
Regression is too much

The regression ability, which is self-explanatory and deceptive. It's a fraudulent ability, but... Isn't it a bit much to regress from a single damage...? Extra tags: #fantasy #tower climbing #regression #misunderstanding #loop #deathgame N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 44 - The Regressor Comes Into Action (1)

Chapter 44 - The Regressor Comes Into Action (1)

"Are you just going to give me a token?"

"Whoa... Do you know how easy it is to kidnap people? There are some vigilantes among the residents."

"You know it's difficult, so you're asking me to give it up. Uh? Can't you do it again? We are not capable."

When I walked down that alley, I saw a woman with a golden pattern floating above her head and three bullies blocking the road.

"Go away."

I didn't even give them a chance to react, and hit the back of the head with my elbow. I used my elbow because these bastards were going to be stone heads and I was afraid my knuckles would be chapped.

It was my dream to slap the back of the head like this for the normally ignorant cubs. Whoa, it's all cool inside.

"... ! Are you crazy?"

A woman who opens her eyes wide as if she has seen something unseen, and a trio of bullies who pass out with their eyes wide open.

'One... Two... '

I was counting the numbers in my head, ignoring them.

I committed violence without even taking it out.

Indeed... How long will it take before the owner of the city arrives?

'Three... '

So, when about 3 seconds passed by my perceived time.

"Violence. The sentence is three hours in prison."


A flash flashed in front of my eyes for an instant, and I just lost my mind.


[Return to the moment you first entered the second floor.]


"Good good. Good."

To be honest, I thought I would be able to see the face of the owner of the city, but I didn't expect to lose consciousness at once.

No, I didn't even feel the pain. The workmanship is really neat.

I don't know if I died or passed out... It was confirmed that the owner of this city was not a guy to dare to rub against.

To be honest, I don't even know what happened to me. At least I could see Choi Ji-won's black afterimage, but I couldn't even see this.

If you gather all the city residents and activate their hero traits, can you win?

No... I don't think so. The problem is getting people together in the first place. It is unclear whether the residents of the city will recognize the owner of the city as an enemy.

"If you want to abuse it, you can abuse it... "

However, there was a loophole in the rules of the second floor.

The owner of the city does not appear immediately after committing violence.

3 seconds. After a grace period of 3 seconds, his attack arrives.

And with my current physical abilities... I thought I could reach the angel if I ran with all my might for about 3 seconds at the entrance of the alley.

"If you think you can do it, you should try it."

I was tired of digging into the hidden background of the second floor anymore.

I don't even want to think about the perfect solution.

The unreasonable structure of this tower? To induce evil in people?

It's not too late to change complicated things later.

It will be gone when you return anyway. I will do what I can see right now.

Let's start with the platinum reward and think about it.

I will say one more time... This time, I will do my best.

"First of all... "

Baron Richt, I want to take this bastard first.

"Nice to meet you. Richt M... Kuck!"

Baron Licht, who smiled and stretched out his hand, was slapped right in the face.

Baron Licht's body immediately fainted and collapsed.


After giving him a powerful soccer kick once, I took a platinum token from his waist without delay and put it into his bosom.


A platinum-colored pattern immediately floated above his head. The size is enormous, and the flashing light is dazzling enough to dazzle.

Literally at the level of walking billboards. If you leave the mansion in this state, rumors will spread in an instant.

All the people from other streets will come and build a phosphorus barrier, and the players on this street will hold me back, asking how I got the platinum mark.

And I can't use violence against them. Why? Because the owner of the city had his eyes wide open.

All my movements are limited by simply going out of the mansion. A structure in which someone else's greed hinders my achievement.

It's a situation where you can't leave this mansion in the normal way...

Okay. Because I had a plan in mind.

I spoke secretly to a resident who happened to pass by the mansion.

"There, resident. Oh, this is the second floor of the mansion. Look up."

"Uh, uh... Yes?"

"I am a climber. And I just knocked out the unlucky Baron Licht. As proof of that, there is a platinum pattern floating above her head."

"Ah oh... Yes. Yes."

"Thank you?"

