
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs


Manual for Returning Users Episode 882

Epilogue (5)

If I hadn't heard the small voice, I would have probably continued to hug him tightly. Reflexively turning my gaze, I saw a wizard wearing a large hat. Of course, I knew who it was. Although the face of the high-level wizard looked somewhat uneasy and angry, unlike the face of the grand mage that I had imagined, it was still her.

In her eyes, which seemed like they could suck me in, were anger and killing intent. I felt like my body was stiffening involuntarily. When the Honorable Cardinal stroked the Jung Hayan's head, it felt like the air had been refreshed, but what I had received was undoubtedly something that could not be explained.

Before I could even think, the figure of the person who was holding the sword appeared. The woman with scars on her face... not just her, but also Kim Ye-ri, An Ki-Mo, Sun Hee-Young, and even Alp's were watching with tense expressions. Even Hwang Jung-Yeon, who had not been noticeable until now, seemed to be reciting a spell. It was only then that I began to understand what I was doing.

As I slowly lifted my head, the Honorable Cardinal, who was still smiling, came into view.

Very fragile body. A slender physique that seems like it could break with even a little force, delicate like a branch. Is it not too weak to be called the son of light, and the god of sacrifice and resurrection? If I give even a little strength to the wrist, it will break soon. The face will quickly become covered in blood and the body will crumple like a sheet of paper. Just a little bit of strength is enough. When I think of the appearance of the Honorable Cardinal covered in blood, my face suddenly turns red. For some reason, it feels like my body is getting hot.

"I'm ashamed." It's embarrassing to think that I only thought about myself. It's so embarrassing that I didn't realize the anxiety and fear they were feeling now.

"You, you... I told you to let go..."

"I'm sorry... it was mis..."

"It's okay. Hayan, the same goes for everyone else. You don't have to be so guarded. You're not just any guest who came to the guild. Cough."

"Hyung-nim, are you okay?"

"I'm fine... cough... sorry, Valerie-nim... cough."

"Vice guild master..."

For a moment, Sun Heeyoung could only stare blankly, clinging to the Honorable Cardinal and observing his condition. He seems to be making an effort to stay calm, but the redness is visible between his coughing fits.


"Vice guild master!"

Somehow, I feel my body trembling and bow my head deeply, as if a frog in front of a snake. Breathing becomes difficult.

"I...I, I, Iik!...I said to fall... you, you! You!!"



"It's not their fault, Ha-yan. I hope everyone refrains from behavior that would cause offense. It's just that... my body hasn't fully recovered yet."

"Are you okay, Lee Kiyoung-nim? If you're feeling unwell, how about canceling your schedule?"

"No, I'm fine. Hee-young-ssi. And Ha-yan-ah, can you support me if it's okay?"

"Yes? Yes, yes!"



"Valerie-nim, would you like to take a walk for a moment?"

"No, I... more importantly, it's the honorable Cardinal! I'm more concerned about."

"It's okay. Taking a break won't improve my condition anyway. I want to feel the wind outside."

"If you say so..."

"You can go back now, everyone. Don't worry about it anymore, Hayan will be with me."


"I... understood."

With a brief response, Kim Yeri was the last to leave, and the space that was once noisy became silent. I couldn't believe I was walking with the Honorable Cardinal. My mind was a mess, from crying to suddenly being able to walk with the Vice Blue Guild master. I felt a little like a criminal, despite the stories I heard from the outside world.

'He hasn't fully recovered yet.'

"Oh, Oppa... Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks for your concern, Hayan."

"If you feel tired, please let me know."


Their close proximity as they walked together looked lonely. Seeing the true side of the Honorary Cardinal made I feel uneasy. The Honorary Cardinal spoke when he slightly turned his head.

"I'm sorry, I must have surprised you, Valerie."

No, Honorary Cardinal. It's just me...for no reason."

"Haha...you don't have to think that way. It's become a habit now, after all. Just..."


"Whatever happened at our guild house today, I hope you won't tell anyone about it, no matter what it takes."

"Yes, yes!"

"I know you don't distrust Valerie-nim, but if team leader Kim Mi-Young comes looking for you, please don't be too surprised. Our team leader is someone who handles work very thoroughly...Haha...maybe she'll come to you with a pledge in hand. Perhaps Hye-Jin could come see you too."

