
Castle In The Sky

Adela saw when Prince Michael entered the room. He had been on the balcony with Lucia. She had seen him follow her there. She kept her face blank. It would not have mattered if she did not feel like a few people noticed and were looking at her and waiting for her to react. At least that is what she felt. It took effort for her to focus on her dance partner and the waltz he guided her through. All her energy was being spent on appearing nonchalant and happy. It was humiliating.

The song came to an end and she drew away from her dance partner and gave him a curtsey as he bowed. She straightened with a smile and opened her mouth to say something to the gentleman but the words died in her throat.

"May I have the next dance?" A voice she recognized asked.

She watched as her dance partner bowed to the man behind her while mumbling something and then scurried away. Her lips thinned at that.