"Yes... for... Ki-young..."

The giant, illuminated by the sunset light, swung the sword, and the arm of the villain Bahamut fell and dropped into view.



'Why is this so... intense.'

It was incomprehensible.


Ahem...Who rechecked the genre? I did.