

Just Something to read if you want

Md_Fayiz · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs


Everyone at the Manor was curious when Alana returned to the Manor wearing a very happy expression and a faint blush on her cheeks. Her happiness was oozing out of her and affecting the people around her, and her smile warmed their hearts when they witnessed it.

They were certain that something good must have happened, but neither Keith nor Alana told them anything about what happened in Noxville. And when they inquired Zoey about it, she was just as clueless as they were.

Despite their curiosity, no one pestered or insisted Keith or Alana tell them what good happened between them. Well, they did not really get a chance to ask Keith since he retired to his room right after breakfast, and Kiara informed them at the breakfast table the next day that he was busy reading something.

At noon, when Rebecca entered his room and climbed into his bed, snuggling close to him, she could only pout as she failed to grab his attention and then begrudgingly looked at the pages of the strange black Tome that he was reading.

She could not understand the words on the pages, and the ever-changing letters and characters on those pages intrigued her a lot that she actually found it challenging and fun. However, despite trying to decipher anything for fours, she still failed and then just focused on capturing everything in her memory to later reflect on it.

"What is this language?" She finally asked after he stopped reading and then closed the Tome.

"A Divine Language." He told her and then turned to look into her beautiful ocean-blue eyes.

"And the book?" She asked again and leaned in to kiss him.

"A very special Cultivation Manual." He smiled and replied after their lips separated.

Rebecca surprisedly looked at the Black Tome after his words, and then drew her hand forward to trace the intricate Runic Markings on the cover, and gasped when she felt life in them and moving under her touch.

"May I see it?" She requested, quite curious to explore its mysteries.

"I can not give it to you." Keith shook his head. "This Tome belongs to me and those who can read it. If you take it, then it would alarm a few Laws, reveal its existence to those who were searching for it, and it might even harm you." He seriously said, but his words only served as fuel to her curiosity.

"It's a Divine Ranked Cultivation Manual?" She asked after she understood a few things.


And her heart thumped hard against her chest when he admitted to it, but then an excited smile took root on her face.

"You practice it?"

"I have not started yet."

"But you intend to?"


"Will you teach me?" She hopefully asked.

"You want to practice it?" He smiled at her words. "Are you sure?" He cryptically asked, and Rebecca nodded without any hesitation.


She knew that Keith would not practice anything that was not special, and every Divine Ranked Cultivation Manual was bound to be special.

Rebecca understood very well that even if she spent all her life searching for the very best Cultivation Manual for herself, it would still fall short of the quality of a Divine Ranked Cultivation Manual. And then there was this strange longing inside of her to practice what her husband practised.

"Okay." He agreed to it, and Rebecca excitedly kissed him.

"Teach me!"

"Not today." He nudged his nose with hers. "We will wait until you have stepped out of Primal Desolation."

"But it might take forever!" She complained, but Keith only smirked at her. "Mean!" She imitated Kiara and stuck her tongue out at him, which made him chuckle.

Keith stored the Manual away in the System Inventory, and then stood up, stretching his limbs and looking at the clock.

"We are late for lunch." He reminded her.

"We are." She giggled and then stood up to kiss him on the cheek before walking out of the room. "Don't take too much time!"

"I will be there in a few minutes." He said and then walked into the dressing room.

He had a lot of time on his hands now, and he could finally spend it on mastering the Battle Art, The Nine Discs of Demise, which he had received as a result of completing the Quest related to Ingrid.

Keith decided to spend the next few weeks with the family and then return to Iceland to work on the Battle Art and keep an eye on Roy, the young Child of Destiny he wanted to raise into one of his most loyal men.

Sorting out his plans for the next few months, Keith got ready and stepped out of the dressing room, but he was just about to reach the door when a System Prompt sounded out in his mind.

{Ding! The System has detected a Change in the Plans of Destiny. The Child of Destiny, Samrath Arya, has managed to Master the Medicinal Technique he learned from the Fragment of the Book of Life that is in his possession. He has successfully broken through the True-Profound Realm.}

{Samrath Arya's Invincible Halo will wear off in a couple of months.}

"He's going to join the Imperial School of Medicine a year earlier?" Keith frowned.

