
Refinement of Dual Cultivator Master Evolution

Warning: R18 Update: Daily The master of the Scarlet Island region accidentally expanded his elixir field which caused his power and energy to deplete! Now, his enhanced elixir field requires him to absorb tremendous power through the highest nirvana stage of dual cultivation! In his journey of finding a worthy cultivation partner, he reached the region of Boundless Shoreline. He heard several rumors that piqued his curiosity and he also witnessed a scene that greatly aroused his interest. ~~~ "We really strike a good fortune! This lady Zhou is a dual cultivator. The foundation of her elixir field is formidable. We can remove it and sell it to the big sects at a high price!" "Hehehe... Xuan Sect will pay us millions of gold for sure! And we don't need to kill her. With her alluring beauty, she can be our maid and serve us!" Surrounded by thousands of opponents, Lady Zhou Qiaolian had no means to escape... or so they thought? Despite the threats she heard, her countenance did not change a bit. "I will naturally cooperate. B-But, only to someone who can protect me and take me out here." Bewitched by her words, the thousands of opponents started fighting and killing their companions. In the midst of a chaotic battle, this cunning lady just scoffed and escaped! "Hmmph! Want to steal my elixir field? I'd rather destroy it and die with dignity! However, those opponents are not too smart and easily fell on my trick! Hehe... How foolish!" ... "Lady Zhou is indeed capable!" "Who is there---" Before Qiaolian could finish her words, a finger tapped the side of her neck, completely restricting her movements. "My... my... the rumors about you are too modest. Your beauty is ethereal!" When the person appeared in front of Qiaolian, her eyes constricted. "Scarlet Island Master Huan Xue! What are you doing here in the Boundless Shoreline? W-Wait... I c-can't sense your elixir field! What---" "That's right! My dear lady, I'm here to steal yours! Hehehe..." Actually, when their eyes met, he had already taken something far beyond his imagination. They have not just realized it yet. This is Master Huan Xue and Lady Zhou Qiaolian's life entangled adventures from local cultivation and immortal practitioners to beings with cosmic bloodlines and battles of schemes and superiority.

Au_Learns_To_Write · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Different Cultivation Process

Qiaolian violently coughed for a few seconds. But, with much difficulty, she managed to suppress her sounds to avoid disrupting the concentration of Huan Xue.

After a while of coughing, she looked at her hands and noticed a liquid of dark blood.

Not good!

At that point, she did not care whether it was Huan Xue's cultivation room. She sat on the floor in the same lotus position. But, her palms were pressed together just a few inches away from her chest.

Qiaolian's consciousness quickly examined her inner core. The yin core within her still contained traces of silver aura from the primal yang essence of Huan Xue. But, within it, there was a different aura that Qiaolian was completely unfamiliar with. It was a spectacle of yellowish energy. And the energy was causing her original dark aura to react violently to it, urging her to vomit blood.

"What is this yellowish energy?" Qiaolian muttered but did not stay longer on her inner core. She quickly switched her attention to her elixir field and checked any abnormalities on it.

After checking her elixir field, she seemed to recall that the seal within her inner core also had the same yellowish energy before.

Qiaolian's consciousness quickly returned to her inner core and watched the dark and mild aura inside.

"I should refine this inner force and leave this harmful energy. That Taoist really managed to put this yellowish essence inside my inner core before I could notice it. After I'm done dealing with this, I will definitely hunt that man! Hmmph!" Qiaolian expressed and changed the position of her hands. The right palm slowly moved downwards while her left palm went upwards. But, they were still tightly pressed together.

Gradually, a harmonious aura of the three elixir fields surrounded her body. One blood red followed by a layer of bright silver, and then, a faint green aura on the outer layer.

Unlike Huan Xue's method of advancement which he had to refine his inner core and then guide the flow of power towards his elixir field, Qiaolian's method was reversed...

She had to guide the aura of the elixir field towards her inner core and let it consume the energy and essence within it. Thus, the three auras were gathered in her palm and she slowly controlled them to enter her inner core.

This was the reason why Qiaolian seemed disappointed when Elder Xia told her about the speed of Huan Xue's closed-door cultivation. It was because their cultivation process was completely different!

In this silent room, two cultivators were facing one another. But, their eyes were closed, and appeared to be in deep concentration.

On the side, the deep green aura of Huan Xue had already wrapped his body in a thick layer. The man appeared to have almost finished circulating all the primal yin essence inside his inner core.

Opposite him was Qiaolian's figure, releasing three different auras around her. She had just started guiding the flow of her aura but it already managed to engulf her body too.

Several hours later, Qiaolian opened her eyes and stared at Huan Xue's figure for a long time. 'The Master of Scarlet Island is really slow,' she mentally commented after seeing that he was still in deep concentration. 'But, his power had tremendously increased even if he is not yet finished. I wonder how strong he would get after circulating the essence and energy in his inner core.'

Qiaolian slowly stood straight and put her hand down. After examining Huan Xue, her mind directly focused on her main concern. The yellowish energy inside her inner core! 'I should find a way to get rid of this harmful energy! Maybe, Master Huan had a manual here that I can use.'

While she started checking the books around the room, Huan Xue's eyes peered open. In fact, he already finished refining his inner core. But, when he witnessed Qiaolian's figure engulfed with three auras around, he pretended as if he was still in deep cultivation. 'No wonder I cannot sense her elixir field. So, it's not just one but three elixir fields within her! Lady Zhou, ahhh... you've really tricked this master into believing you have lost your cultivation!'

Huan Xue used his inner force to clean his garment and dried the sweat on his face. He carefully stood and walked closer to Qiaolian.

Qiaolian was too immersed in skimming at the manuals that she failed to notice Huan Xue standing just a few meters away from her. He stood behind her and she still did not feel his presence.

Only after Huan Xue gently wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to him did she becomes aware.

But, her body stiffened and when she turned her face to look at her, she was completely tense.

Qiaolian instantly asked with a panic in her eyes. "Did I disrupt your concentration? I made sure not to make a noise... But--"

Seeing her anxious expression, Huan Xue covered her lower lip with his thumb and traced it sensually.

She was extremely worried that her presence had ultimately disturbed his concentration. But, there was no trace of disturbance in Huan Xue's face at all.

When Qiaolian regained her composure, she open her mouth and bit his thumb. Huan Xue smiled and move his hand on the back of her neck.

In just a split second, he lowered his face and kissed her.

"Ahhmphh... w-what is this? A punishment for trespassing your cultivation room? Master Huan, I can explain why I am here," Qiaolian giggled but still welcomed his kiss. Her hand gently touched his jawline, tracing his chin until it reached his neck.

This hand that she used to touch his neck was actually where she was hit by the weapon of the Taoist when she tried to snatch it. She was not aware that her fair skin was showing a purple bruise on the area just above her wrist.

"What happened?" Huan Xue frowned when he noticed her skin. He took her hand and examined the bruise. His face instantly turned dark. "Where did you get this?"

"Calm down, I caused this bruise," Qiaolian whispered and tried to take a step back. But, Huan Xue's other hand was still on her back, preventing him from moving away. "Master Huan, I am looking for a certain manual. But, that manual can wait. Right now, this entire region... No, the entire continent is in danger. Come and see it!"