
Regression is too much

The regression ability, which is self-explanatory and deceptive. It's a fraudulent ability, but... Isn't it a bit much to regress from a single damage...? Extra tags: #fantasy #tower climbing #regression #misunderstanding #loop #deathgame N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

Chapter 22 - Boss Too Weak (2) 

Chapter 22 - Boss Too Weak (2)

After putting the food in the clearing, I started to walk through the forest following Park Cheol-jin's guidance.

'... It's good that I didn't come back like this.'

Although it was only once that I had been there until the 6th day in the first place.

In the past, when I was sitting idle in an empty lot, there was no event like this.

It's the first time I've even heard of finding a boss.

If that's the case, it should be seen as a butterfly effect that I called people into the empty lot... I don't know why the future has changed.

"... "

"... "

Park Cheol-jin and Choi Ji-won just walk in silence.

The atmosphere was a little cocky, but I decided to just ask what I was curious about.

"How did you know about us?"

Choi Ji-Won's eyebrows twitched a bit, perhaps because he said 'we', but he didn't refute.

For your reference, the point at which Park Cheol-jin leaves the vacant lot is early afternoon on the second day. It was after that that Choi Ji-won distributed food.

I mean, there is no connection between the two.

"... Mr. Kim Gun-do told me."

Park Cheol-jin, who answered my questions obediently.

"But who?"

"Kim Goon-do."

"... "

I have no idea. Who is Kim Gun-do?

It's like someone who doesn't know, 'Huh? Isn't that Junho? Nice to meet you!"

"This is someone from your group... He doesn't seem to know the name."

"Does it have any characteristics?"

"Dig a lot of ground."


Apparently, the name of the old digger was Kim Gun-do.

"Originally, it seemed like they were going to slowly dig the ground in the empty lot for five days... There were too many people, so they said they couldn't stand the frenzy. They are now part of our group."

"... Aha."

In the previous episode, Kim Goon-do disappeared on the night of the 5th day.

It seems that I left the vacant lot earlier than the scheduled time because I dragged people into the vacant lot.

And somehow, it seems that he joined the group of firefighters.

Is this the butterfly effect? It's a strange feeling.

"It has arrived."

How long did it take Finally, Park Cheol-jin stopped walking.

"... Wow."

There were three wooden houses built here. The size is a little small, but the build quality is very good.

"Did you make it yourself?"

"No. There was a carpenter in our group, whose talent was the ability to easily process wood. It is his work."

"Oh, maybe your name is... ?"

"... He was killed by a mutant goblin."


Come to think of it, when Park Cheol-jin left the clearing, he didn't believe in the status window or the tower at all.

All of this is some kind of joke... He was a stubborn old man.

Such a person now uses the words 'characteristic' or 'mutant goblin' naturally.

How many hardships must he have had before accepting this newspaper article?

It just feels like my heart is getting heavy.

"By the way, no one is there?"

The log cabin was empty.

There are traces of people living there, but there are no people, so it feels a little strange.

"... "

The atmosphere suddenly becomes chilly.

What is this

If... Did everyone die from the boss except Park Cheol-jin?

Did I just commit Tallulah?

"...Hiding far away."

It wasn't Tallulah. Thank god.

But the words are a little strange. Why are you hiding?

"... Whoa."

Park Cheol-jin, who was sitting down on a wooden chair, took a deep breath and stared at us with sharp eyes.

"... Before showing the boss, I want to ask an honest question."

"... "

Choi Ji-won, who has been looking at somewhere without a word since earlier. I finally answered

"Yes, you say."

Park Cheol-jin, who still doesn't take his eyes off us. He asked carefully.

"You-all... How did you learn the sword?"

"... "

"... "

This time I was also speechless. Because I know why he is so wary.

I'll say it again, but today is the 6th day since I entered the tower.

And Choi Ji-won and I are too good at swordsmanship to have studied on our own for 6 days.

Honestly, in modern times, if you don't know about guns, what's the point of using a knife?

An extremely common sense question, 'Where did you learn how to use a sword?'

The question I once had with Choi Ji-won applied to me this time as well.

"... I will tell you first."

Choi Ji-won was the first to speak.

"My father was a master of kendo."

"... Criminal?"

"A typical kendo instructor should be familiar, but a 5th dan instructor. The 8th dan is called Beomsa. I learned how to handle a real sword from my father."

