
Regressing With King's Power

I’ll eat all your skills!”, ‘f*ck this awakening bullshit’, ‘To hell with being a loser.’ Kim Taehyun, whose awakening level remains undetermined, was treated as a loser because he failed to awaken. However, he awakened his ability at the moment of his death when a gate was created which leads to the king. Afterwards, Taehyun, who has returned due to the power of the king, gains a new skill called Predation. Taehyun, a 35-year old male, regresses to when he was 19. [Skill has been developed]. Using this power, I can be placed among the best

ApexApex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
120 Chs


Episode 119

Taehyun had a dream.

Is it because I recognize that this moment is a dream?

One thing is certain: the frequency has been increasing recently.


The two magical forces collided and an explosion occurred.

It was the two Taehyun who appeared in the explosion.

The difference is that unlike Taehyun, only one eye turned red.

Another thing about Taehyun was that both eyes turned red.

"You've become quite strong, right?"

Another Taehyun said mockingly.

Taehyun didn't care and activated 'Chains of Restraint'.

At the same time, another Taehyun also used 'chains of restraint'.

Each other's bodies were wrapped in chains.

"you. "What is it?"

Taehyun asked another Taehyun.

He takes on his own appearance, reads his own thoughts, and uses his own powers.

Nevertheless, he is more familiar with the use of that power than I am.

As if it were a power that had been dealt with from the beginning.

So I had no choice but to ask about his identity.

"I told you, right? 'I' is 'you.'"

Another Taehyun answered, raising the corners of his mouth.

It was an obvious ridicule.

As if there was nothing more to hear, Taehyun raised his magic power.


Tuk. Fighting. Patter.

The chain, which had been pulled tightly by the rising magic power, began to break.

The other Taehyun was also the same.

He also broke the chain and expanded his magical power.

"what? "I'm planning to finish early today?"

Every time Taehyun met Taehyun in front of him, they would fight each other to the point where he was in a groggy state.

Even if you try all kinds of tactics, skills, and martial arts.

In the end, there was only one way to win.

Unique skill 'Predation'.

"with you. "There is no time for nonsense."

Taehyun activated Predation.

The other Taehyun was also the same.

The magic of predation rose like a wave.

It wrapped around the two Taehyun.

Crack. Quad deuk. Quad deuk.

'Taehyun' frowned at the pain crushing his entire body.

'Another Taehyun' didn't stop laughing as if pain wasn't important.

He muttered in a world where everything was dyed red.

"There is not much time left."

With that said, finally.

Taehyun woke up from his dream.

* * *

4 a.m.

It was too early to wake up and too late to go back to sleep.

Taehyun exhaled and stood up.

My body was heavy because I hadn't slept well recently, but my fatigue would somehow be resolved by drinking the potion.

I checked the calendar while drinking the potion I kept in the refrigerator.

It was already December.

"Time flies."

Taehyun took one shot of the potion.

* * *

Night Walker Seoul Branch. VV[P room.

"oh. Isn't this the only national power level in New Korea? "What are you doing in such a squalid place?"

"Not really… I didn't come to visit the guild leader, but... ."

A sudden visit from Ayoung.

Taehyun said as he closed the book he was reading.

Ayoung's eyes turned to the book in Taehyeon's hand.

'The Evolution of Psychology: The Correlation between Multiple Personality and Multiple Skills'.

"I'm reading a scary book. "Do you have multiple personalities?"

"… … ."

"Ahaha. "It's a joke, a joke."

"You always say you're busy. "I guess you're free today."

"Hehe. Should we just be the heroes of our new Korea?"

She said, fluttering the paper she was holding.

It was an item that appeared to be the reason Taehyun visited Night Walker.

"Does the guild leader deal directly with customers?"

"no way. "You deserve special treatment."

"… … ."

Taehyun closed his mouth when he was called 'baby'.

"It's tricky. Are you going to listen to the information or not?"

"Let me listen."

Ayoung smiled brightly and handed over the paper.

Information about gate breaks and dungeon breaks that occur all over the world.

Among them, Japan and China were particularly intensively covered.

"Did you know that China declared a unification war against Hong Kong and Taiwan?"

"I also watch the news."

China's unification war has been the biggest issue recently.

It was a one-sided invasion, but there was justification.

The point was that Taiwan and Hong Kong were not recognized as countries in the international community and were 'originally' one country.

From the beginning, it was the result of China's huge capital, and it is a justification that can be true or false depending on the standard.

The effect was clear.

This was because other countries, including the UN, criticized it day after day but did not take direct action.

The only thing that could be done was to enforce not to use advanced weapons, conventional weapons, and nuclear weapons.

China immediately deployed the awakened troops it had prepared.

It was a gesture of not wanting to kill their own citizens.

At the center was Association President Zheng Zhi.

"I think China was considering nuclear weapons in case the U.S. directly entered the war."

"It's surprising. "If nuclear weapons are used, unification will end up being only a wound."

"You probably wanted to show your will by doing that. "It could also be a performance showing that only China can keep the United States in check."

A performance completed by sacrificing tens of millions of people.

I shook my head at the terrible tragedy.

"Anyway, dismiss that. Although he said he would willingly use nuclear weapons. I think there was a lot of opposition internally as well. "If this war ends in failure, the hardliners will ultimately be held responsible."

"60% win rate… "It's higher than you thought, right?"

Taehyun asked as he flipped through the documents.

Although unofficial.

