
Reese X Cal

talonclaw2020 · History
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4 Chs

Science Class/ Homecoming Football Game

Reese reluctantly made her way to science class knowing it was finally the last period of the day. She set all her stuff down at her assigned seat and proceeded to walk over to her friend, Anna, who was on the other side of the room. Not long after they started their conversation, Mr.Jensen called everyone back to their seats, as the bell had rang. Reese rolled her eyes and sat down. The only thing she hated more than school was Cal. You could say that Cal was the doushbag type, but he was skinny and nobody liked him. Except for maybe Christian, a possibly gay dude with a golden dildo.

Reese despised Cal, as he was annoying and she had to sit by him every day in science class. "Hey Reese, what's this?", Cal, said as he began to reach for Reese's Zane notebook. Reese responded with a "NUUOO! *HISSSSS*" while slapping his hand away from her precious merch.


"Well what did you expect to happen? Maybe next time you won't touch my stuff."

Josh wasn't surprised by the conversation between Cal and Reese. By then, this was a regular thing that happened. And he sat right behind them, giving him the unappreciated experience of watching every single argument they had. He hated seeing anougher guy getting to talk to her every day. Josh had always wanted to ask her out, but never could because she liked someone else, Carter. And recently, she had asked him out to the homecoming football game. He said yes.

Finally, the Homecomming Football game is tomorrow! Reese thought as she made her way to school. She was so excited and grateful that her best friend, Trysta, got Carter's number for her since she was too socially awkward and embarrassed to do it herself.

*Skip scene to football game*

Reese shows up at the game with her friends Anna, Trysta, Regina, and Olivia ready to spend the most amazing time with Carter that she was waiting for for days. Reese's friends left her alone for a while so she could wait for Carter to come. They arrived a little early so she wasn't super worried when he didn't show up right away. After about twenty minutes of waiting for him, she was plenty upset as the game had started. Reese texted Carter on hopes of him just being late or something to explain why he wasn't there yet. When he didn't respond, she finally excepted the fact that she got stood up.

At this point, Trysta and Regina had come to find Reese. Once they found her, they all went back to the others. They had a spot set up that wasn't in the stands because none of them were interested in actually watching the football game.

After Reese told everyone that Carter never showed, her and Trysta went out to go find him in the crowd. They found out that he was in the stands since Montgomery texted her that he was with him and some other friends.

Eventually they saw them after awkwardly looking at every single person in the stands multiple times. Carter was sitting with Sean, Jeffery, Monty, and Josh, all enjoying the game. When we confronted him, he said that Montgomery was the one who took his phone and texted yes. Of coarse, Monty claims he didn't do it. Obviously, one of them were lying, so we asked them to come down and talk about it like normal people would do. Monty agreed. But the look Carter was giving off was just like, NOPE IM OUT, and RAN AWAY. Montgomery swore that he just saw the text and suggested that he say yes, but never took his phone or texted yes.

*Time skip after about half an hour of chasing Carter because he's a wus*

Eventually, Carter just kind of gave up and was sitting at a bench. We asked him who is lying and basically what the hell is happening. He responded us with things like "Everyone is lying", "Just let me die in peace", "Leave me alone to freeze to death" and bullshit like that. Reese was still confused of who to believe even though everyone else had a little more common sense and knew that Carter was oviously making excuses.