
Regression is too much

The regression ability, which is self-explanatory and deceptive. It's a fraudulent ability, but... Isn't it a bit much to regress from a single damage...? Extra tags: #fantasy #tower climbing #regression #misunderstanding #loop #deathgame N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 7 - The Ponytail Girl Is Too Strong (3)

Chapter 7 - The Ponytail Girl Is Too Strong (3)

To obtain the cooperation of the ponytail girl.

I didn't know it would be like this all at once.

While changing the concept, I thought that I would barely succeed after trying about 10 times.

Joy fills the heart.

From now on, will I become stronger in earnest?

If this were a novel, 'Conqueror of the Great Tower. It must have been written, "His first step has just begun."



"Name. What?"

"Ah. I am Junho Kim."

Because I was thinking about her, I couldn't answer the ponytail girl's words right away.

But when I think about it, why is it half-worded? It's not cheap.

Of course, it didn't show off.

It's a situation I'm sorry for, so shouldn't I bend over?

"Please tell me your name too."

But I also need to know the name. You can't call her a girl with a ponytail all the time.

"... Choi Ji-won."

A ponytail girl who answers coldly... No, Choi Ji-won.

Jiwon Choi. Choi Ji-won. It is a neutral name. You can see it as a male name like Yeonam Park Ji-won, or a female name like actor Kim Ji-won.

I thought it was a name that would suit her with her boyish charm. Jiwon Choi. I have to remember.


Choi Ji-won led me to the corner of the clearing where she wielded her sword the whole time.

"Hold the sword. As comfortable as possible."

"... Yes."

As before, he hesitated and grabbed the sword.

"Swing it."


The sword makes a sound that is not threatening at all.

"Lean on her shoulders. Spread your legs again."


"The method of holding the sword is strange. The wrist must not shake. Again."





Every time I swing my sword, Choi Ji-won tells me what to fix and says 'again'.

The swordsmanship lessons I had in mind were not like this, but... It's okay though.


This time it sounded quite menacing. The posture is also pretty good.

Considering that less than 30 minutes had passed since he had swung the sword hesitantly, it was literally a great leap forward.

Of course. Before the return, while handling the sword, I had a sense of how to wield it to some extent.

Hiding your skills is also part of directing.

Choi Ji-won would not be teaching me with a serious mindset. They probably think of it as something like peanuts.

However, what if you have a talent after teaching it?

What if the speed at which this guy absorbs skills is unusual?

You may feel that you want to grow properly. In other words, it's like a talented cosplayer.

Now, marvel at my talent.

Be sincere in teaching me. It will absorb it like a sponge.

However, Choi Ji-won's face was strangely distorted rather than amazed.

"... Why?"

Choi Ji-won, who carefully asked, but did not answer.

His right foot is twitching, and he looks like he's thinking about something.

What? Did I do something wrong?


Choi Ji-won finally opened his mouth.

"Was that just an act?"

"... Yes?"


Choi Ji-won draws his sword and points it at my throat.

"The growth rate I just showed doesn't make sense to me because I'm not a genius. But to be a genius, the image he shows now is too clumsy. It doesn't fit."

"... "


This woman is much stronger than I thought. Just by seeing the way I swung my sword, I immediately figured out that I was acting.

"What is the purpose? Approaching me? But it doesn't make sense that you knew about me. It seems there is some kind of means. Is it a characteristic ability?"

Choi Ji-won, who flashes sharp eyes.

Because I was overwhelmed by that charisma, I unknowingly swallowed my saliva.

"I... That... "

"I was nervous. My heartbeat got louder."

"No, as for how this happened... "


An intense shock that hit the back of the head.

The eyes flash for a moment, and the taste of dirt in the mouth.

What, did I fall? More than that, consciousness...

"I will listen to the detailed explanation after waking up."


[Return to the moment you first entered the 0th floor.]


"Fuck! Where are you!"

"... "

Surprisingly, the story about fainting from a very strong blow to the back of the head was true.

I didn't know that I would experience it with my own body.

Very sick to my stomach... Dizzy... It's a feeling you don't want to experience twice.

By the way... Choi Ji-won noticed at once that I hid my power.

As expected, if the level difference is too great, the acting won't work.

Well, just because a third-rate samurai hides a sword behind his back, a warrior of transcendence won't be fooled by that.

I guess I was too arrogant. Regardless of her characteristics, that woman is overwhelmingly stronger than me.

I don't think I dare to think that I can cheat at my level.

Of course, I didn't know that I was a woman who would be investigated because I lied a little... But I knew it now, so it's okay.

