
Regressing With King's Power

I’ll eat all your skills!”, ‘f*ck this awakening bullshit’, ‘To hell with being a loser.’ Kim Taehyun, whose awakening level remains undetermined, was treated as a loser because he failed to awaken. However, he awakened his ability at the moment of his death when a gate was created which leads to the king. Afterwards, Taehyun, who has returned due to the power of the king, gains a new skill called Predation. Taehyun, a 35-year old male, regresses to when he was 19. [Skill has been developed]. Using this power, I can be placed among the best

ApexApex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
120 Chs


Episode 69

[Magic power consumption accelerates.]

Taehyun stopped using the skill as the message window popped up again.

"Whoa… "This consumes too much mana."

Taehyun muttered after one-shotting the last magic potion.

Right in front of you.

There was Milena, kneeling and staring into space.

His eyes are empty and drool is flowing from his mouth.

Until a little while ago, it seemed difficult to imagine that he was powerful as an S-class demon.

"eww… ah… . uh… ."

Milena muttered something unidentifiable and lowered her head.

"Oh my, is my mind broken?"

Taehyun clicked his tongue and stood up.

There was no more business for her.

"Mr. Park Seong-ho?"

Taehyun called Park Seongho, who was watching all of this from the side.

"Yes, yes."

"Would you like to finish it yourself?"

"Mamu… "What about Lee?"

He couldn't understand what Taehyun said for a moment and asked back.

Taehyun silently pointed at Milena.

"ah… !!"

Only then did Park Seong-ho understand the meaning and shouted softly.

Kim Tae-hyun, S-rank player and lifesaver.

He is now.

He is giving himself the opportunity to kill the S-class demon Milena.

"… … ."

S-rank mine.

The evil of the world, for which not only a bounty but also enormous public value is given if captured or killed.

Even if it was only because he cut down Mine last, for that reason alone.

The players' association would provide generous compensation along with a commendation.

Given the recent mood of the Players' Association, they may issue honorary licenses.


Park Seong-ho swallowed dry saliva without realizing it.

But that was only for a moment.

Soon he shook his head.

"ugh… eww… . eww… ."

Milena has already looked like a ruined person.

Park Seong-ho's expression changed strangely as he looked at her.

It was because he remembered Miranda, his 'old colleague' who had given him a taste of heaven and hell, even if only for a moment.

"I am… "I can't do it."

"Is that so."


Without hesitation, Taehyun drove Aslan into her heart.


Milena, who trembled for a moment, stopped moving.

S-rank mine Milena.

It is said to have powers that no ordinary human would even dare to dream of.

It was a meaningless death.

"I hope you live properly in your next life."

Ending with a very brief moment of silence.

Taehyun started to pack up his scattered luggage.

"now… "What should I do?"

Park Seong-ho, who was packing his backpack with Tae-hyeon, asked cautiously.

There is no guide, and potions are low.

Clearly, the divine prestige that Taehyun showed a moment ago was far beyond that of a criminal.

He is also a person.

Unless you know the way out of this labyrinth, you either starve to death or die from exhaustion while being hunted by monsters.

The same thing was true that it would end in death anyway.

It was a dark future to even imagine.

Unlike Park Seong-ho, who was in despair, Tae-hyeon was still rummaging through his backpack with an expression on his face that was unclear.

"Player Taehyun Kim?"

When Park Seong-ho asked again, only then did Tae-hyun open his mouth.

"If what Milena said is true. "By now, the demons have probably revealed their true colors to the guild leader."

"… … ?"

"I happen to have some good stuff."

Taehyun took out a scroll from his backpack.

The guild mark that everyone in the industry knew was engraved on the front of the scroll.

"that… Created by Alchemist… Labyrinth only… Tracking scroll?"

A guide class that allows you to navigate the labyrinth.

And an ultra-rare scroll created by combining gate skills.

It was a scroll worth 30 billion won in market value alone.

"I also have a scroll I got from Milena. "If I do well, I'll be able to get my money's worth."

Looking at Taehyun laughing.


Park Seong-ho couldn't ask why he was bringing it up now.

* * *

The deepest part of the labyrinth Minotaros.

The battle was in full swing right before the end of the labyrinth.

It's not a battle between a monster and a player.

It was a battle between Mine and the player.

It was a scene of carnage surrounding one man, and it was not enough to even call it a battle.

"Ugh… Ugh… ."

Quad deuk.

"What a piece of trash... ."

Kwon Kang-hyuk broke the skull of one of the demons and cursed.

A grade A awakener of the Onsaemiro guild.

He was a man who had been a subordinate and comrade in arms until a little while ago.

That guy suddenly changed and killed three guild members.

Kwon Kang-hyuk was already dealing with dozens of such traitors.


'Are they all dead?'

Real colleagues, not mine.

Quite a few of his guild members also lost their lives.

It was because of the S-class demons right in front of me.

"shit. I thought I had a clear eye for seeing people. "These days, they keep making us unclean here and there."

Kwon Kang-hyuk said this and sat down on the corpse.

The four demons in front of me seemed as difficult to deal with as they were now.

'They are not easy to see.'

Guild members who were known on the outside as Class A awakeners.

Even though two of them were scouted by Kwon Kang-hyuk himself.

There was no sign of it being a mine at all.

This probably means that demons were deeply hidden within the guild.

I was so busy exploring that I wasn't able to properly manage the guild.

Let your thoughts reach there.


I let out a sigh mixed with self-reproach and guilt.

"Fuck you. I really lived my life in vain. Isn't that right, Deputy Guild Leader?"

One of the four men in response to Kwon Kang-hyuk's question.

The man who was the deputy guild leader of the Onsaemiro guild let out a dark laugh.

