
Regressing With King's Power

I’ll eat all your skills!”, ‘f*ck this awakening bullshit’, ‘To hell with being a loser.’ Kim Taehyun, whose awakening level remains undetermined, was treated as a loser because he failed to awaken. However, he awakened his ability at the moment of his death when a gate was created which leads to the king. Afterwards, Taehyun, who has returned due to the power of the king, gains a new skill called Predation. Taehyun, a 35-year old male, regresses to when he was 19. [Skill has been developed]. Using this power, I can be placed among the best

ApexApex · Fantasy
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120 Chs


Episode 35

The name of the man who guided the Alchemist at his request was Park Geon-woong.

He was a grade A awakened person and was in charge of escorting items under an outsourcing contract with Alchemist.

This is because many of Alchemist's potions and items are also listed on this auction house.

"I had no idea that the famous SV[P customer would come to the auction house in person. "Is there anything special you want to buy?"

"I don't know. Isn't it the famous West Point? "There is nothing that doesn't come out."

Taehyun smiled and answered Park Geon-woong's question.

West Point Auction House.

This is an auction house established by the former U.S. Secretary of Defense after leaving office, and its reliability is top notch due to its diverse connections.

Ten years from now, it was a place that would expand so much that it would swallow up the underground auctions.

The place where Taehyun is now is the Japanese branch of the West Point auction house before he grew up.

The only way to get there was through the warp gate registered by the organizers.

It is protected by tight security, so it is as safe as most borders.

'I can't believe a terrorist attack occurs in a place like this.'

Taehyun didn't know much about this terrorist attack either.

This is because the Japanese hired an S-rank player to act as an escort, but the only known thing is that the damage caused by the demons' terror was severe.

Nevertheless, Taehyun was able to think of this place.

This is because the person who attacked was the infamous 'Narendra Nehru'.

'I can't guarantee victory or defeat, but he's someone I should compete with at least once.'

Narendra Nehru.

Perhaps, when we go to the Asian player friendly competition, there will be a lot of strong players like him.

This was something to keep in mind other than preventing terrorism and building public value.

Terror and Mine. escort. Auction items. Narendra Nehru.

I was thinking about various possibilities for a moment.

"I heard a rumor that you work hard in dungeons, but I guess you made a lot of money too? ha ha ha."

Park Geon-woong, who didn't know what was going on, just smiled sheepishly.

"Well, it wasn't a small amount of money. Beyond that, what kind of person is the general manager of the auction escort?"

"Ryohei Isaka. "Like Taehyun, he has obtained an S-class license."

Park Geon-woong said it as if it were a dirty word.

"Have you met him?"

"what… As the general manager... ."

"Your expression doesn't look good, does it?"

Park Geon-woong let out a long sigh in response to Tae-hyeon's persistent questions.

"ha… He's a bad guy. Of course, my skills are certain."

I didn't ask any more questions as I looked at Park Geon-woong, who was frowning like a bandit.

'Isaka Ryoheira. The annoying guy was in charge of the escort.'

Demon Ryohei Isaka.

A Japanese S-rank player who uses a Japanese sword.

I had heard about his notoriety.

He does not hesitate to put his comrades in danger for the sake of profit, and will cut down anyone he does not like, even fellow party members.

Because of that, the nickname given to him is evil spirit.

'I heard you're being disciplined for cutting a party member. Was it here?'

There is only a bad reputation about him.

It's hard to tell how skilled he is, but since he's an S grade, he can't let down his guard.

Above all, the fact that the auction house guarded by such a guy was helpless in the face of terrorism increased the danger to Narendra Nehru that much.

"Well, Taehyun, you might be presumptuous since you are also S-rank… . "Personally, I recommend not meeting them."

Taehyun nodded at Park Geon-woong's sincere advice.

"All right. "I will take note of it."


Life doesn't go the way you think.

* * *

I broke up with Park Geon-woong and was looking around the auction house.

Taehyun, who changed into a suit and wore sunglasses, could have been seen as a participant anywhere at the auction.

There was someone who noticed Taehyun's presence.

"Who is this?"

[Earring 0229's automatic interpretation function is activated.]

The automatic interpretation mode of the installed earrings has been activated.

The man leading the group stopped in front of Taehyun.

Taehyun looked away from the decoration in front of him.

"New Korea's rising star and the twelfth S-rank. "Aren't you the player Kim Tae-hyun?"

He was a man with a slim build and slit-like eyes like a weasel.

He smiled sinisterly and stretched out his arms excessively.

'Ryouhei Isaka.'

Taehyun's eyebrows twitched behind his sunglasses.

But then he smiled and held out his hand as if nothing was wrong.

"You're meeting a Japanese ranker here. Nice to meet you. "This is Taehyun Kim."

"You look younger than I heard. "If it weren't for the report, I wouldn't have recognized it."

Ryohei Isaka held Taehyun's hand.

"That can't be… Taehyun Kim?"

"Korea's twelfth S-class player?"

"I don't think you came here as an escort?"

"Rookie saved up some money."

Taehyun opened his mouth while listening to the reactions of those around him.

"I didn't know that my information had already been entered."


Taehyun didn't lose his smile despite the tightening of his hands, and asked vaguely.

"I am managing the list of all people entering and leaving this place. "There are no exceptions, even for S-rank."

Ryohei Isaka let out a bitter laugh and released the hand he was holding.