{Yes.} The System answered him. {The Plans of Destiny have been rearranged to make sure that the overall trajectory stays the same. Yexuan Parker has awakened ahead of time, and his Invincible Halo will be wearing off next year. Therefore, Samrath's Plan of Destiny is coming into effect a year earlier.}

"I see."

He was not surprised after listening to System's explanation. It should have been expected, and he could only sigh as he realised that he would have to change his plans again.

Taking out his cell phone, he dialled his Assistant's number.

"Iseul. I will be joining the Imperial School of Medicine starting next semester. Make arrangements." He ordered.

"Yes, Senpai." She acknowledged his command. Not asking him why he changed his mind since he had decided to not go to Griffin City for another year and had made her inform the University about it last month.

Keith had done it so that he could focus on Roy, on his Battle Art, and to give some time to his family. But it seemed that Destiny did not wish him any rest.

"Also, keep an eye on a special student who will be joining the Imperial School of Medicine in the coming Semester. His name is Samrath, and he is from the Ancient Family of Arya."

"The Arya of Dehradun?" She surprisedly asked.

The Arya were one of the most respected Ancient Families in India, and they were very powerful as well. Most of their Power lay in their Medicinal History and the fact that some of their Family Members were the world's best Aura Doctors.

"Yes." He replied to her and heard Iseul giggle.

"That girl, Kashish, is from the Ancient Family of Mir. The Mir and Arya have never gotten along well. I wonder how the two would fare if they join the same class." She mused.

"Keep an eye on both of them." He told her and ended the call.

He knew exactly how the two would fare with each other in the University. Though it was going to be a rocky start, Kashish was destined to become one of the Main Heroines of Samrath.

Unfortunately, he had taken a liking to the prized daughter of the Mir Family, and he was not going to let her fall into the hands of the poor Child of Destiny that he was going to slaughter.

Keith smiled as he realised what he would gain after killing Samrath.

The Fragment of the Book of Life was a Priceless Treasure that he wanted at all costs. He planned on collecting all the Fragments of the Book of Life to bring it back into existence, so there was no way he was going to miss any opportunity to get his hands on these Fragments.

"You are late." Rebecca smiled at him when he entered the dining room.

"My apologies." He said to everyone who had been waiting for him and then to the surprise of everyone, planted a kiss on Alana's cheek before he walked over to his seat down.

"Eeeeehhh!!!" Celine teasingly cried out, and soon everyone at the table understood why Alana had been smiling since yesterday.

His lovely Songbird was keeping her head lowered, hiding her blushing face from the eyes of everyone at the table, but no one wanted to miss on the opportunity to poke some fun at her and pull her leg.

The atmosphere at the take was very lively for the duration of their lunch, and then Keith announced his plans to the family.

"Kiara and I will be leaving for Griffin City after Noxville's Opening Ceremony." He told them, and everyone turned silent and looked at him.

"Why?" Venessa asked, and his Grandparents looked at him curiously too.

"It's a beautiful place." He smiled, and Amelia, who was the only one who understood why he was going there smiled back at him. "And I am going to teach at the Imperial School of Medicine."

"What?!" The Goldsmith Twins, who were usually quite reserved, could not help but cry out in surprise.

It was their dream to one day attend the Imperial School of Medicine, and now learning that Keith would be teaching there really caught them off-guard.

"Why?" Diana could not help but ask her Grandson why he wanted to become a teacher at a University, even if it was one of the World's most prestigious institutes.

"To pass time and have some fun." He shrugged.

"Take Amira and Reina with you." Rebecca suddenly said, and the twins curiously looked at her.

"But we have school..." Reina pouted.

"You can join a High-school in Griffin City. There are some of the best High-schools of the country there." Rebecca smiled at then and then meaningfully glanced at Keith.

"I will arrange for it." He nodded, much to the glee and surprise of the twins, but it made the rest of his ladies pout.

It was so clear that Celine wanted to come with them, but she remained quiet as she wanted to stay by the side of Venessa even more so that she could get stronger and focus on getting stronger. But she decided to visit him now and then in Griffin City.

Qingyue had similar thoughts in her mind, and soon the rest of the girls.

The family spent another hour at the table, discussing his plans and making their own.