Again. Let's try again.

"Everyone! I don't know whose scheme it is, but in times of crisis like this, we must come together!"

He gave a passionate speech and proceeded the same way until he despaired at the cold reality.

The only difference is that this time he swung his sword without hiding his skills.

"For a moment. What are you going to do now?"

But whether I hid her power or not, she seemed like a bug to her, and Choi Ji-won stood in my way again.

She gets an offer to teach her the same sword, and exchanges her names.

"Knife. Swing it."

I was finally able to arrive at the same situation as in the previous round.

Okay, if you hide your power, you'll find out, right? Then I'll show you my everything.



I focused and showed off a blow that was a compilation of my experiences so far.

Kya It's not that I'm swinging it, but the sword's trajectory is pretty neat. As expected, I was improving as I went back and forth.

"... Have you ever held a sword?"

It seemed that Choi Ji-won felt the same. Cynically poses a question

"... Haha. When I was in high school, I was in the kendo club. Are you in good shape?"

I came up with an excuse I had prepared in advance, but...


This time, Choi Ji-Won's distorted expression.

"The bamboo sword used in kendo and the jingeom you are holding have completely different senses as well as the center of gravity. However, your posture right now is optimized for a real sword. You have something to hide."

"... Ah."

There is something like that... ?



[Return to the moment you first entered the 0th floor.]


"Because a relative handles a real sword... I took private lessons for a while."

"What is his name? I memorize all the names of people who say they handle swords in Korea. Let me tell you."

"... "



[Return to the moment you first entered the 0th floor.]


"I learned it in the military."

"I don't know if it's dagger or bayonet, but I've never heard of learning how to handle a real sword in the military. Do I look stupid because I am a woman?"

"... "



[Return to the moment you first entered the 0th floor.]


Good night. I'll admit it.

When it comes to sword-related knowledge, that woman knows far, far better than I do.

No matter how ironic she invents her lies, she won't be able to fool her.

That woman was an expert of expert who handled swords in real life. I am not an opponent who can gain the upper hand because I only know the vaguely imaginary swordsmanship of martial arts or fantasy.

In the end, I decided to use the last resort.

"... Have you ever held a sword?"


Go straight ahead shamelessly.

In the first place, it is impossible for me to wrestle with my tongue and win. You have to put an iron plate on your face and just push it out.

Please, just move on Just teach me how to handle a knife... !

"... Lie. That attitude is not that of a person with little experience."

However, Choi Ji-won glared at me suspiciously, as if he had no intention of letting go.

Seeing her hand creep towards the scabbard, I hurriedly continued.

"But is it really? I shouted at the status window earlier... I was just able to do it. I guess it's because of the character... "

"... "

Choi Ji-won shuts her mouth in an instant.

She also has superhuman physical abilities thanks to her traits, so you should know that my story is quite possible.

"... What is the attribute name?"

"Ah, that's a secret. If you tell me your characteristics, I will tell you mine too."

Choi Ji-won, who was curious about my characteristics, but became a dumb who ate honey as if he couldn't tell me about my characteristics.

She kept her mouth shut for a while.

"... Grab a knife or something."

In the end, she chose to just move on.

After receiving proper swordsmanship lessons, she finally realized.

I didn't know anything about swords until now.

After barely dipping his toe into the vast sea of swords, he mistakenly thought that his skills had improved.

Rather than swinging the sword for dozens of hours alone, the three hours I learned now have improved my skills a lot.

Just changing the direction of the foot gives strength to the sword, and just changing the angle of the elbow reduces the load on the arm.

Truly a subtle body reason. A monumental tower of knowledge built by geniuses.


I happily wiped the beads of sweat from my forehead.

When you feel your ability to improve, your self-confidence soars.

Aren't I a genius?

"... Of all the people I have ever taught, you seem to be the least gifted."

It wasn't.

Choi Ji-won, who opens his mouth with a subtle expression.

"It will take three years to take care of myself... I didn't think I would be this talented... "

Apparently, he regrets having set out to teach me.

Am I not that talented? My heart ached a little.

"I learned swordsmanship... To forget It might be worse than not using it."

Choi Ji-won openly declares, "You must not use a knife."


"... Can it be three years?"

Going over like this hurt my pride.

Am I that sick? Are you sure?

I wanted to see that woman bewildered.

I missed seeing that woman praising me.

She wanted to be recognized.


In a sense of commitment, he hit my chest hard.

Set the following goals:

Until he was recognized as a sword by Choi Ji-won... I won't stop returning.


[Return to the moment you first entered the 0th floor.]