
Regression is too much

The regression ability, which is self-explanatory and deceptive. It's a fraudulent ability, but... Isn't it a bit much to regress from a single damage...? Extra tags: #fantasy #tower climbing #regression #misunderstanding #loop #deathgame N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 56 - Jiwon Choi Is Too Strong (7)

Chapter 56 - Jiwon Choi Is Too Strong (7)

"... What did you see?"

"... I can't believe my eyes."

The conscious players barely got up one by one.

In the midst of numerous fainted players scattered all over the ground like luggage.

"... This is it."

I was thinking in my mind what had just happened.

The first idea came to me when I saw the owner of the city toss me a diamond token from a pocket on his waist.

Other villagers are being controlled by token boxes. Then... If? Even the owner of the city? A plan that started with the idea.

The fact that the owner of the city is too childish and arrogant to be called the 'owner of the city' also played a role. To be honest, I was too childish to be the 'owner'.

Of course, I didn't do it with complete certainty. The odds are about half and half.

If there really is a chest of diamonds, it would be a simple matter of stealing the pouch.

If there was only one diamond mark inside, I thought to secretly put a bronze box inside it and throw it back in a nonchalantly chic way.

The owner of the city received it and became a beggar in an instant, and I said in front of him, 'Congratulations. You are a beggar now.' I imagined teabagging...

"... Thank you."

My thoughts were broken as the owner of the city approached.

No, the one who played the role of the owner of the city... I don't know what to call it.

"Really... Thank you."

The (old) city owner did not feel the same pressure as before. It is hard to believe that she is the same person as the woman who showed off her overwhelming majesty.

Just... It occurred to me that an ordinary village girl was wearing armor that did not suit her.

"... So."

I uttered a question that had been on my mind ever since I saw the diamond box.

"Who are you."

"... "

The hesitant owner of the city finally opened his mouth.

"... The real owner of the city is dead. Half a year ago."

"... The real owner of the city is dead. Half a year ago."

1 year ago.

Tired of the endless battle between the classes, the real owner of the city presented this city to the gods.

The owner of the city, a young aristocrat who inherited the city at a young age because his parents died.

The ambitious young man who pursued his ideal in a harsh reality had a clear goal to make this city a perfect utopia, and he also had the power to execute.

But... What the inexperienced owner of the city failed to think of was that the process of forcibly "Understanding" Others was much more painful than he thought.

Now, most people have adapted in some way, but when the city's rules were first changed, it was a complete mess.

Action is forced. Personality is twisted who I am and who I am now. There were plenty of people who couldn't accept it.

At first, the owner of the city also tried to think positively.

It is simply a process of adaptation. Someday, after a long time has passed, the residents will thank me too.

No matter how much he brainwashed himself like that, the reality did not change.

Even if it's to make a better city, a perfect city.

This is because the city in front of us was a cruel play where everyone was manipulated like a puppet on a stage and shed tears of blood.

It was already too late to undo everything. The situation is literally heading towards catastrophe.

The owner of the young city agonized over and over again.

Until you come to the conclusion that you need someone to take charge.

"... So he made up his mind."

There was a need to normalize the second floor, this city.

He was given the title of 'temporary manager' in recognition of his dedication to the city.

Thanks to that, he fully understood the rules of the newly changed city. The key is being yourself.

Except for rules that are physically compulsory, such as 'cannot leave the city', the owner of the city must directly punish the rest of the rules.

In other words, in order for the second floor to continue as the second floor, its own existence is essential.

That means...

"He died like that. By breaking my own heart Will... Was it 'I'm sorry'?"

If it's not just me

The second floor will not function as a second floor.

It will not play the role of trials that God wants.

If so... God may create a new second floor.

City dwellers may be set free.

The owner of the city who thought so committed suicide.

"... You wouldn't even dream of having a Token Box that forces you to act like yourself... "

An angel holding something shiny appeared next to the maid who was shocked at her death.

On that day, the master of the second city was created.

She didn't agonize, didn't reflect, and, above all, was arrogant like the owner of the existing city.

Self-reflection and self-reflection are processes that allow humans to move toward a better intelligence, but such functions were not given to the new city owner.

Because this tower didn't need anything like that.

"... The angels put restrictions on all the other residents so they couldn't tell this story... Maybe the person concerned didn't think there was a need to keep silent, but he didn't put any restrictions on himself... "

"... "

I opened my mouth to say something, but no voice came out.

It was because I thought that everyone was a victim, except for the owner of the original city who was heavily shitting.

"... What do you want?"

I have no idea what the god who built this tower wants.

I don't know what the guy who does this is trying to judge mankind for committing evil.

Because I'm such a bad asshole, grow up and come and slit my neck?

Or what, think of what mankind did during the colonial era? Isn't this the blood of a bird's feet?

Surprisingly, it may not mean anything. 'Yeah... It might be because it's fun.'

Seeing the angels openly committing evil deeds, his mind became very complicated.

"Whoa... "

From my experiences on the 0th floor, I knew that I had to look only forward at times like this.

Even if you think about it, you don't think about a problem that doesn't have an answer. What matters is the current situation.

"So... Are you out of the box now?"

"... Yes."

"Hmm... "

I looked at the diamond-colored box in my hand and then at the large sack at the entrance to the alleyway. It's the sack full of token boxes.

The city is no longer the owner. No one can force you to follow the rules.

There is also no way to get the token. Because all the boxes are stuck in that sack.

〈2F 〉

-Clear condition: Cleared by receiving recognition from the city residents and bringing a token of recognition. However, you must not leave the city limits. Climbers get along well with each other!

Except for 'You must not leave the city limits', all the rules have become obsolete.

As the owner of the city had hoped, the second floor could not play the role of the second floor.

"In this case... "

What should I do? The moment I thought about it.


Suddenly, a soft, sweet voice was heard.

At the same time, a brilliantly shining light pillar was erected in the center of the plaza, and baby angels appeared out of nowhere blowing trumpets and laughing.

-[Amazing Achievement Reminder!]

-You have succeeded in neutralizing the hidden boss, 'the owner of the city'!

- A special reward will be given to [Junho Kim] Who made the biggest contribution!

Even in front of my eyes, a message window that I haven't seen in a while congratulates me.

It was as if they were welcoming the warriors of God who had returned from a mission.

Amid the sound of the trumpet of victory.

"... Uh?"

I realized that I was the only one awake in this plaza.

Firefighter Park Cheol-jin, who had been exchanging glances with me until just now.

Other players who were breathing heavily.

The owner of the (old) city who used to tell stories of the past with swollen eyes.

All of them were collapsed on the spot.

"Healed me. No need to worry."

However, his exhalation was steady and his expression was relaxed, so it seemed that he was simply asleep.

When I turned my head and checked Choi Ji-won, all the large and small wounds sustained during the battle had been healed.

Didn't you lie

He raised his head again and moved his gaze toward the pillar of light, the epicenter of the voice.

"Nice to meet you."

Smart nose. Smooth skin. Big eyes and bright red lips. Reddish-brown curly hair that stretched down the back.

Did the human appearance look like a copy of that angel?

Or is it that God created the most painstaking creation right in front of his eyes?

An angel with a neutral appearance slowly walked out of the pillar of light with a warm smile.

There were no pure white wings spread behind her back.

There was no brilliant halo floating overhead.

It was indeed a divine appearance, a holy sight.

Especially in contrast to the appearance of the square covered with burnt smell and dust.

"Archangel, this is Raphael."

An archangel who is said to oversee everything from the 1st floor to the 5th floor has descended.