... Indeed.

There was a reason Choi Ji-won was good at using a sword.

He has a kendo master as his father, and with that, he can handle a sword well.

After all, Choi Ji-won had never shown such a flashy swordsmanship.

Choi Ji-won type 1! I mean, I've never written anything like this.

The basics are solid, and the physical ability is overwhelming, so it's just that it's so strong.

"... I also have some kinship with the people there. Can I know your father's name?"

Park Cheol-jin slowly asks if something is coming.

"... Cheolja Choi. Net sleep. He writes."

"... Ah."

Cheol-soon Choi.

It seems that it is a name Park Cheol-jin knows.

"That... My father's matter... "

"It's okay."

Park Cheol-jin, who is suddenly sorry, and Choi Ji-won, who calmly replies that he is fine.

What. What is this mood Why are you talking about what only they know?

"...You would know without asking, right?"

"I can feel it."

A meaningless conversation passed, followed by a brief moment of awkward silence.

"That... Shall I talk too?"

Now it's my turn.

"I am... I got swordsmanship after coming to the tower."

"... Did you get it?"

"It is a characteristic. The name is swordsmanship. The grade is B. The knowledge that I don't even know is stuck in my head at some point."

"... "

The name of the operation will be 'Moll?

Top gave me a swordsmanship. I don't know. Ask the tower for details!

Of course, the tower does not operate a door window. Park Cheol-jin is speechless at the perfect excuse that can only be used inside the tower.

"... Jiwon Choi. Can you trust this man's skills?"

"...I think it's top tier."

"Yes. If you are, then it must be so."

Firefighter Park Chul-jin nodded after hearing Choi Ji-won's testimony.

"In my heart, I want to see Kim Jun-ho's skills like a chimney, but..."

He sank deeply into his chair and stared into my eyes.

"We're running out of time. Things are pretty tough."

"...Are you in trouble?"

"You know about the message window that popped up about the boss, right?

"Yeah, what..."

〈Tutorial Stage〉

-Clear Condition 1: If you swallow the 'Golden Orb' hidden somewhere in the forest, you can move on to the next stage. However, there are only 50 golden orbs.

-Clear condition 2: Defeat the boss and goblin shaman to create a portal to the next stage.

"We found the boss, and you wonder why we didn't kill it right away?"

In hindsight, it was.

Just kill the boss and a portal will open to move on to the next stage.

And at first glance, Park Cheol-jin is quite strong. With that big axe, his muscles, and the flowing aura, he was proving that he was strong.

Why did such a strong man take a long step to find us without taking care of the boss at once?

"...If you see it for yourself, you will understand the situation. Follow me."

Firefighter Park Cheol-jin gets up and starts walking somewhere.

"...Shall we go?"

"I'll go."

Choi Ji-won and I followed suit.

"Finding the boss was mere coincidence. Gundo Kim was digging and found a goblin tunnel."

The more I walked, the more I smelled a familiar scent.

I got used to it... The smell of the swamp. It seems to be heading towards the outskirts of the forest.

"Exploring the goblin lair... There was one exit to the surface. That's when I found the way."

I called people to the vacant lot, and Mr. Kim Gun-do escaped the vacant lot earlier than planned.

Then he started digging here, and the mysterious butterfly effect that Park Cheol-jin found the boss.

"... "

But the time to think about that was gradually disappearing.

A feeling of tingling of the skin. Feeling the back of your neck stand up.

I feel a presence. The guy was angry.

"Now, that's the boss goblin shaman."

New fluid. New fluid.

As he said, an old goblin was breathing heavily.

He was wearing a bone of an unknown animal on his head and holding an ornately decorated staff in his hand, anyone could see that he was a goblin shaman.

The strange thing is that the boss looks extremely bad.

The green blood dripping from his mouth seemed like it would pass if he pushed it lightly.

"... If you kill that weak-looking guy, the portal will open, right?"


The goblin shaman is standing on a complicated pattern and muttering something nonstop.

"... This is a bit difficult."

The problem isn't the goblin shaman.

"Goo Woo-wook... Woowoowook."

Twitching muscles.

Eyes full of madness.

An ax of enormous size, tightly held in the hand.

The body is humanoid, but the head is that of a cow.

The boss, the goblin shaman, was struggling to keep the seal.

The seal that restrains the Minotaur, the monster that stunned me in one blow.