
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs


Regressor's Instruction Manual Episode 942

Trial (1)

I don't exactly feel what I'm thinking. I've been feeling a jumble of emotions since the confusion took over.

The only thing I could confirm was that this guy's eyes were slightly odd.

It was enough to remind me of the prime days of Jeong Ha-yan, so what more needs to be said.

'Did they really brew this?'

In a hopeful mindset, I tried looking through the telescope, but I couldn't see these little rascals.

Whether they went underground or flew into the sky, I'm not sure. The Blue Guild Republic branch, which is presumed to be where they are, looked like an extremely cold crime scene, much like the scene where the incident occurred.

Items were strewn all over the place, and there was nothing left resembling ruins. Things like desks and chairs were partly broken...

'Are those bloodstains?'

There were some strange marks. Unlike the temporary guild house that maintained a neat appearance, this place had been abandoned for quite some time, so it was in disarray.

Guild employees, who might not have the intention to close down the branch, could be seen, but their expressions appeared dark.

From one corner, sobbing sounds burst out, and someone muttered, "Mom, what do I do?"

Even so, despite all that, it was clear that work was ongoing, as evidenced by their unceasing hands. Their desperate demeanor didn't even allow for trivial chatter to be heard.

'What could have happened?'

I tried to turn my head away, not really wanting to get involved, but my eyes caught a familiar object left on the conference table.

'An empty lunchbox.'

A familiar lunchbox. The one Han Sora always carried. The one Jeong Ha-yan always ate from.


'You guys said you are getting ready for a wedding.'

Is Jeong Ha-yan also involved? She seemed to have gotten over the kidnapping incident, but... does she somewhat know what happened?

The most straightforward inference is that Kim Hyun-sung extended his hand. Killing them is simple, but concealing it isn't easy.

If it's the magic Ha-yan possesses, dealing with them would be straightforward...

Come to think of it...

'It's not just Ha-yan who's involved. Why did noona lie that Jeong Ha-yan was preparing for a wedding?'

Lee Ji-hye seems suspicious too.

If they are related, there's a high chance that administrative procedures have been conducted. Kim Hyun-sung can't handle it alone.

Although cases of adventurers going missing or dying under suspicious circumstances are common, it's not as if they aren't dealt with on the continent. When murder or disappearance cases occur, not only do the people naturally rise up, but they also invest a lot of resources to investigate the incidents.

The bigger the case, the more institutions get involved, and even the media begins to take interest. If promising newcomers suddenly disappear, feedback is bound to come in. After all, they were rookies known to everyone.

Recently, hiding crimes has become nearly impossible. There are even devices in place to monitor powerful institutions or groups. For instance, the Continental Protection and Management Committee.

To completely erase a person, there are two methods. Committing crimes with magic and methods even the Magic Investigation Division or the Rangers can't detect, or having someone in a high position, like Ji-hye, handle administrative processing.


- Ah, Father! It's been a while. I was planning to greet you with my sister...

- Blue Republic Guild temporary members' adventurer registration or identification card, anything will do... Can you find it and let me know? Probably by the name...

- Yes... Sure.

- Is there a result?

- Yes. But... The thing is, the Blue Republic branch hasn't recruited any temporary guild members. I searched by the name you provided, but nothing came up.

-Are you sure? Check for individuals who escaped from the Blue Republic tutorial dungeon as a party.

-There was no party in the recent Blue Republic tutorial dungeon... according to the logs. Should I look into it further?

-No, it's okay. I'll arrange a meal with you sometime. Take care, I love you.

-Yes. I, I love you too...

-Alright. I'll contact you again. Farewell.

Seems like in this case, both methods were employed. If even the BenigoreNet administrators don't know, it means noona was involved.

During the three days I was resting in my room... she must have come up with the plan.

I doubt Kim Hyun-sung drew the whole picture himself. It's a bit higher level, but it was strangely fun in a way.

'This noona really can't be honest. Hiding things like this.'


"Yes. Hyun Sung."

"So, where are you going now?"

"I plan to meet with Zen. I'm a bit worried about his well-being."


"I'll go with you."


"Just in case, I'll be prepared for any situation and offer my protection."

"You don't have to do that. We have enough guards. You should focus on what you have to do, Hyun Sung."

"It may be other work, but this is the most important to me."

'Why are you insisting on following? This guy is making me uncomfortable.'

From his expression, it doesn't seem like he'll leave easily. The determination of a general facing millions of troops is evident. "

"Both the Blue Guild and the Holy See's Templars are present."


"I can't believe it. If you're going to meet that criminal, I'll accompany you."

"Alright, do as you wish."

'It's not going to make any difference. Well, whatever.'

Quietly shifting footsteps. The silence, with no one uttering a word, feels strangely uncomfortable.