"Come to think of it, we met during the entrance exam, didn't we?"

"Yes. You taught me so much, and Elena also helped me a lot. I had a big injury, but Elena healed it in an instant..."



"Also, don't worry about that. If needed, we can put a magic spell on a secrecy pledge."

You probably want to hide this fact. You want to show a healthy appearance to everyone. If this fact were to be known, it could cause a great disturbance throughout the continent, not just in economics and politics, but in the daily lives of ordinary people.

"The pledge doesn't have to go that far."


"How did you feel?"


"The Blue Guild."

"Should I call it family? It really felt like family. The atmosphere here is not something you see often, especially in places like the Blue Guild. I expected a more business-like and rigid atmosphere, but it was different than I expected…."

"… It was so different from what I expected that I ended up admiring them even more. It was like they all cherished each other and enjoyed being together…"

"Is that so?"

I stop talking, feeling like I'm being asked about the people I've met and the continent I've experienced. I remember meeting many good people, but also many who were not.

There were many instances of inexplicable malice, injustice, unfair situations, and unfair fights that I did not want to participate in, even to the point of hurting others. Life on the continent was generally like that, with people hurting each other for power or pride, simple malice, or immediate gain.

I also grew up in such an environment. That's why... Maybe I admire and respect the Blue Guild. People who can sacrifice themselves for others, who can easily let go of what they have... People who cherish each other and live together.


"Yes, I'm happy too."


He looked really happy.

"Every time it happens, I think about how lucky I am to be able to be with the people I love."

I notice Honorary Cardinal quietly putting his hand on Jung Hayan's shoulder. He speaks up again.

"I really enjoy being able to be with those I can rely on and share my heart with. "

His gaze with a warm smile was fixed on Lindell. Following his gaze, I noticed the slowly setting sun, shining beautifully on the red-stained Lindell.

Though it might be an illusion, it felt like the voices of people chatting and laughing around could be heard everywhere. Children playing in the square, lovers walking hand in hand, workers finishing their day, ordinary merchants passing time, minstrels singing, priests praying, and adventurers drinking in their chairs.

This city seemed to overflow with vitality. I also saw Dialugia, gaping at the sight of a dragon that had taken a seat in the evening sun. Perhaps that is what it means. This city called Lindell, beloved by the honorary cardinal, is a place where he can rely on and share his heart with those who are there.

"Everyone will be the same."

"I see."

"It may sound absurd, but I believe that everyone in this city, no, everyone on this continent are all children of Benigore... Surely, everyone exists for each other and to cherish one another."

Is it really true?

"Of course, I know that the world is not like that."

My face turned red as if I had been caught revealing my inner thoughts.

We looked at the scenery where the sunset is setting once again. It's no different from before.

"So maybe that's why you're trying?"


"Starting from close by. It's about turning places where we can help each other, where everyone can consider each other as family."

The Honorable Cardinal looked towards the distant horizon.

A doll slowly walking from beyond the landscape where the sun is setting came into view.

The person was holding a paper bag with bread in one hand and various other items in the other.

He looked very fitting with the sunset as he gazed out the window. He waved his hand with a truly happy face and a look of having everything he needed.

After putting down his belongings, he shook his arms like a child.

I couldn't help but smile and say,

After raising his hand slightly, the Honorable Cardinal chuckled and rested his chin on his hand, and Jung Ha-yan raised her hand high.

"It really feels like... we're family."

I couldn't be sure what the Honorable Cardinal was thinking. I could somewhat understand, but there might be a deeper meaning that I didn't know. But perhaps that was all there was to it: a place where everyone could support each other and consider everyone as family.

I wonder where this newfound courage came from.

"Honorary Cardinal..."


Can I become like that too? Even though I am lacking, can I be a source of strength in making the guild, Lindel, and the continent a better place? Can I cherish and love people like Master Honorable Knight does? Can I become someone who sacrifices for others and can throw myself away for their sake? Like the members of the Blue Guild, like you... Can I fight for values that are not visible in front of me, rather than just for profit?

"Can I also... Can I also become a family member?"


After a while, a nodding face appeared.

"Welcome to the Blue Guild. Valerie."

The smile that was reflected in the sunset, the smile of the Son of Light, the sacrifice and resurrection god who gave everything for the continent... It would have been more beautiful than anything he had ever seen.



Three chapters today!!!