
Regression is too much

The regression ability, which is self-explanatory and deceptive. It's a fraudulent ability, but... Isn't it a bit much to regress from a single damage...? Extra tags: #fantasy #tower climbing #regression #misunderstanding #loop #deathgame N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

Chapter 26 - Boss Too Weak (6)

Chapter 26 - Boss Too Weak (6)



When you use your muscles, fatigue accumulates.

This is a kind of truth that also applies to superhumans.



One hour. Two hours. Three hours.

If you push the muscles of your whole body without rest, even if you are a superman, you will get tired.



Those who can shift have already shifted.

My skin, which had been damp from the sweat that flowed like rain, was dry due to lack of moisture in my body.

The limbs were shaking, and now there was no one whose gums did not bleed.

The body has reached its limit.

"Come again! One!"


Even so, those who pushed the shield did not stop.

Their minds have transcended the limits of their bodies.

To live. For a better future.

For everyone.

The belief that they were doing the right thing was pushing them behind them.

Just barely one step. One step.

Small footprints gathered and became one step.

Steps came together, and it became a big leap.

How much time has passed

The swamp that seemed infinitely far was approaching right in front of me before I knew it.

"Push it!!!"

The 50-meter-long campaign of the shield finally came to an end.


A spherical protective shield that makes a wet roar and gets stuck in the swamp.

"Ouch!! Gooooo!!!"

The Minotaur was struggling to survive, but inside, the protective shield could not stop it from slowly sinking into the swamp.


And finally, around the time when the cry of the Minotaur could not be heard.

"Creep... Khuhu... I will unlock the seal. Keruk."

The goblin shaman swung his wand lightly, and the purple rope connecting the wand to the swamp snapped.


This time, the goblin shaman slammed the staff hard on the floor, and the white light went boom! And exploded

Apparently, the seal in the form of a spherical protective film has also been lifted.

"... "

"... "

"Keruk... Kheuk... The seal has been lifted... Keruk."

The goblin shaman, pouring out all his strength, walked to the hollow tree trunk and collapsed helplessly.

"... Are you dead?"

A momentary silence hovering around.

Everyone was looking at the swamp with nervous eyes.

So, some time passes.


Suddenly, a crude sound of firecrackers exploded.

-[Amazing Achievement Reminder!]

-You have succeeded in defeating the hidden boss, the 'Demon of the Labyrinth Minotaur'!

- No casualties! Achievement XP bonuses are awarded!

- A special reward will be given to [Choi Ji-won] Who made the biggest contribution!

In fact, this is the first time I've been prompted to beat an achievement.

Is the message popping up because it's such a great achievement, or is this also a prank by the tower?

"... "

However, there was no special follow-up message, and no suspicious sounds were heard from the swamp.

Are you really dead? I couldn't believe it at all.

How did we defeat such an overpowering monster in a way that bordered on child's play?

I didn't realize it yet, so I stood there.

Maybe about a minute passed like that.

"Junho-kun... "

Firefighter Park Cheol-jin walks from the direction of the swamp with staggering steps.

Even after trying so hard, it seems that he still has some stamina left. He is truly a man worthy of an 'iron man'.

"Whoa... Whoa... "

He grabbed his knees, took a moment to catch his breath, then lifted his head and gave his thumbs up.

"... You are our hero."

Those words seem to have been a catalyst.


Shouts filled with joy resounded all around.

People were hugging each other and shedding tears of joy.

"I won, I won!"

"I live! Mom... !"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

At the same time, positive emotions flowing into me from all sides.








-[The level of duplicated attributes rises!]

-Awe [C] 〉〉〉 Awe [B]

-Hero [F] 〉〉〉 Hero [C]

Perhaps it's because they absorbed the emotions of others and turned them into characteristics, and everyone's emotions are vividly felt.

Because of that, I also smiled softly.

"... Won."

Slowly. Deep joy slowly rises from the depths of the heart.

I killed a monster that wasn't meant to be killed.

There was not even a single casualty.

It is a complete and perfect victory.

In addition, the way he won was also significant.

It wasn't that he defeated the Minotaur with his strength by repeating his god-given trait, regression.

I didn't become a ruthless munchkin and cut down the Minotaur with a single knife.

My idea was also an idea, but there was another important thing.

Human's radiant will.

Gathering noble wills, they won the sweet fruit of survival.

Several humans. And one goblin.

The mortals triumphed over the gods.

"Status window."

[Name: Junho Kim] [LV:13]


-Regression [EX]

-Awe [B]

-Hero [C]

The last achievement level I checked was 6.