Onsaemiro's deputy guild leader, excellent guide, and long-time colleague.

Because he was always sincere and made cool-headed judgments among those close to him.

I even felt eerie at the sudden change in atmosphere.

"Hehe. Indeed, he is our guild leader. "I expected that I wouldn't be a match for someone like this."

He was the one who had seen Kwon Kang-hyuk's battles from the side more than anyone else.

However, now there are four S-rank mines, including myself.

When his true colors were revealed, there was no longer any emotion like fear left on his face.

"Kkkkkk. "They say he's the strongest tank, and he can't even get hurt with most skills."

"Hey, but he's a superior I once served, so let's send him off cleanly."

"that's right. We need to find and deal with the rest as well. "There is a lot of work to do."

"Whoa… "Since when did this happen?"

Kwon Kang-hyuk asked the demons who felt no fear towards him.

S-rank skill 'Beast's Protection'.

Although it was only known in the world that it could transform into various beasts, the power of that skill was not at that level.

And the final episode of 'Beast's Protection' that has not been seen by anyone yet.

In order to use that power, a little more magical energy had to be gathered.

'Rotten bastards. I'll smash every single one of those heads in no time.'

Kwon Kang-hyuk gritted his teeth as he checked the magic power that was gradually building up.

Fortunately, the four horsemen did not seem to be in much of a hurry, as if they were predicting victory against an already exhausted Kwon Kang-hyuk.

"Since when?"

"From the beginning, of course."

"Even if you didn't set up a plan to attack here. "I wouldn't have done it this way."

"Please understand our feelings as we handle our comrades directly."

"Kkkkkk… Ha ha ha ha ha… ."

Kwon Kang-hyuk, who was a little excited by the Mine people's excuses, eventually burst out laughing.


"Have you given up on everything?"

"I guess I'll have to finish it soon."

The demons surrounded Kwon Kang-hyuk, who was still not waking up.

Kwon Kang-hyuk watched the scene and spat out the ear he had been chewing.

It was the ear of one of the demons who had stabbed him a moment ago.

"Tsk. They're doing shit. what? S-rank mine? "What does that mean?"

"… … ."

"… … ."

"… … ."

"… … ."

Kwon Kang-hyuk raises his body and exudes fighting spirit.

The sight of that sight left the four demons speechless for an instant.

Kwon Kang-hyuk is an S-class advanced player.

And they are two S-class intermediate, one upper-middle, and one advanced.

Even if Kwon Kang-hyuk borrowed the dinosaur power shown in his sparring with Tae-hyeon, it was a gap that could not be narrowed.

"Kwon Kang-hyuk. You too have a chance. If you join us... ."

"hey. Shut up and attack me. "I'll blow your head off."

"… … ."

"Crazy guy. "You really want to die."

"Onsaemiro's guild leader will be replaced as of today."

The four demons each used their own skills.

"You guys are so damn good. "Children."

Kwon Kang-hyuk also activated the skill he was preparing.



Kwon Kang-hyuk, who transformed into a black 'something', snatched a horse with incredible speed.

The eyes of the demons who saw this opened wide.

"Well, that… !!"

"crazy… !!"

"A dragon?!!"

An S-class monster called a dragon in the world.

No, it was a little different.

A large body measuring up to 5 meters.

However, there were no wings visible.

His current appearance was closer to that of a degenerated dragon.

Wow. Crash.

Even though it has degenerated, it is still a dragon.

It was not enough to subdue the horsemen's initiative.

"Do you understand the situation now?"

Kwon Kang-hyuk ignored the screams of the demon he was chewing on and briskly moved his sharp teeth.

"Okay… Save me... !!"

Quad deuk!!

As if there was no need to hear any more.

When Kwon Kang-hyuk closed his teeth with force, one of the demons ended his life.


The blood of an S-class demon who had already turned into a piece of meat flowed down his neck.

"Don't even think about it… ."

"A dragon… You never said anything like this... ."

"Avoid everyone!!!"

In the cries of demons.

Kwon Kang-hyuk moved his body to snatch the second target.

* * *

"ha… ha… Punishment… ."


Kwon Kang-hyuk cursed and knelt down.

I had to kneel twice in a week.

The difference from before is that there is no longer any energy left in Kwon Kang-hyuk's body.

'shit. I don't even have the strength left to drink the potion.'

Even without opening the status window, I could see that all the numbers were already at the bottom.

It was a reward for using technology that I was not yet familiar with.

I used all my magic power.

Addicted. paralysis. Bleeding, etc.

Belatedly, the curse skill they used was spreading through my body.

The rebound will probably come in less than 5 minutes.

At that time, even Kwon Kang-hyuk will have to pay the price.

'shit… Is the strategy failing like this?'

Dozens of demons, including four S-class ones.

Although Kwon Kang-hyuk dealt with them single-handedly.

Further exploration seemed impossible.

'That guy Taehyun Kim... . Hehe… There's no need to worry. Such an arrogant guy.'

My vision has long since lost focus.

It was a time when I had no strength to laugh and was squirming.

"This is really outrageous."

It was a familiar voice.

For a moment, I heard the sound of something being searched around.

The owner of the voice approached Kwon Kang-hyuk.

"Why did you tear it to pieces like this? Fortunately, one of them is safe."


Kwon Kang-hyuk's body was engulfed in white light and he began to recover.

'This… scroll?'

After a while, someone opened Kwon Kang-hyuk's mouth and poured healing potion into it.

Kwon Kang-hyuk's shriveled body gradually regained its strength.

It took less than a minute for my vision to return.

And the first thing you see.

"you… ."

"It's okay if you say thank you. "If the party leader dies, I'll be in trouble too."

It was Taehyun, looking down at himself with a bitter smile.

Chapter 69

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