
Reformed: World Interaction

A young man, on the verge of dying, crawled towards the end of the alley. The blood that gushes out of his body made a trail as he drag himself. He wanted to reach the end. Maybe if he did, he could ask for help. He could still live. He must live. His parents. His friends. His dreams. He has too many to lose. "I can't die here. Not yet." For the last time, he grabbed for the blinding light at the end of the alley. His hand dropped and darkness surrounded him. "Do you want the chance to live?" A voice amidst the darkness echoed out. The poor kid wanted to shout "Yes". He tried to open his mouth but no voice came out of it. "I must live. I must live. I must live." He repeatedly thought in his mind. Suddenly, a dim light hit his closed eyes. He opened them and saw a smiling face of a man in his prime. "Welcome back, kid."

MrQNA · Fantasy
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10 Chs


When his body started to materialize in this world, I immediately felt a familiar feeling coming from him.

Since the start of my penance, I have already accepted the fact that I would not be able to feel it. There would be even days when I forget what it felt like.

Today, however, this Chosen rekindled that buried feeling deep inside me. My body was jumping with excitement as it felt the familiar energy that once flowed in every part of him.

I could have had given him my recognition there and then, but I did not. The consequences if he failed is a burden I could not carry.

Thinking of it now, it was foolish of me. Had I given him my recognition, this would not have happened.

In front of me was the unconscious Athwart, his eyes were closed, his skin is pale and is very cold. If not for the occasional rising and falling of his chest, you might think he's dead.

His energetic and joyful face was now replaced with peaceful expression. This peaceful expression would sometimes change to a painful one, which was followed by the violent shaking of his body. A muffled cry would even escape from his mouth.

It was the Demon's Invasion.

Nigh was wearing an expression of worry as he counted the days that were passing by. Athwart has to wake up before the three months is over.

Before, Nigh would have to pass his days in silence and guided the Chosen during their stay. They always neglected him and treated him like a bodyguard, until he changed his approach. The Chosen, then started to avoid him which was what he wanted.

A few was unfazed and still talked to me but became cowards when they saw the Minions that would appear once to invade the territory.

The whole territory was a huge test in and of itself. It was a test as well as a reminder.

A lot of Chosen came and left this world. Through them, I was able to see the allure of power, some of the previous Chosen became tyrants of the territory. Some of them laid their hands on the common citizen of the territory and enjoyed themselves lasciviously.

I turned a blind eye on those things, the citizens of the territory were just illusions and would changes according to the Chosen's race.

Nevertheless, I always make sure that I torture these lowly Chosen, as long as I can, after the three month protection.

This went on and on until this human came, and to top it off, the Death Mark was in his person.

I was very confused at the time, the Death Mark should not be able to appear on him, nor anyone from his race.

The human opened his eyes, the rich energy of Death radiated out of him which made me excited.

I instinctively brought him out of the balcony and introduced him to this world. I wanted him to learn as much as possible and was glad when he started asking questions which made me smile even wider.

After that, he woke up very early the next day and walked out of the residence. He started to jog at the plaza but then he must have realized that the plaza was too small so he planned to go outside.

I was surprised when he shared his plans to me when he was having his meal that day.

He was unknowingly making me work like a Guide should.

Since then, the both of us jog outside the territory. It became even more fun when my followers joined us. Even though I fail to spend time with them for the past decade, they still look up to me.

As time went on, my followers and I, once again, found the feeling of familiarity. The days were no longer hard to spend since then. I also observed that the territory was not affecting him one bit and had a feeling that he was affecting the territory instead.

He was better than most of the Chosen, but definitely not the best. I have seen the best chosen, so far, die in this world. Despite this, this boy made him look forward to the day he could feel the gaze of the Abyss once again.

Nigh held his hand out out and pointed a finger at the unconscious Athwart.

"I, Nigh the Forgotten, calls the Pride to bear witness. I recognize you, who bore the same sin, Chosen of Death." an identical mark of a pitch black scythe appeared at the back of Nigh's hand then disappeared.

"Its all or nothing." Nigh said to himself as he silently exited the room.

Inside the prison at the basement of the residence, a beautiful female youth, possibly the only one in the entire territory, was seated on a crudely made chair.

She sat there and was also smiling, her long blond hair falls below her waist and her pearly white skin seemed to glow amidst the dimly lit room.

The door that leads to the basement opened and revealed Nigh, his iconic smile was nowhere to be seen.

The beauty looked at the man descending the stairs. She was slightly startled of why he was here, but nonetheless, she flashed a beautiful smile and said.

"You prepared a special room for me." a seductive voice echoed throughout the room. Although she said it softly, her voice was loud and clear.

"It does not affect me, Demoness." Nigh stated and walked closer at the metal bars of the prison, although it looked very simple, the whole frame of the prison was filled with Draconic and Magina's Metal -- metals that prevents the use of physical and and magical abilities respectively.

This is the standard prison of the Abyss. Anyone, besides the Archaic species, would not be able to break out of the prison without outside help.

"Such a shame." the Demoness replied and her seductive smile faded like it never existed.

Silence followed, as both of them looked at each other for a long while.

"Have you woken up?" the beauty asked. Her voice unknown if it was said out of worry, care or of curiousness.

Nigh was silent and did not answer her question.

"Demoness Leif." the deep and firm voice of Nigh sounded out.

The Demoness lifted her head and looked straight at Nigh, she was a bit shocked when he called out her name. She was immediately greeted by the grey colored irises that seem to be void of life, the dimly lit room and his jet black hair made his eyes seem to glow.

"Your vessel, leave him be. He is under my protection." he continued.

Her body flinched which startled her, then she laughed, louder and louder. Suddenly, she flashed a playful face, and looked straight at the unfazed expression of Nigh.

"Make me." the Demoness replied with a childish smile.

"I will make sure of it." Nigh calmly replied.

"He will have to call me, Guide, or should I call you a Follower now?" the beauty interjected.

"Yes, he will call for you but I will make sure that I am there when he does."

With that, Nigh turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"Death was flowing in your body, how does the sin your looking for felt like? " the beauty quickly said, her smile contained a hidden meaning.

Nigh took one last glance at the Demoness and started his climbed towards the stairs.

"He who was forgotten by the Abyss, " the young Demoness suddenly said when Nigh has climbed midway of the stairs. Nigh was caught off guard and stopped in his tracks. For a while, he stood there, rooted and unmoving. He continued his climb until he reached the doors.

" will feel its gaze like it was his first." Nigh's deep and firm voice said. He opened the doors, entered, then closed them with a bang.