
Innocent Elegance

Prince Michael did not miss the hidden message in his cousin's words. Although Dominique Handhoff was removed from the royal lineage of Rhodes, King Gustav still regarded him highly. He could see the appreciation on Dominique and Josephine Handhoff's faces. Michael shifted his gaze to Lucia and she was looking at King Gustav with a puzzled expression. She suddenly turned her gaze to him. A smile bloomed on her face and then she blushed and looked down.

He smiled back at her.

"Come on," his mother told the group, "No need to stand around, take your seats."

In the box, the seats were arranged into a semicircular row and a coffee table was at the centre. The Queen took her seat at the centre and invited her cousin and the Handhoff parents to sit close to her, making sure to leave a seat for her husband. Leroy and Adela sat together and Prince Michael waited for Lucia to take a seat before he planted himself next to her.