"What's going on here? "Anything you need?"

The West Point Auction House is a place where many items are traded.

That also applies to the general public.

It was not common for S-class people hunting monsters in the Abyss or running large guilds to visit the auction house.

'Unless you have another purpose like me.'

His snake-like intuition was activated and his tongue lashed out.

Taehyun faced that scene without changing his expression.

'Blatantly expose one's life. 'He's a fun guy.'

It felt like my whole body was being pricked with needles.

Ryohei Isaka.

The others around him were already gasping for air due to the deadly force he was emitting.

It was obvious that if the confrontation continued like this, more people would faint.

'There is no need to reduce the escort force when a terrorist attack occurs.'

Taehyun took a step back and raised both hands.

"I was wondering if there were any good items before entering the Abyss. "I guess my actions seemed suspicious to the escort commander."

Ryohei Isaka burst out laughing at the obvious intention to surrender.

"Haha. This was rude. It's incredible what he achieved at that age. "Player Kim Tae-hyun."

"This is too much praise. Now, let's take a look around the auction house. "Because the building is so large."

At that time, Taehyun tried to pass by.

"Ah, in Korea, being young also means being foolish."

"… … "

"If you look at the fact that New Korea also followed our Japanese Empire and changed its association policy... I think I also understand the situation of players in 'small countries'."

The room was frozen cold by the obvious provocation.

Everyone's attention was focused on Ryohei Isaka and Taehyun, who threw a dagger.

Depending on Taehyun's reaction, there may be an uproar.

This is because the fight between S-rank players can expand into diplomatic disputes between countries.


"There is no need to worry about the safety of the auction house as we have Director Ryohei Isaka. Well then, good luck."

Taehyun passed by him as if nothing had happened.

"joy. upstart."

Ryohei Isaka spat on the floor.

When the provocation did not work, steam leaked out.

In my mind, I want to check my skills by opening my eyes to those around me, but... .

'You can't ruin the cause with trivial pleasures.'

Ryohei Isaka calmed his excitement as he remembered what happened a little while later.

Before he knew it, his face had turned into that of a demon.

* * *

30 minutes before the auction starts.

A group of people were waiting for orders in a hideout equipped with multiple small warp gates.

A man returned to the hideout through the warp gate.

He approached another man deep in meditation, deep inside the hideout.

"Leader. "A variable has arisen."


"New Korea's S-rank player Kim Tae-hyun has appeared. "This is the twelfth one that the association has designated as a subject of special management."

"… "What is the purpose?"

"I don't see anything special, but… It looks like he wants to participate in the auction. What should I do?"

The man opened his eyes at his subordinate's question.

Black magical power began to stir from his body.

"Huh… ."

The subordinate took his breath away from the uncontrolled S-class magical power.

"What are you afraid of? "I, 'Narendra Nehru,' is with you in case something like this happens."

It was a thin body with nothing but bones.

When the 2-meter-tall man stood up, the demons in the area bowed their heads.

"Contact the spy. "It's going according to plan."

A voice that sounded like scraping metal swept through the area.

Narendra Nehru.

An S-class demon from India and the worst terrorist with monster summoning skills.

"Even if you are an S-rank child, you cannot stop 'God's revelation.'"

He, who is currently known to be in the Abyss, smiled, revealing his black, rotten teeth.

* * *

Because the building was so large, it took quite a while to even look around.

Taehyun entered the auction house long after the auction had started.

In the auction, which was already halfway through, a significant number of items had been won.

'What's the use of all this? If it's going to get stolen anyway.'

Taehyun quietly raised his spirits at the transaction site where a huge amount of money was being exchanged.

As his physical abilities activated, even the whispering sound became louder.

1 hour left until auction ends.

Something was going to happen inside.

[Now, the item I'm going to introduce to you this time is an ultra-rare potion. An elixir made by diluting the blood of the S-class monster Phoenix!! It's called Phoenix Potion!! Just drink it and you will gain not only magical power but also stamina!! The creator is Professor Bill Camp, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Let's start with 10 billion!!!]

Did the word "virility" make sense?

Unlike the ladies who were laughing, many men began to raise their bids.

Before we knew it, the price had risen to 50 billion won.

at that time.

"Go for a double. 100 billion."

An old gentleman raised his staff high.

People who recognized the old gentleman murmured.

"crazy… You are the chairman of Dynasoft, right? I heard you remarried... ."

"shit. 100 billion won. Those precious items are used as energy supplements for the old man... ."


The so-called Chairman of Dynasoft won the bid with a winner's smile.

A phoenix potion that immediately disappears behind the stage.

'It's a phoenix potion… It's a coveted potion.'

Taehyun also lost his appetite.

Of course, what I was interested in was magic, not stamina... .

That wasn't what mattered now.

Afterwards, many tempting items such as the Phoenix Potion appeared.

There were quite a few rare grade items and unique grade items.

There was nothing more that caught Taehyun's attention.

And the moment when the auction seems to be coming to an end.


The entire area lost power along with the sound of the explosion.


"If you move, I'll put a hole in your head!!"

Masked men shouted from the darkness.

Bullets and explosions were heard everywhere, seemingly without threat.

The auction house escort began to move.

Screams and shouting followed.

In it.

'Let's move slowly.'


Taehyun quietly used stealth.

Comments for chapter "Chapter 35"