
Reencarnation Battle Royal (Multiverse)

This is the story of a group of powerful beings who, in their boredom, have created the ultimate entertainment, a Battle Royal! But it consists of reincarnated humans. Watch our protagonist struggle to survive, live his life between each instance of this interesting program, and watch him travel to different worlds to find ways to improve his power, accompanied by his partner. ----- A world where he was reborn: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Worlds to travel: High School DxD, Marvel(MCU), Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Dark Souls, SCP. The cover photo was made for an AI. The characters that belong to other franchises are not mine, the mythological creatures are public domain. I only have my protagonist and the other reincarnated characters that will appear in the story. NO HAREM.

Sir_Traverse · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

LVII: Blue eyes.

Jessica felt that her current life was much more interesting than her previous life, of course, learning that the figures she idolized were characters of stories in other worlds was surprising, but it made her think something: "Maybe I am the character of a story, too.

The things she had experienced before coming to this continent, all those powerful beings, all those presences she had glimpsed with her eyes before being sent to this world, made her think that it was indeed possible that she was a character, perhaps a protagonist, perhaps an important supporting character, or perhaps a nameless bystander like a certain ring-eyed boy.

In any case, he could certainly do things now that he had only imagined in his past. He did not expect to reach the heights of Gojo Satoru and his enlightenment or anything like that, but he wanted to be strong enough to experience more adventures together with his companions. It was this thought, coupled with the urge to protect her friends, that made her momentarily acquire the ability to cast the Purple Technique.

Far from mastering such unbridled power, she had no mastery and could barely get by with the Reverse Technique and the Red Technique. And while that might be enough for some conformists, she knew better. The fact that one of her teammates helplessly teleported to the moon in front of her was a severe blow to her cheerful attitude. 

Axel noticed that from that day until the start of the war, Jessica wasn't as lively as before, she wasn't even spying on others with her powerful eyes, no, she became a bit more serious and hardworking. It may be that the 'randomness' in the cheats at the beginning is not so random after all, as Jessica began to show an incredible talent for manipulating the energy within her, the cursed energy. 

Unlike Mana, which is very plastic and can do many things, Cursed Energy was somewhat limited, but if you thought that made it less flexible... you were wrong. The things that could be created in the Jujutsu Kaisen system were quite interesting and incredible, and even many of the things that a simple Jujutsu user could do could be considered a skill of only powerful people in other systems. 

She already had the lineage and techniques of the Gojo Clan, but couldn't she have a cursed technique of her own? That was Jessica's thought for the first few months, but now she began to give it the importance it deserved. She was absorbing the magical knowledge they provided, excelling in the art of cursing, and who knew that cursed energy was good for cursing?

It was these breakthroughs that brought them to the very moment we found ourselves. Although it was daylight, the tall trees of the forest covered any entrance of sunlight, and the visibility had been greatly dimmed by the smoke and dust, but this did not prevent the two people from fighting.

On one side was the protagonist of this chapter, Jessica, with a trace of blood on her lips, she had no wounds, but we can't say the same about her clothes. She was wearing a pair of loose white pants full of scratches and blood stains, although her brown skin had no wounds. Under her red jacket, she wore a black blouse with a huge hole in the abdominal area, and although there were no signs of wounds, the clothes looked somewhat scorched. 

Her somewhat long hair was clinging to her neck and throat from the sweat, her breathing was a little ragged, and she even had some cramps from the time she had been fighting, but her eyes, those beautiful blue eyes, were shining with determination. Something was boiling inside her and she understood why Susie, Marie, and Seone were addicted to fighting. 

Previously, she would solve everything by casting blue or red, one curse or another, or simply crushing her enemy with sheer power, but she found an equal, her eyes focused on the elf in front of her, analyzing him as much as she could with her powerful eyes. 

He was a somewhat stooped elf, with gray hair and a few wrinkles in his eyes, but his old appearance was the most terrifying thing about him, for it was rare to see an old elf, and if there was one thing these guys stood for, it was the vast experience they possessed. 

The old man wore simple clothes, free of dust and ashes, and in his hand was a rather thin, straight sword, almost like a rapier, but Jessica felt in her flesh that this weapon could not only stab but also cut. In her struggle, she lost several fingers in an oversight, demonstrating just how sharp the sword was. 

The old man was covered in a layer of exaggeratedly deep and dense magical power, it looked like honey being stirred, and the emerald green color showed his excellent lineage. With narrowed eyes, the elf waved his arms in a circular motion, thundering his bones as he gave himself small touches on his back and neck.

"Little human... the warm-up is over. Remember when you are reborn that the one who killed you was Sir Jonas, an old knight who should have retired millennia ago," without giving her time to breathe, Jessica couldn't even see with her eyes, nor could she stop him with her Infinity activated at maximum capacity. Still, hundreds of points of light covered her body.

The excruciating pain of being stabbed in all parts of her body almost simultaneously was terrible, Jessica's mind went blank at that moment, but her instinct still made her move quickly to the right.

