
Regression is too much

The regression ability, which is self-explanatory and deceptive. It's a fraudulent ability, but... Isn't it a bit much to regress from a single damage...? Extra tags: #fantasy #tower climbing #regression #misunderstanding #loop #deathgame N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

Chapter 37 - The Earth Is Changing Rapidly (2)

Chapter 37 - The Earth Is Changing Rapidly (2)

『[Breaking News] Beauty acknowledges the existence of TOP! The official name of the returnees has been decided as 'Player'! 』

The moment the world's most powerful country, the United States, acknowledged the existence of the tower, all embargoes around the world were lifted.

The existence of the 'Tower', which governments around the world had secretly hidden, was revealed to the whole world.

『A tower with 66 floors? If you can't climb, humanity will perish? An unbelievable story from the mouth of a White House spokesperson! 』

『The Korean government points to the 'TOP' as the cause of the global serial disappearance incident.』

The serial disappearance case that happened in the meantime. The information that the subject of it was God was revealed.

Also, this is not the first time this 'kidnapped' case has occurred. At least 650 even if the US government figured it out. Considering that all the people who were summoned together belonged to the same country...

When the whole world was taken as a scope, the number of people summoned to the tower so far would literally be staggering.

『The incumbent Vice President of the United States, revealed that he was alive in the tower. 』

It was the vice president of the United States who put a wedge into the seething public opinion.

He showed off making ice in the air in front of reporters, and it went straight to New Tube and took 100 million views in the shortest period of time.

To sum it up in one word, the response was explosive.

- Does this make sense? Do you know what a novel is?

- What if you don't believe me? Can't you watch the video of the Vice President of the United States making ice right now on You Tube?

-If this is the case, will there be a gate now? What if a goblin appears in front of your house?

-I went to the hardware store to buy a paru, but there were 3 more people like me. Save in advance

At least, Koreans, who are somewhat familiar with the word 'top' through various media, responded less.

Overseas, including the Western world, the reaction was much more intense.

-If the Vice President isn't crazy, is God really trying to wipe out humanity?

- Could it be that the 'Day of Judgment' mentioned in the Bible has arrived?

-So, are we all going to die?

- I must die. It's god's will

In the first place, the ratio of Catholics and Christians in the Western world is staggeringly high.

The walga walbu went back and forth as to whether this was God or the will of some monster-like transcendent.

All of this is God's will after all, so there were extremists who just accepted destruction.

-But I'm not even sure if the top really exists.

Of course, there were a lot of people who didn't believe in the existence of the tower.

-If you read webtoons or web novels, isn't there a tower somewhere in the Pacific Ocean? But where the hell is the tower that those crazy people are talking about?

First of all, the tower had no substance. At least not on Earth.

The tower could not be observed even with all the technological capabilities of humans. All that exists is the testimony of survivors.

However, the testimony was very consistent, and the fact that the survivors had special abilities only added credibility.

To the general public, the 'tower' felt like an imaginary animal.

-And why can't the bastards who came out alive say what was there? Aren't you keeping your mouth shut for fear that the fraud will be exposed if the testimonies differ?

The fact that the survivors in the tutorial kept quiet about what was inside the tower also contributed to people not believing in the existence of the tower.

Testimonies that the tower existed were consistent, but not a single one leaked out about the inside of the tower. As if only the survivors would benefit.

Of course, from the standpoint of the survivors, it would be crazy and jumping.

-You think we don't talk because we don't want to talk? Are you saying you can't see or hear?

Because they were already talking about the tower incessantly.

-She told mom about what she was doing in the tutorial, but mom said I stopped suddenly. She posted it on an internet community and it only got 3 views.

-But right now we are constantly talking about tutorials among ourselves, aren't we?

-That's the problem. People who haven't been to the tower don't seem to see this comment.

The returnees of the tower acted with very common sense.

It was to contact the media and use the Internet community to widely publicize what happened at the tower.

-I constantly posted on various communities about what happened in the tutorial, but few people read it. Occasionally, if there were people who saw them, they were also people who had come out of the tower alive.

But all those efforts are futile.

Ordinary people were unaware of the fact that they were trying to talk about the tower.

In terms of games, it's as if the situation was systematically prevented from being possible.

I was able to tell you the most basic information, such as the 66th floor of the tower, if you can't climb the tower, humanity will perish, the tower is God's judgment, etc., But it was impossible to comment on what happened inside the tower.

