
Reencarnation Battle Royal (Multiverse)

This is the story of a group of powerful beings who, in their boredom, have created the ultimate entertainment, a Battle Royal! But it consists of reincarnated humans. Watch our protagonist struggle to survive, live his life between each instance of this interesting program, and watch him travel to different worlds to find ways to improve his power, accompanied by his partner. ----- A world where he was reborn: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Worlds to travel: High School DxD, Marvel(MCU), Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Dark Souls, SCP. The cover photo was made for an AI. The characters that belong to other franchises are not mine, the mythological creatures are public domain. I only have my protagonist and the other reincarnated characters that will appear in the story. NO HAREM.

Sir_Traverse · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

XLI: Neutral location.

Seone and Jane arrived in front of what appeared to be a three-story building with a typical medieval bar style. The name displayed was 'The Lame Masked One', a name that referred to all those 'lame' people who usually had inns. 

As they entered, a 'message' was sent to their minds, this was a neutral zone, any attempt to attack or harm others was forbidden, that included ALL kinds of harm, even conspiracies or lies, so yes, it was forbidden to lie in this place.

And it was not just a rule, it was something more intrinsic to this place, something as fundamental as gravity or the air we breathe, one person couldn't harm another. Any attempt to do so would be conceptually nullified, something like GER's ability, but much more magnified.

The place was like a typical pub, with several tables with people sitting at them, several waitresses bringing drinks or food to those tables, and those sitting at them were reincarnations. The bartender was the masked woman who always attracted everyone's attention, whether covertly or overtly.

Seone looked at her as well, not trying to hide his obvious annoyance; if it hadn't been for his inability to attack, he would have swung his sword long ago and directly performed his most powerful sword style without much thought to the consequences. He didn't realize that he was already sitting at a table with other people until Jane tapped him on the shoulder, snapping him out of his reverie.

"And the one dazed next to me is Seone, also a swordsman," Jane said, apparently having finished introducing herself and Seone to the others at the table.

There was Katiuska, who looked at Jane ambiguously, as if something about her appealed to her, Morin, who was drinking what appeared to be sake, as well as a blond boy with delicate features and pointed ears. Seone thought it was an elf and stood on guard, he had already killed several elves by execution and obviously, he and this race were not on the best of terms.

Noticing this, the young blonde shook his head and showed a clear expression of annoyance, suspecting that the guard Seone had against him was the same that all humans in this world had against elves.

"I'm not a damned elf, I'm a Hylian, I have documents from the wild realm that vouch for my status, I'm not an elf," the Hylian pulled a document out of his pocket as if he was used to it, one that vouched for his status as a 'non-enemy species'.

Seone then realized his mistake, the elven ears of this world were different from the ones we all know, perhaps because they are energy-collecting organs that every one of this species possesses, the typical elven ears are much longer and shinier, almost like jewels.

And yes, gems made from ears are a very expensive commodity Seone had a pair in his storage bag, a gift he wanted to give to Marie before he came to this place. Then he couldn't help but feel a terrible desire to cut up a certain masked bitch, but that desire disappeared as quickly as it had arisen, leaving Seone in a somewhat complicated mood.

"Sorry bro, these guys and I aren't on the best of terms, if I could say that about my relationship with them," Seone replied to the boy in a more polite tone, then looked at Katiuska who hadn't taken her eyes off Jane both women had started talking.

Seone's senses were sharp enough to notice certain subtle movements between the two girls, and she realized that they were getting to know each other very well and that their relationship would probably become much more intimate in the future.

Then our protagonist turned his attention to Morin, who was drinking distractedly, not paying much attention to the situation, completely immersed in alcohol. Seone felt it would be inappropriate to speak to him directly, so he turned his attention to Hylian.

"Do you have Link's template? Or something like that?" Seone asked openly. 

Hiding things like that was useless, many, almost all, of the reincarnates were nerds, geeks, weebs, or otakus, with just a quick demonstration or the observation of a few traits, it was relatively easy to spot someone else's cheat. That's why Seone never bothered to hide the spinballs on his belt because even though he didn't use them much, they were a central part of his fighting style, more important than even his sword. 

He could be without his weapon, but never without his spinballs, that's how serious he was about it, that's why he never wavered in his spin training, even though his approach to it was very twisted, it was one of the foundations of his power system.

"Something like that, I have the classic, you know, the songs, the spells, the swordplay, the archery, a personal fairy, and the three Triforces. It might seem that Link isn't as impressive as many protagonists, but not everyone remembers that Link is limited by the mechanics of the game.

In this world, I've been trained by the Knights, who use magical power to improve themselves and increase their abilities, and .... let's just say that Link and the Knights have a lot in common," explained the young Hylian, whose name was remembered by Seone, an ability the latter discovered while exploring his limitless consciousness.

