
Regressor's Redo

This Book Is Dropped

Magecrafter · Sci-fi
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139 Chs

Coordination (Pt 1)

~Of the 2.1 million Ability Users who exist, only less than 5 percent can reach the Advanced stage. Thus, only less than 105,000 Ability Users in total should be capable of reaching this level~

TIME PASSED: Approximately 702 hrs 55 mins (Day 30)

LOCATION: Valeria (Ruined World)

"We won't lose!" Tenny and Kyron said in unison.

Michael smiled. For the past days that they had been training, the two boys before him had improved considerably. They had greatly exceeded his expectations. However, they had not reached the limits of their potential, and so he was going to push them to it. This was the last day, and so with only 17 hours to go, Tenny and Kyron had to go all out. This round was 'All or Nothing!'

"Let's go!" Tenny shouted, signaling the start of the fight.

Kyron quickly sprinted, closing the gap between Michael and himself. He charged at him head-on, which confused Michael a bit.

"A frontal attack?"

Immediately, Tenny vanished and appeared directly in front of Michael, as he attempted to hit his jaw with his knee. The latter nimbly reacted to this, as he immediately generated a distortion in the space left between himself and Tenny. Suddenly, a purple pulse emanated from Michael which spanned 3 meters from himself, enough to repel his opponent away. However, Tenny, already predicting this, had teleported a safe distance from the threat.

As Michael recoiled from Tenny's surprise attack, Kyron suddenly appeared out of the blue and was already in Michael's face before he knew it. Kyron quickly raise his right fist as he drove it to hit his opponent with full force.

His fist connected as a crackling sound was made, causing Michael to be sent flying a few meters away from Kyron's position.

His shield had blocked Kyron's earlier punch, and the green glowing protective orb shielded Michael from the attack.

While Michael was still in midair, he saw Kyron's eyes glowing crimson, indicating the use of his energy blast.

Michael, however, knew the attack would not penetrate the shield, at least not one of that degree. As he maintained eye contact with Kyron, expecting the release of the energy blast, in that split second, the crimson eyes diverted from Michel, turning to Tenny's location which was a few meters behind him.


The burst of light buzzed as red electricity crackled around it. The blast was sent flying in Tenny's direction, surprising Michael.


The crimson ray moved past Michael, who was still in midair, as it went below him to hit Tenny. However, just before it did, Tenny immediately closed his eyes, and then opened them, blue light emanating from them.

Immediately, a portal appeared before Tenny, like a wall, shielding Tenny from the attack, as well as sucking the crimson energy ray directed at him.

Michael looked at the occurrence, and while he faced Tenny, in the safety of his shield, a small portal, no bigger than the size of Michael's head, appeared directly behind him.

The originally blue portal started glowing red, as crimson electricity crackled within it, indicating only one thing... Kyron's energy attack!


Before Michael could complete his sentence, the energy blast erupted, destroying the shield from within, causing an explosion similar to fireworks in the air.

"Not yet! " Kyron said as he generated an even bigger and more powerful blast

Its intensity was several times the former.

"You better get away, Tenny," Kyron warned as Tenny affirmed and disappeared.

Kyron released the already increasing blast as it flew to the point of the previous one, generating a much larger explosion. The air pressure intensified as the ground vibrated. The red glow brightened up the dark, colorless sky, as the blast radius was at least 100 feet.

Kyron had also evaded the area of impact immediately he released the energy shot, and so from a safe distance, he watched the energy explosion as it grew in size, and then finally, sizzled. The red glow faded, leaving residues of smoke and dust around the area which had been destroyed.

Tenny appeared beside Kyron as he looked excited.

"Think that got him?" He asked Kyron.

"Well, I fired it with the aim to kill, but knowing him... He's still alright. However, there's no way he'll be leaving the blast unscathed." Kyron replied, gazing at the thick smoke rising to the sky, and the huge round scar left on the ground.

"Guess you're right... Since we've not used this move before, it'll be hard for him to have evaded it." Tenny said while looking at Kyron.

"Plus, by using me as a decoy, his attention was shifted from you, and then by redirecting your beam within his shield, we struck him where he was most vulnerable."

"I was a bit skeptical about whether or not your spatial abilities would work within the shield, but I guess my worries were misplaced," Kyron stated.

"I as well, but after constant practice, I have come to understand my ability more. As long as there is space, I can use my ability within any barrier." Tenny stated confidently.

"Now, for the next course of action... We should mov-"

Tenny was still speaking when his eyes widened. He looked at Kyron's face and his expression also told the same thing.

Before any of them could react, the smoke cleared, and right before them was a massive ball of light approaching them at an unimaginable speed. The blue light was over 30 meters, and by the energy it emitted, Kyron, as well as Tenny, knew, that this meant their demise.

Tenny's eyes closed as he braced for impact.


The sound echoed through the ruined world, as the vibrations spread for miles. The air pressure blew even the clouds in the sky away from the area, causing the blast to resemble a very large ball of destructive light. Its blast radius... 500 MILES!


An interesting match, if I do say so myself.

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