
Regina Mater Reborn as A Hive Queen.

He, a Male Scientist in the Fields Of Virologie, Entimologie and very Interested in Reptiles, gets chosen by Truk kuns Reincarnation service and reborn in a new world, with Five skills he was allowed to Choose... Will he make the right choices? -This is my First Novel, Pls Point out any misspellings and tell me what I can do better-

ER_XY · Fantasy
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12 Chs

6 First Flight, time skip.

Imagine Giving birth, and in the next second you see yourself through 3 Pairs of Eyes... can you imagen it, when you realise you don't just gave birth to weard bug monsters, but you ARE the weard bug Monsters...

And then you get this weard sensation...

ok, focus Alex, focus... they are like Body parts, think about them as Bodyparts, like in those other Novels you read... OK... so, I finally managed to focus my consciousness back into my lets call it the Main body and the Queen.

Good, so, now the others feel Like limbs on the back of my consciousness, I know how to fly, thanks to Devouring the Fly.

and then I let the three of them take flight, with the goal of finding small pray that we deem worthy of being devoured and that will have the honour of becoming part of the swarm...

wtf, what where those thoughts?

I am sure that I am normaly not an edge Lord Mr. Evil mc Bad guy the Arogant type of dude, I am more the Cautious friendly dude... but whatever, //you three, find things that will make us stronger//

and so the three buzz away, And the Twins come in, looking at me as if I was some kind of Zoo Animal, and from Time to time saying things that obviously are Some of theyr Gibberish... if they could Just speak English, but no, they had to talk German like stuff that is just not German, and some phrases seem even Dutch... wtf

I curse a lot, don't I?

oof... That was just too much thinking, my SP is 3 and I sleep in once again.

and I now controle those three, or at least see through theyr eyes.

I fly through the Building, and we find a few ants, one of us picks up a Ant and flies to the Queen to make her devour it, after wich The swarm gets the Information.:

[You Killed a Black ant Worker 1xp Gained]

[You devoured A Black ant, do you want to optimize your Body?]

[Pheromone glands used]

[Stronger Bite force Used]

[Weak Acid Glands Used]

[second stomach Used]

[New data package saved]

and then they just went flying threw the House, making a mental map of it for the Hive Mind.

and all this while the Queen slept.

Like this passed my First month in this new world, a month of peace, Milk and Trying to meditate without changing to the controle mode, how I call it when I controle all the Body's at once.

I learned the exact layout of the House, and I learned how, right now the reproduction works.

Every time I eat while not having hunger, I seem to put it in the second stomach, where it gets changed into Nutrients. and every time I have Nutrients in there I can create something.

the more Nutrients the Bigger, wich I used to Spawn 3 more those fly things in the last few days, and the other days I created things that Resemble those workers, gave them wings and made them infiltrate the Ant Nest, wich so far was going good, I Devoured every kind ofbeing of the Ant, except for the Queen, and I plan to make Male ones in the next few days, to see if I can create some Kind of Brood Mother.

Right Now, I have:

6 Fly Drones

12 Workers

3 Soldiers

I can right now Spawn 3 small Drones a day.

My family seems to like me, And I got a weak mana sense, That's how I name it when I meditate and percieve those points all around me that make what I call the Mana Flow of the world.