Simply killing the Minotaur increased the achievement level by 7.

Oh, there was a bonus for clearing without casualties.

Apparently, the level does not go up for each achievement, but it seems that a certain amount of experience is set for each achievement.

Well, I was just about to defeat a monster that I couldn't possibly defeat by normal means.

In fact, no one would protest if more rewards were handed out than this.

"How about the people who pushed the shield?"

"Everyone is still having a hard time moving... When it gets better, I decided to help and bring it."

"Hmm... Thank you for your effort."

Everyone knew that the planner of this operation was me.

Everyone sees me as some sort of hero and savior, and this stalwart must have been partly due to the awe quality.

"Everyone calm down a little now... Could you please move away?"

I passed the jubilant crowds and approached the goblin shaman sitting on the trunk of a tree.

"... Did you succeed, Keruk?"

"Great job."

A goblin shaman with a smile on his face. The ugly face was distorted by the smile, but I didn't think I hated it.

Thanks to this guy's active help, she was able to kill the Minotaur without any damage. In a way, it can be said that he is the benefactor of all of us.

"Now... "

Kill this guy and open the portal.

Of course, I won't be entering the portal, but I wanted to end this episode beautifully.

I wanted to remember it as an episode in which humans gathered their strength and won against God's malice.

It is proof that humans can do it, and I wanted to keep it as a medal in my heart.

"Keruk. Are you going to kill me, human?"

I could have lied here, but I didn't want to be so hard on this guy.

"... That's right."

"I knew. Keruk. Anyway, I had less than 10 minutes left in my life. Keruk."

A goblin shaman who calmly accepts.

He took something out of the skull bowl over his head.

"It is a stone containing my voice. Keruk. It contains the story I want to tell people. I recommend trying to break it a little later, human."

"... Okay."

Is this a memento of some sort?

My heart was pounding, so I tightly gripped the handed stone with my left hand.

"... Female! Didn't I say I'd come back alive?"

"You did it! I did it!"

"Babe! Heh, heh... How was I?"

A voice from the direction of the swamp.

The heroes who were tired of pushing the shield were returning here with the help of others.

Choi Ji-won, whose complexion had turned pale, came out from a distance, met his eyes, smiled and waved his hand.


The people who shouted for joy until their throats were hoarse were looking at the goblin shaman with eyes full of anticipation.

Yes, is this the end?

It seems that your heart was shaken for a moment by the Goblin Shaman who devotedly helped you.

I really need to kill him now

"... Keruk. Everyone wants my death."

The goblin shaman looked around for a moment, then managed to wipe the blood off her lips with the back of her hand.

"... Keruk. It went according to plan. Thank god. I'm Satisfied."

The goblin shaman handed me the bag of golden beads in her left hand and slowly closed her eyes.

He calmly accepted death.

"... "

I received the bag of marbles with the hand holding the stone, and with an empty hand I drew the sword from my waistband.

"... Good work, goblin shaman."

I have a lot of affection for helping you, but I think I should let you go at the end.


Thank you for all this time.


My sword decapitated the goblin shaman.

"... Uh? What?"

The hand holding the sword trembled.


There is no taste of cutting the body.

It feels like all the hair on your body is standing up.

Something went terribly wrong .

"... Junho Kim. How did this... "

Choi Ji-won asks me with a trembling voice.

The goblin shaman, who had accepted death with his eyes closed, was slowly disappearing.

The feeling of the pocket he was holding in his hand disappeared in an instant.

As if possessed by something.

"I-over there... !"

The woman cheering from behind looked at the swamp and let out a sound close to screaming.

As I followed her gaze and turned her head, the goblin shaman who was clearly next to me was smiling from a distance.

"Kelkel... Kel kel kel... "

In one hand, she had a pocket full of golden beads. A staff in the other hand.

"Human... "

On her face, a smile so full of madness that it would tear her lips apart.

"Humans are stupid."

He... Fell into the swamp

-[Achievement Alert!]

- Defeated the boss.

- A portal is created where the boss died.

"... "

"... "

Until just now, everyone was laughing and chatting.

An appalling silence fell now.

"... What about beads?"

Firefighter Park Cheol-jin barely opened his mouth.

The bag of beads he gave me was just an illusion.

The real marble bag was in the possession of a goblin shaman.

"... What about the portal?"

A portal was created where the Goblin Shaman died.

He died in a toxic swamp.

"... "

"... "

"... "

Without saying a word, I looked down at the stone in my hand.

We've won the Great God.

Defeated by a dying goblin.