It was stated there that the United States, Japan, and some of their allies were laundering their nationality to support their own awakened people.

Certainly, without this unofficial support, the war would have ended in China's victory long ago.

Because the opponents were China's mass-produced S-class awakeners.

"We are also collecting information on mass-produced S-classes, but… ."

"Those guys already know."

Taehyun was also someone he had faced in friendly matches.

Awakening enhancement procedures are not something that happened yesterday or today.

In particular, the great powers rushed to develop technology to strengthen their own power.

The results were only revealed through this war.

"How many people were deployed to the U.S. national power level?"

"As far as I can tell, there are four people. Two in Hong Kong. "Two in Taiwan."

"It's significant."

"Well, there's nothing more scary than quantity. As they cannot directly reveal their identity. "I guess there is a limit."

Taehyun handed the confirmed information to Ayoung.

She shredded the documents with the shredder that was still installed.

"As a result, Night Walker predicts China's victory. From what I heard, Japan's demon swords are also participating late... "This kind of support won't be able to handle the volume."

"That's right. "It's a shame."

Taehyun talked like it was someone else's business.

Ayoung showed a surprising reaction to that appearance.

This is a matter that involves the United States and China.

Originally, the new Korea side should have supported one of the two countries.

If Taehyun hadn't negotiated with America's national power company, he wouldn't have been watching with two hands.

"We must have sacrificed quite a few players. In the name of allies."

Among the three countries called the Three Dragons of Asia, only New Korea is making no sacrifices.

That can be interpreted in many different ways.

It would be a great help in solidifying the image of New Korea as a neutral country in the future.

"Anyway, in that respect, we at Nightwalker predict that China will win the unification war. "That's it."


Taehyun nodded dryly.

The future changed when Shin Korea won the Asian Player Friendly Tournament.

It was natural to be interested, but I didn't think any more intervention was necessary.

More than anything.

It was time for a break to occur.

* * *

That moment came suddenly.

The first place was Russia.

Irkutsk, Russia.

There, the unexplored dungeon was broken.

Three million people lost their lives in an instant, and the world was turned upside down.

It was a natural reaction since the dungeon, which experts were confident would be safe for the next 100 years, was broken.

Russia, which was one of the great powers, moved quickly.

Dozens of S-rank players, including five national power players, were deployed.

The results were disastrous.

Monsters that couldn't handle the original dungeon form.

Among them, there was one that spread a special magic wave, and the existing conventional weapons quickly became lumps of scrap metal.

The monsters began to advance and the Irkutsk branch fell.

If things continued like this, it was a crisis that could lead to the collapse of one great power.

The head of the World Players' Association under the United Nations requested support from member countries.

New Korea was no exception.

It was natural that an S-class player, who could be said to be the nation's best force, was included.

* * *

New Korea Seoul Branch.

Ji Jin-hee checked the list given by Go Tae-wook.

It was a list of New Korea players to be dispatched to Irkutsk ([rkutsk).

They included Park Seong-jin, who leads the association players, Kwon Kang-hyuk and Kwak Si-yang, who lead Onsaemi-ro and the Magicians.

"Hmm… "Taehyun is not included."

Go Tae-wook, who assists the president of the association, Yoo Ah-young, who is responsible for information, and Seo Sang-ik, who is responsible for supplying materials.

And some S-rank players refused to be dispatched due to personal reasons, and Taehyun was the same.

"yes. I heard there are times when I will visit for a while. Still, I'm glad we got the assortment right."

This mobilization order cannot be forced as it is support from another country.

No matter how much compensation the government and associations provide.

Since the break in an unexplored dungeon is unprecedented, it is difficult to rush forward.

"I'm tired of losing my life amidst humans' conflicts of interest. As a player, you always have to deal with monsters."

As Ji Jin-hee said that, she thought of Tae-hyeon.

If Taehyun had not enforced the Awakened Oath by defeating Gregor Gillespie, it was clear that there would have been no room to send support to Russia by now.

'Taehyun seems to be looking into the future.'

Ji Jin-hee chuckled and shook her head.

"When is the departure ceremony?"

"As we were in a hurry, we postponed it by 5 hours. "Supplies will be supplied from Alchemist."

Ji Jin-hee nodded.

In 5 hours, support from other countries will arrive one after another.

"I hope the sacrifice isn't too big."

"You don't have to worry. Isn't it time for the new Korea's military power to be called the best in history?"

Over the past few years, New Korea's players have grown tremendously.

Both qualitatively and quantitatively.

The two had no doubt that this dispatch would serve as a foundation for testing growth.

"More than that, I'm worried about how things will come out in China. Now you won't be able to feel safe even in the unexplored dungeons there... "If the war prolongs, we too will be in danger."

"It's a brake… ."

Taehyun's face appeared in Ji Jin-hee's mind once again.

Ownership of unexplored dungeons in Asia that no one had in mind.

Taehyun had been aiming for that place for several months.

As if he knew what was going to happen to Russia.

'no way. Are you saying Asia is not safe too? ?'

There was a reason for Taehyun's actions until now, whether he knew it or not.

Ji Jin-hee said, 'No way, this time too?' The moment I thought about it.


The building shook slightly.

"… … ?"

"what… ."

After a while.

Ji Jin-hee's personal assistant opened the door and came in.

"The president of the association is in big trouble!! at Japan… ."

In the following report.

Ji Jin-hee and Go Tae-wook's eyes opened wide.

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