It's as if everyone is discreetly watching this way. Only the sound of footsteps can be heard.

Of course, the scenery begins to change gradually. The temple filled with light disappears from view.

As I descend the damp and dark stairs, a dimly lit underground interrogation room comes into sight.

There is no sign of interrogation or torture taking place. No screams are heard. They probably knew in advance that I was going to visit.

"Sob... Sob... Benigore... Benigore.."

cries can be heard.

"Sob... Help me... Benigore, please."

prayers are heard.

"These damn bastards!"

occasional curses can be heard.

"I... I truly... know nothing. Benigore.. I've never harmed them..."

A voice, full of regret and presumably belonging to John the Templars, can also be heard.

'These bastards are still alive, it seems.'

As I venture deeper into the underground, I come across many locked doors, sealed by locks, magic, or divine power.

And then...

"From here, I'll go in alone."

"I'm sorry, Your Eminence. That's not possible..."

"He hasn't caused any harm to me."

'You can't believe me.'

"I am here to defend Templar Zen. Meeting and conversing with him is my duty to defend him and his rightful privilege. I understand your concerns, but as someone who loves the continent, I don't want to give up my rights and responsibilities."

"It's the will of the Pope. Your Eminence."

"While I respect the will of Pope Basel, I cannot deny the sacred laws of our country that have been established under Benigore's will. I understand your thoughts, but I hope you can understand my heart."

'Why are these guys like this? Talking about the sacred laws established under Benigore's will.'

These guys don't seem willing to step back. Could it be because of the aftermath of the kidnapping incident involving the Saint of Light?

Or perhaps because Pope Basel's mace grazed their heads a few times?

It's as if they're saying, "Even if I have to die, I won't leave you alone."

'I have other schedules today.'

"I apologize, Your Eminence."

"Well... in that case..."


"The four paladins will accompany me from here. I won't step back even if you don't adhere to this."

"Then I'll come along too. Ki-Young."

'Why is this guy intervening again?'

But the Holy Knights start to feel relieved. They must believe that having a Sunset Swordsman protect me is more effective than guarding me with their four members.

"Then please, Blue Guild Master."

Despite my disagreement, things are progressing steadily. The Holy Knights are distancing themselves, while Kim Hyun Sung is narrowing the gap.

Some priests start reciting sacred spells, and massive iron doors that look like they've been sealed by a demon lord slowly swing open.

Inside is a massive iron lattice made of various spells and, quietly seated within, Zen.


Starting off small.


And then, raising my voice. His eyes slowly open. His physical condition seems relatively normal.

At least outwardly, he doesn't seem battered, though he certainly looks like a beggar.

Of course, his insides are probably a mess.

How could he not be wounded after coming to the Heretical Interrogation Chamber?

The fact that he was urgently treated upon hearing my arrival is more convincing. Indeed, traces of healing with divine power are evident.

Without a doubt, he must have endured a harsh and difficult time. It probably felt like hell. But that's not unique to him.

'I wonder how hellish my life has been.'

I wonder how difficult it must have been, trapped in a cage.

Lee Ki Young also experienced hell.

Zen, now a prisoner is standing there, surrounded by all sorts of dazzling decorations, looking like a doll.

The Honorary Cardinal with a similar appearance, is surrounded by a sense of grandeur.

It's like a performance showing the darkness and light of this continent. His eyes, gradually widening, came into view.

It was a welcoming face, but the expression gradually contorted.

As he confirmed my presence, as if gazing upon a bird trapped in a cage, he displayed deep despair.

The outcome of his own mistakes. A Saint who must live a life he doesn't want due to his inability to protect.

"Lee Ki-Young-nim... Lee-Young-nim!"

He suddenly starts running towards me. Of course, he can't reach this side.

The iron chains restraining him are pulling him back. Something red seems to be dripping from his wrists and ankles, but he pays no attention.

"Are you alright, Lee Ki-Yong-nim?"


"Are you okay... now... Are you really okay?"

I force a smile.

"Yes, I'm... I'm okay."


"But there's no way you're okay, right?"

'No, actually, I'm quite content.'

"You look sad... You seem sad."

'Well, I have to appear that way.'

But really, these days, I think to myself,

'So this is life.'

It's not just empty words. It's actually quite comfortable inside the cage. I wonder why I left in the first place. It's better than living like a wage slave.

"Zen, are you... Are you okay, Zen-nim?"

But I can't mess this up.

A crucial scene of reaffirming our bond. A scene that could bring tears in a drama.

An extreme change in positions, even though we are in different places, a scene that makes us realize we are friends looking at the same place.

In that profoundly moving moment...

Kim Hyun Sung started to look noticeably restless.