〈 Hey, think of a trick I can tell you about the tutorial〉

But man is said to be a thinking animal. Some people tried to use tricks to reveal what happened in the tower.

〈 Hey, think of a trick I can tell you about the tutorial〉

When we try to comment on the tutorial, it looks like we just stop in the eyes of the layman, right? Couldn't you use that backwards?

I asked my friend to come up with about 1,000 words that might be related to the tower. And my friend is showing me words one by one.

I looked at the word and decided to nod if it was in the tower and shake my head if it wasn't. What if this happens? I shake my head at words that don't exist, but don't I look like I'm stopped at words that do? If my friend picked out the words I stopped, wouldn't it be possible to get a rough idea of ​​the tower?

-Are you a genius?

-Is this okay? You're taking advantage of the fact that you stop when you try to mention the tower.

There was a person who tried to inform about the tutorial using his own logic.

But the results were disastrous.

〈 Guys failed.〉

When I was about to start the experiment, my friend stopped, not me. I found out later that he had forgotten the fact that we were trying to do an experiment. It seems that all tricks are blocked. Let's give up guys.

No matter what means was used, the story inside the tower could not be told to people who had not been to the tower.

The interior of the tower remains a completely unknown space.

About a month like that. The earthlings were exchanging tremendous arguments over the topic of the tower.

When you turned on the news, the story of the tower came up, the Internet community was talking about the tower, and when people met, they talked about the tower.

But did they say that all bubbles will eventually subside?

After a huge chaos passed, the world was divided into three main types.

First. Ordinary people who do not believe in the existence of the tower.

Second. Ordinary people who believe in the existence of the tower.

Finally third. Survivors of the tutorial.

The social perception of the survivors in the tutorial was literally heading towards the abyss.

- Why the hell don't the survivors go up the tower? I heard that there are only a handful of cubs on the second floor right now?

-What's inside the tower? I know there is a risk of death, but the human race is on the verge of extinction right now?

-If I told you to risk your life, would you? And you guys don't know what's on the first floor, right? Poor unchosen bastards.

First of all, the survivors in the tutorial didn't want to go up to the second floor.

Except for those who passed the tower very comfortably like me... Everyone has been through the worst experience of their life.

In addition to trauma, some people have permanent damage to their bodies.

In addition, the first floor is literally an environment close to heaven. You can eat what you want to eat, and you can do what you want to do.

A place where you can enjoy everything you can imagine, except for the downside of not being able to invite other people. Because it was on the first floor.

There are really few adults on this planet who would throw away the sweet fruit right in front of them and go through the hardships for others. If you limit the range to survivors, the number will be reduced even more.

But from the point of view of ordinary people, this was nothing more than selfishness.

- No, if you guys don't do it, we'll look for it? Are we supposed to die for you?

-I'll invite you to that tutorial too. 'Cause I'm about to break the top That we should leave the fate of mankind to those cowardly bastards?

Right now, your life is in someone else's hands, and that 'other' has a lukewarm attitude. If you want to be angry, you won't be able to stand it.

The problem was not only this.

『Ride on crime by players all over the world. Are there really no solutions? 』

The survivors were able to open the portal back to the first floor at any time.

That means... It meant that it was possible to commit a crime and flee to the tower.

They are survivors with excellent physical abilities and superpowers that cannot be dealt with with modern technology.

If they managed to narrow the siege, there was no way to catch the criminals who fled inside the tower.

『U.S. Police tell people to be careful of people with physical disabilities. Disability discrimination controversy. 』

What criminals who use superpowers have in common is that many of them have no body parts.

Perhaps, it is speculated that it is because he has committed a sin so great that he has to pay for his body in the 'Judgment' of the tutorial. Of course, this is an area unknown to the general public.

Whatever the case, there has been a social trend around the world that fears people with disabilities. Naturally, people with disabilities reacted tremendously.

It's only been a month since the true nature of the tower was revealed. The world is sinking into chaos.

They are wary of, afraid of, and fighting each other.

But the top did nothing.

It wasn't spitting out monsters, nor was it threatening humanity. It just exists somewhere.

"... Ha."

As things unfolded this far, I was sure.

Even if God doesn't directly punish them...

The fact that if the earth is left alone for 10 years, humanity will perish on its own.