Residents nodded their heads.

"... Right? Maybe it's because I was a bad kid... "

"Then please help me."

"What how... I am just a resident. I am powerless to help."

"Are you okay. It's simple. First of all, could you get me one set of clothes? If you help me, I'll give you a good pill. If you eat this, your energy will improve."

"... Are you feeling better? Is that real?"

It seems that there is a corner where the berserker's weakness can be put to good use for the first time.

"... "

Just now, a player in leather armor passed me by.

But he surprisingly didn't pay attention to me. He didn't even look at it.

The reason was simple.

It was because I wasn't wearing leather armor, but the plain cloth clothes worn by the locals.

In the first place, it was funny that the way to tell players apart was their clothes.

If I decided to change my clothes, there was no way to tell them apart like this.

"... It looks like the Asian summoned in front of me earlier."

A black man passing by, tilting his head as if he were curious, something called David.

Even the guy who saw my face couldn't recognize just the change in my clothes.

The leather armor is an item to look at. There is no reason to take it off common sense.

Unless you're trying to disguise yourself as me.

In this place where people's attire was standardized according to their class, changing clothes served as the best means of camouflage.

Of course, a question may arise here.

No, there's a big and beautiful pattern floating above your head, but why don't people notice? Why don't you just pass by? That is the question.

The solution is simple.

"Are you okay?"

"... Yes."

I entrusted the platinum token to the villager who brought me the clothes earlier.

I was worried that the villager would suddenly turn around and shoot magic at me, but fortunately that didn't happen.

Perhaps the criteria for forcibly changing residents is determined by the 'mark generation box', but simply possessing the mark has no effect.

The generation of glyphs while holding the mark is restricted to the player only.

A villager holding a token does not create a pattern. In the first place, when handing over the token, the pattern did not appear above the head of the villager.

In other words, if a villager holds the token, there will be no aggro.

Thus, I was able to escape the attention of the players by walking the streets pretending to be two friendly villagers.

It couldn't have been a perfect plan.

Smoothly crossing the street, passing through alleys, and finally seeing the plaza.

I saw some bullies blocking the road.

"... Hey, aren't those just residents? Let's send it."

"Oh, this burn. Didn't you hear? Ji-hoon told me earlier, that in the past, some idiots changed clothes pretending to be villagers and passed through here. The people blocking the road only noticed it when they got to the angel."

"... Did that happen? How did Jihoon know that?"

"I heard from the bastard who taught me how to block the road here? The bastard he taught me went up a long time ago by stealing gold tokens. There, two residents. Come here."

I succeeded in disguising myself as a perfectly resident, but... Those guys seemed to be professionals in the roadblock world.

Doing everything that can be overlooked is trivial. You have the mindset of a successful person.

Yangachi, who called me and the villagers, stretched out his chest and pushed me in.

"Come on, hit me in the chest. I heard that it is okay to use violence between villagers and players."

"... "

Is this kid an elite bully? To think of a way to completely separate players from villagers in an instant.

If it was a player, he would not be able to hit it because he was afraid of punishment, and if it was a villager, it would be okay to hit him.

But if there's something he hasn't considered...

"Thank you for helping me this far. You can give it to me now."

"... Yes."

It's that I've already come after I'm prepared to hit someone.

A villager took out a platinum token from his bosom and gave it to me, and immediately a brilliantly shining platinum pattern appeared above my head.

"Uh, uh... "

The moment when the two embarrassed bullies open their mouths.

I pushed the bully who had been trying to hit me in the chest with my shoulder, and immediately started running toward the angel.

3 seconds.

Run Squeeze your leg muscles and run and run.

2 seconds.

"Hey! Angel there! I've got a sign! Send me to the first floor right away!"

Notify the angel in advance that you have brought a sign. It looks a little flustered, but I see an angel nodding.

1 second like that.

The stern punishment of the master of the city is about to judge me.

I threw myself at the angel...


[You have cleared the 2nd floor.]

[Please select a platinum reward.]

My body passed through the portal as it was, and I succeeded in reaching the first floor again.

My plan worked just as it was.