
Miriam The Queen

Miriam balled the paper and with all her might, flung it across the room. Her son, Michael, raised his brows and went to pick it up.

"How dare they?!" she was furious.

How could they?! If there was anything more upsetting than this, she could not name it. Michael straightened out the paper with his fingers and looked at what could have upset his mother. The first thing he saw were the images of himself and Lucia from the previous night. She was on his arm, looking to the side, her eyes slightly wide with wonder. She looked so beautiful, so innocent. Looking at the title at the top of the article, he could see someone had decided to exploit that and twist things in the worst way possible.

"The Unsettling Bond," the article was titled.

As he read the article, Michael felt his jaw clamp down. Is this how his people saw him? Is this how they were deciding to portray him? It was subtle, but anyone could see how they were trying to paint him.