His name was Thor, yes, and with his blonde hair and some of the details on him, such as his clothes or some ornaments, the boy looked like he had come from a Viking village. Seone and Thor got on very well, with Seone explaining his deception and further development, including the inheritance of the Belmont legacy.

"Hohoho, so you're the Belmont who recently appeared, you're famous in some circles, you know?" asked Thor in a joking tone.

Morin, who was still drinking, looked at Seone with some surprise in his eyes, Katiuska looked away from Jane for the first time in all that time and looked at our bewildered protagonist with her amber eyes.

"Hunter to Hunter, I salute you," Katiuska said after a nod.

"Sorry, I'm not a hunter... the Belmont don't identify with hunters, they identify with my current profession, Executioner, which is a kind of destiny between me and them," Seone replied quickly, causing the woman to raise an eyebrow.

"It seems to be true, the Belmont are all mad and bloodthirsty, even daring to cut and slaughter humans when they are in collusion with forces that attempt against humanity," Morin commented with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

As someone who follows the path of the 'Warrior' from the eastern side of the continent, a counterpart to the 'Fighter' in the west, and I feel he is a Shura, the fame of the Belmont caught up with him and he knew some stories of this family.

For the time they left no one in the village because they refused to hand over a vampire who had helped them protect themselves from an enemy army invading their land.

The phrase 'cut them down with the vampire' echoed across the continent, but even these acts were accepted by the masses because of something fundamental: they were experts, and they would spare no expense or loss, including their own lives, as long as humanity was safe.

The end of the Belmont Clan brought with it a boom in attacks and incidents involving dark creatures and negative beings, even invasions from other worlds, though this information rarely circulated in high places, and it was news he knew about because of the status he had gained through his talent for the Warrior's Way.

"It is said that a Belmont has arisen and that many beings are displeased with this, and there is even a bounty on his head, a bounty that has even tempted some humans," Thor said, causing Seone to look at him a little uncomfortably.

"Hey, I was poor and short of money, it was either looking for prey or dressing up as a woman and accepting the strange proposals of this countess, I don't know if it's because of the stereotype, but what's wrong with countesses?" the young blonde asked somewhat annoyed, and Seone noticed that some of his clothes are quite expensive...

Seone felt it was good that his new friend was honest, or at least he thanked the rules of the place for keeping him honest. Seone knew that his previous inheritance of the Belmont legacy would put him in the spotlight, but he had never fully understood the extent of his family name.

Now, as he listened to the various stories told by those around the table, Seone felt a little strange, even though the princess had told him some things he had never felt that way before. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that his new companions did not live very close to him.

Yes, new companions, during the dialogue they had had, they had agreed to be temporary companions, after all, it was a bit complicated to have to go on alone in this place. Even Morin and Katiuska were getting along better.

So the conversation gradually shifted to the other companions, getting to know each other in this relatively short period, even leaving each other methods of contact so that when they managed to leave this place, they could keep in touch.

The company was pleasant, they drank and ate a lot because everything seemed to be free in this place, and when the tensions and worries had disappeared due to the cozy atmosphere, the problems did not take long to arrive.

As the last of the reincarnates entered the pub, they all felt a terrible sense of oppression completely enveloping them. An endless malevolence washed over them, and no matter how powerful or determined they were, they all felt weak, tiny, and powerless. 

It made them feel like ants, no matter what method they used, this powerful malice incapacitated them all and crushed their egos. Many had felt puffed up by their achievements, even the humblest among them had been proud of them, but now it was nothing.

Someone had shown them just how minuscule they were, and without much thought, only one person among them could cause them the terrible sensations they were feeling. 

The Masked Woman had unleashed her wickedness on all the interesting boys and girls she had attracted to her interesting game, and as much as she enjoyed hearing their interesting stories or watching them play some party games, things had to move on, she wanted more fun, more interesting things.

And she wanted to find her Fierce Deity, she knew he was here, but his power was hidden, as if it hadn't been unearthed yet, something she didn't like, and this feeling of annoyance she had to endure for so long that it was killing her, and right now she wasn't in a very good mood, to say the least.

"Now that we've eaten, drunk, and gambled, why don't we do something worthy of a troubadour's song? As a tavern keeper, it is my duty to give the adventurers a quest to complete, is it not? 

Here it is, in the mountains there is a Fenrir that fell to this world for script reasons, keep it and I will give you a personalized mask~ You will like it, believe me," After saying that, the woman clapped her hands and everyone seemed to be pushed by an invisible force and left the tavern like garbage.

"By the way, the wolf is super angry, but you're lucky, he's wounded, so it's up to you to finish what Ragnarok and the one-eyed old man couldn't," the woman from the bar told them, making everyone feel a little more comfortable.

You might think, why do what he says, can't I just walk away and not do it? Nobody's stupid, of course, they thought about that, but when they did, they got a harmless bolt from the blue, a warning that they couldn't take the easy way out.

So they had to plan how to kill the most dangerous dog in the nine worlds.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts