
Reformed: World Interaction

A young man, on the verge of dying, crawled towards the end of the alley. The blood that gushes out of his body made a trail as he drag himself. He wanted to reach the end. Maybe if he did, he could ask for help. He could still live. He must live. His parents. His friends. His dreams. He has too many to lose. "I can't die here. Not yet." For the last time, he grabbed for the blinding light at the end of the alley. His hand dropped and darkness surrounded him. "Do you want the chance to live?" A voice amidst the darkness echoed out. The poor kid wanted to shout "Yes". He tried to open his mouth but no voice came out of it. "I must live. I must live. I must live." He repeatedly thought in his mind. Suddenly, a dim light hit his closed eyes. He opened them and saw a smiling face of a man in his prime. "Welcome back, kid."

MrQNA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The dining table is once again filled with food, and although filled, none of the 5 seated individuals are touching any of the delicious food before them.

The dining room was filled with an unexplained tension. Nigh was not saying anything as he fixed his gaze at the middle-aged man and had an expectant look of someone who knows that there is something wrong going to happen, in contrast, the receiver of the gaze kept a warm looking smile on his face.

Athwart felt a rotating motion somewhere in the location of his Mark. He ignored it and tried his best to calm down.

Athwart, who is seated on the head seat of the long table, is wearing an anxious smile as he occasionally glance from Nigh, who was seated to his right, and the three visitors who were sat neatly to his left. The closest to him was the woman who greeted him, then the a middle aged man and then the 'giant'.

He has not yet recovered from the shock he received when he saw the 'giant' shrank to a barely passable human size. His body frame reminds Athwart that he is a 30 meter tall giant.

The woman took a look at the middle-aged man and Nigh then to Athwart, "Why is everyone not eating?" she asked with a genuine-looking curious face, clearly oblivious to what is happening.

The middle-aged man tried to contain his laugh by how out-of-place the question was and shook his head.

This somehow alleviated the tension in the room as the middle-aged man grabbed his utensil, got some food, and ate.

Seeing this, the woman and the still-full Athwart did the same. The woman revealed an enthusiastic expression as she dig in.

"This is delicious." the woman, in a satisfied voice, said.

"It is indeed," the middle aged man said as he bit another piece of that delicious meat, "this kid sure is lucky to have the famous Triinites to cook for him."

"There are also Mazhokk living in here, the Abyss sure is generous." the woman replied.

Three Nights? Mass Joke?

Hearing their conversation, Athwart heard something that piqued his interest.

"I'll teach you how to summon the Library later." Nigh, who was silent all this time, chimed in and drank a glass of water.

"Oh?" Hearing this statement from Nigh, the young woman fixed her gaze towards Nigh "You have not teach him yet?"

"There were some..... unexpected events, Envoy, he has Activated the knowledge pertaining to First-Hand Library once." Nigh replied.

"The Abyss will fix its gaze towards this boy," she gestured her hand on me as he talked to Nigh, " at the end of this month, and as his official exemplar, you will also be subjected to it." she said.

"Make sure he is ready." she then added, then turned her head towards me. "As for you, I'll give you a gift for making into the Abyss."

"Making into the Abyss? I thought that I still have to eliminate the Mjodirs after the three-month protection?" the startled Athwart replied.

"Yes, you still have to eliminate them but surely with the Forgotten Swordsman as your exemplar and two new-found strengths, passing the trial would be easy." she replied and continued to eat. "As for my gift, I would help you become a Master Vessel."

When the word "Master Vessel" was said. A series of information passed in Athwart's head.

Noticing the dazed expression that registered on Athwar's face. The woman smiled. "I guess there's no need to explain." she lightly laughed and continued her conversation with the rest.

Unknown to everyone, when the woman uttered the word Master Vessel, a frown briefly appeared on someone's face.

The middle-aged man continued to eat nonchalantly as he ignored the look Nigh was occasionally giving him while the 'giant' kept silence, did not eat anything, and just keep nodding as he (or she or it, who says the author is not respectful) listened to the conversations.

Athwart became occupied after that, he has not used the Active Usage of the Library and so he has to review the basic information regarding a Master Vessel, which would take a while.

According to the library, Vessels are beings who received a Change, a process that changes the body of a being in order to carry the power innate to the Race of the Changer, the deliverer of the Change. There are three types of Vessels.

One is Subservient Vessel, they depend on the strength that their Changer allows them to have in order to be strong. Simply put, they are dry and strong pipes that could receive torrential of water. They have limited wills as they have to obey their Changer's will, in short, servants.

Second is Race Vessel, they have received the blood of the Changer and would have to undergo a series of rituals in order to be a full-fledged Race Vessel. They cultivate their own strength and completely independent to their Changer. The downside was that their existence and societal standing was similar to bodyguards, they are also subjected to various Rule of the Races which they have to absolutely abide into.

Master Vessel refers to a being who received a Change and the blood and essence of the Changer.They are completely independent from the Changer and won't have to abide to the Rule of Races. Simply put, they received new-found strength with no strings attached and also, without sacrificing their previous race.

Although it seemed simple, the difference between these three types is simply incomparable. Once you become a Vessel, you already belong to the abyss.

The dining session continued, as the other four individual converse while the young Athwart sifted through the knowledge laid out for him.

"Follower, no, Exemplar Nigh," the woman smiled as she gestured for the 'giant', "I am sure you are acquainted with Deus."

"Of course, Envoy" Nigh replied in an unwilling manner. "Good. I don't have to get you acquainted."

The middle-aged man, Deus, laughed at the comment made by the Envoy. "This is Kentis of the Giant Race. He is here to guide the young Death to his Rite of Recognition."

Nigh had his head up when he heard the Envoy said. "An Immorgulis?" he immediately asked.

"Yes, an Immorgulis." She said as she finally finished her meal. "Bring Athwart along, were going to that Demoness hidden below."

Shocked at the idea that the perception of the woman before her could ignore the Magina and Draconic Metal, Nigh tried to compose a calm attitude as a newfound respect surface in his voice.

"Yes, Envoy." he said.

Athwart, who was dazed at the moment, was shook by Nigh which wake him back to reality.