
Regressing as a Villain

In the final moments of his life, Dante was betrayed... The failure of the world, that was the name given to him. It was only at the end when he realised he was used up till his final breath. Deceived by his fiancé, abandoned by his family and discarded by his friends. He was truly alone. As he lay in the pool of his own blood, struck down by the hero, labelled as the villain by society, It's too late to turn back. "I.. lived right. So what if I didn't have talent... I don't deserve this... FUCK THIS WORLD! EVERYONE HAS TURNED THIER BACK ON ME AND FUCK OFF GODS FOR CREATING THIS SHITTY WORLD!" "If only, I knew it all back then... I.." His head suddenly came off with a single strike from the hero... "Pitiful..." He says as he spat on Dante's body. There were no tears as Dante lay on the dirt, not even his family. In their hearts he was a monster, holding only disgust for his memories. The same emotions were felt by everyone present as they watched his body on the floor. However, somewhere from beyond, a hand reached out touching the corrupted soul. "What a pathetic existence. Yet you dare to curse us within your final breath." The being laughed as it found him amusing. "Fine... One last chance. Let's see what you can really change, oh miserable existence." A bright light began to shine as a single soul would break the laws of the universe. One small black light flew from the hand's palm and was engulfed in the white glow of the soul. "A single gift from me..." The superior being said in a weak voice. "I must sleep now. So live your life as you have desired." The universe was devoured in that white light which soon ended. "AAAAAGHHHHHH!" A loud scream was heard inside the Demiscue palace. Dante had awoken screaming to find his palms smaller, it was as if he had shrunk. "What??" Dante questioned in a low voice feeling his face, he was back to his younger self, one year before the academy. Before he could speak again a voice popped up in his head. [Gift Received] [Host, Recognised...] [Starting... Villain System...]

TheFakeAce · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Prologue: Escaping the Black Ocean of Death...

Edward's blood was boiling. He was also a user of the sword, he held his own Sword Art which was known as [Plum Blossom Supreme (SS)]. However he would only use that when it's desperately needed, it's agility and movement was incredible as well as the beauty when using the form. The downside for such a powerful move is the flaw given: Incredibly high mana consumption. The form would not consume mana points directly but mana percentage, so therefore the longer the fight went on, the quicker his mana was drained. That problem was slightly solved by one of his ladies having the ability to provide mana as a supply for him, nevertheless his mana consumption was too high and cannot keep up with this. The Sword Art would have been great when he was young and weaker but now, as he is now older and stronger with other types of Arts, it's no longer feasible just to rely on it alone.

"I guess I'll have to stick with this one for a while now..." Edward sighed and spoke in a low voice.

He activated his second Sword Art, [Destruction Blade Style (A)]. A violent set of movements that would use his stamina and deal incredible damage. A berserker style with a sword. It seems Edward has quite the high mastery over this Art as well.

After a few steps, Edward was now only 5 meters away from his target. He knew that Dante had no way of escaping and with his own agility Art he could kill him within a few seconds. Especially now that Dante was incredibly weak. But first, this may be the last time Dante will ever speak. So Edward will cherish this moment as much as he can.

"So how did the great Dante think about escaping now." Edward sneered at Dante with a low voice so the crowds didn't hear.

Dante's eyes shook as he glared at Edward, projecting most of his hatred onto him. "They will know the truth for who you really are..." He said in a weak voice.

"Oh and what am I?" Edward replies back whilst slightly laughing, his golden blonde hair is pulled back, as his left palm was put onto his forehead, his face revealing a look of arrogance.

Dante hated this face, it was always a trigger for him, but now he could do nothing about it. "You will die a horrible death, I will make sure of it..."

Edward smile stopped at that threat as he dropped his sword and used [Quick Step (B)]. With a burst of mana enveloping the light silver armour around his legs he travelled the distance of 5 meters within a split second, surprising Dante as he barely had time to tense his stomach. Edward rotated and spun his right leg, using the left one as a balance and created a swift roundhouse kick to Dante's core.


3 of Dante's ribs were cracked and punctured parts of his lungs as he flew back a few meters. The crowd watched as they cheered for his attack. His parents didn't seem to feel joy about the kick yet still felt anger and disappointment at Dante for being so weak. To them, he was getting what he deserved and soon his fate will be over. Vanessa, Dante's younger sister, still looked at him with disgust as she felt satisfaction with every hit that landed. Only Florence was looking away, despite her hate for him and her deception, she did not want to witness his life being taken so she walked away towards the back of the crowds. Florence had completely abandoned him now.

Edward confidently walked closer laughing as he stepped on Dante's chest with his heavy metal boots. He could feel Dante's heart thumping and his ribs cracking even further with the force of his legs.

"There is a limit to your expectations Dante. Only the strong get to make demands and I'm sorry to say, Dante. You are too weak..."

He moved his head closer so only Dante could hear his words. "Your precious Florence was delicious and so was Vanessa. Hahaha!"

If stares could kill, Dante would have murdered Edward 10,000 times now. He was truly scum, how did someone like this get blessed with strength and talent. The Gods truly were cruel when it came to life...

Dante's chest was now becoming excruciatingly painful as the force was gradually increased, his teeth were clenched hard as he refused to scream or make any noise. Only bloodlust released from his eyes as he met Edward's own pair.

"How boring you are Dante, even in your final moment you are still so pitiful." His smile stopped now and all that was left was an expressionless cold face.

"Since you court death so much. I think it's time I provide it for you." With a mere thought, Edward summoned Excalibur to his hand. The blade disintegrated from the ground, creating only golden particles which filled the air and manifested into Edward's right hand. This was one of Excalibur's perks given to the wielder of the sword. There was no way to take the sword by force as the person chosen would have to be destined to draw Excalibur. It has been that way for centuries and this time it seems it was Edward's destiny to be given the sword. Fate truly favoured him.

