
Regal Games

[WSA 2024 Entry] Everyone is playing a regal game. Everyone except Lucia (who probably should). After her father faced accusations of trying to seize the throne from his father and king, he was exiled along with his family. They were no longer royalty, but his wife would not have it. She was friends with the queen of Vershia and used that to her advantage. Her two older daughters were the right age to marry the two princes, and she would make that happen come what may. That became a problem when the oldest daughter was ignored by the crown prince, who formed a friendship with the youngest of the girls. There was still hope; Lucia could become the future queen. But Lucia was not groomed for this role. She did not want to live for the type of marriage she could snag. She did not want to take the man who had been planned for her sister. But that’s the thing with plans, isn’t it? She never planned to fall in love with the man, and there she was: an unwilling participant in the regal games. Would she capture the crown? How would everything affect her relationship with her sister? Was there ever pleasing her mother?

AnotidaMandemwa · Urban
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62 Chs

The Chapel

Lucia sat in the car with Adela and Princess Danielle. She felt nervous. The car was moving carefully through the road in case someone broke through the barrier and the driver needed to hit the brakes.

For miles, Lucia had seen people waving flags, balloons, signs and flowers among other things on the side of the road. However, now that they were at their destination, she was amazed at how dense the crowd was. So many people, so many eyes. There in the crowd, she could also see cameras flashing. She could bet some of those belonged to the press. Lucia was glad they were not here for her. She was even happier that Caroline was in a car ahead with her husband-to-be. Princess Danielle was beloved but she wasn't the bride.

Everything was about the happy couple today… And the next day, and at the wedding. Even after the wedding Caroline marrying Prince Alexander was going to be the talk of the town for a while.