He lifted the blade high without changing the expression on his face as the crowd watched anxiously.

Dante's brain was burning everything it could as fuel, trying to think of a way out, he even desperately grabbed onto Edward's leg and tried to wiggle free with the weak amount of strength he had left... Yet it was all for naught. He was completely dominated by Edward.

His final foot was in his grave...

'FUCK!!' Dante thought as he gazed around...

'I CAN'T DIE LIKE THIS. I DID NOTHING WRONG!' He tried to scream yet his voice would not come out, his lungs were filling up with blood as he was starting to suffocate too.

The crowds had a slightly mixed reaction although some felt pity all of them were smiling and laughing, glad over his death. Even those he had trusted before, his parents, friends and sister. They were all gathered around to watch his humiliating death.

Dante stopped struggling he had finally given up, his arms were spread out to his side as he felt the feeling of water droplets hitting his flesh.

It had begun to rain, the pale moonlight no longer shone as a heavy downfall of rain fell upon everyone. The grey clouds devoured the night sky as there were few lights that shone, all were pointing towards Dante's body.

'I'm done with this world.' He thought as Dante looked beyond Edward into deep the grey sky.

'Fuck off, you shitty Gods and the bullshit you created with fate...' He truly hated them for the unfair beginnings he was given. 'You call yourselves loving, merciful and fair yet you destroy everything you touch...'

'Go Fuck yours..'

"Goodbye." Edward swiftly drove the blade down upon his head, chopping it clean off as if it were a guillotine.

At that moment the world went dark for Dante. A pure white ball of light unseen by mortal eyes floated above his body in the dark world. Soon the light took the form of the body of Dante hovering above his mortal corpse... The landscape before his death returned, however, there were no colours in this world. It was merely black and white. It held no other souls too.

There was only Dante, The dark world and the coal abyss like ocean seen clearly below the world. It was as if it would devour anything that was close to it.

A black hole for souls.

Dark green shades began to light up upon the black ocean hues as they rose to the top. The green shades took the form of several arms as they flew quickly above the world. It was as if they were floating chains as their length never ended upon leaving the ocean.

The arms approached Dante's pure soul as multiple hands wrapped around his body. They had gripped onto him like an emissary of death, with strong burst motions they began to pull his soul towards the raging ocean below the world.

Dante passed through the ground as if it were nothing as he was drawn closer and closer to the raging ocean.

He would soon enter death's domain...

Suddenly a burst of light came from the skies of the dark world. The black clouds were torn open with a celestial light that had the image of a lotus blooming. Through the centre lotus descended a golden light, it had the shape of a female human except a little larger. It flew quickly towards Dante's position.

With a wave of her hand celestial energy was released, quickly purifying Dante's soul which was beginning to corrupt as his soul grew darker the closer he reached the raging black sea. The light also swiftly destroyed the green arms carrying Dante.

The being observed Dante for one moment and spoke.

"Hmmm. What a pitiful existence you are." She approached the soul and held Dante with her palms.

"You spoke with such hate in your mind that I thought you were a demon for a second." She laughed as she began to shrink Dante's soul into a ball of light once more.

"It seems however we do have something in common..."

"The Gods are in turmoil right now, there are many who can't agree with each other..."

Although her facial expression cannot be seen, it seemed as if she was smiling behind the light.

"It seems humans and Gods are not that different from each other. They are both selfish and cruel..."

When Dante's soul was finished turning into a ball of light, it grew into a large size about the same size as the Goddess before him. He will need the size in order to survive her next actions.

"I am about to commit a most terrible crime towards the Gods..."

"After this life will get harder for you, my pitiful existence. To play with the design of the world and time is a dreadful sin."

Her white glow weakened massively as she summoned a blue light that was beginning to engulf the soul of Dante.

"My final gift to you... It shall hopefully be your strength and protection." She held out a black light that drifted into Dante's soul merging into him and becoming a part of himself.

Her white light finally disappeared as her golden blonde hair fluttered in the winds of the blue light taking over Dante's soul. The Goddess was truly beautiful as she smiled towards Dante, sadly he won't remember this moment for a long time.

"I shall be asleep for a long time, my dear pitiful Dante. So we shall not meet again for a while. I must face the consequences of my actions."

She looked up to the black sky, her lotus had disappeared and a thunderous amount of presence are now trying to invade the space they are in. The Gods were furious and trying to stop her choices. She stared back again at Dante as the blue light draws close to completely taking over him. She once again gave him a warm smile.

"Live your life the way you want now. When the time is right, call out my name... ***** "

The sky was demolished by a fury of Gods as they reigned down. However, before they could strike, the blue light had completely devoured Dante and disappeared in a single moment. It had left no traces behind...



"AHHHHHHHHHH" He screamed at the top of his lungs as he breathed in and out heavily.

He was staring at the floor of his house when he was younger. The windows were open and the sun was shining. Dante hurriedly stood up and ran to the mirror, he slowly reached out for his face with his right hand and held it. It was smooth and slightly firm, just like when he was younger.

Before he could think of anything else. A voice had popped up upon his head...

[Gift has been received]

[Host has been recognised]

[Starting... Villain System]


End Of Prologue

Hey guys the author here, Thanks for reading the prologue. If you guys have any thoughts or questions please do tell me.

This is the beginning of the regression and the start of the Villain system. To make it clear, the Villain system is one that goes against Destiny and Fate and pits him against the Heroes giving him a good chance. He will not live a life of scheming and hiding, he shall live at the top, where the strongest belong.

Anyways thank you guys so much :)

TheFakeAcecreators' thoughts