Her body began to heal automatically, but her wounds took much longer to close because the residual energy in them was extremely corrosive, energy similar to that of the princess who fought Seone and the boys. Yes, she was very confident at first due to her 'absolute defense' and received a terrible stab in her abdomen right away, almost cutting her in half. 

"They are tough, very tough, almost bug-like, but they are humans, bugs. Disgusting bugs... let me put you out of your misery," the magical power in the old man became much denser, making Jessica feel like she was facing not a living being, but a natural disaster.

She tried everything, and nothing she knew or had mastered worked for her, except... just as the old man was about to move, Jessica's eyes were in terrible pain, blood coming out of the corners of her eyes, but there was a smile of happiness on her face. 

Her infinity was off, her eyes, which always saw in the highest quality, now looked like a 144p video. But when she saw that everything a hundred meters around her looked completely black, the joy inside her almost overflowed, distracting her and making her lose her balance.

Jessica fell to her knees on the floor, but even in the pitch black, she felt nothing but exhilaration, not because she knew this would guarantee her victory, but because she had done something for herself, stepping out of the frame of her cheating, something she had discussed with her friends earlier.

It occurred to John that, according to him, cheating would be our greatest shackles to achieving the power we need in the future, so you had to start stepping outside of it and exploring a path that is 100% yours based on what we already have. Seone and Marie were the first to do this, then it was Axel, Ron, John, and most recently Susie while she was left behind.

There was no denying that the feeling of being left behind was not pleasant for her, but now, with the absolute darkness in front of her, she had caught up. And what was that darkness she had created? It was nothing.

Exactly, it was absolute nothingness, she expanded the infinity that covered her body and modified it to expel every existing particle around her, and it even served as a pseudo domain if she perfected this technique, she would have a domain of her own and very different from that of Gojo Satoru or the Gojo family.

How did she survive? She used the Infinity's ability to affect space to develop a cursed technique that allowed her to move between the tiers between the different dimensions, so although her appearance was visible, she was not in the same normal space as others; but this tier was very fragile if she mastered it completely, she could get another defense in addition to the Infinity's technique. 

When the darkness disappeared, all the wounds on his body had completely disappeared, leaving only clothes and blood as evidence of his gruesome wounds. This battle was quite short, but it allowed him to break through his limits, and he even felt that he could now summon the Purple Technique quite easily.

"Damn it..." an old, emaciated voice was heard, Jessica had already spotted the old man flying towards her, still clutching his sword with one hand. 

In front of her was a somewhat shocking sight, half of the man's body had 'disappeared', somewhat ironic for someone who manipulated and mastered quite destructive magical energy. He refused to give up, even with his injuries, he might have been weakened by his age and lack of mental flexibility, but how could a human creature that was exaggeratedly much younger than him defeat him?

What this elf did not know is that the power of friendship exists in this world....well, no, but as the Chinese say: Waves behind push those in front. Even with his rough experience, he did not expect Jessica to make such a strange, powerful, and almost suicidal move. 

The magic in him was incredibly weak and he could no longer summon the destructive power of his noble lineage, he could only use his weak mana to cover his sword and support himself on one leg, looking at Jessica, the cause of his situation, with great murderous intent.

He didn't even know if he could heal from such wounds, in fact, he even felt that his life was ending at this moment, so he wanted to end Jessica's threat right here, without allowing it to develop further. He could sense that she was just as tired as he was, so it was somewhat advantageous for his side.

He had fought more than the girl had ever blinked in her life, he had ways to conserve his scarce energy as well as to remount in case she couldn't attack that way, and his defense against this bug wasn't an obstacle due to his sword, a weapon that had been imbued with destructive power for so long that it now had some of its characteristics and it would be easy enough to pierce Jessica's body with it. 

As he mentally pondered hundreds of different strategies, his dulled senses were filled with feedback as a huge fist covered in strange blue-black energy struck him in the face, and at that moment, as if time had stopped, a red bolt of lightning flashed, followed by a burst of pure power.

Black Flash! A full bolt of black lightning hit the elf's face, sending him flying. As he fell, his mind could not comprehend how it was possible for her, such a young and inexperienced woman, to have such a move, a way to move short distances through space. 

Wizards can do it, but they have to make at least a few gestures, gentlemen can do it, but it takes a lot of practice, experience, and most of all a hard apprenticeship. But for Jessica, who was very much into space exploration, a technique similar to flashing was something that would fall into her lap. 

With what energy she had left, two cursed energy lights, one blue and one red, merged smoothly in her hand to form a terrible purple ball. With a snap, the devastating attack was shot towards the fallen elf, who could only see his end at the hands of an inexperienced young girl. Many like him have met a similar fate, so let's just have about three seconds of silence for such a sad death. 

"Cursed technique: purple... ah, I'm not as good at saying attacks as the boys, I should ask Axel for advice," he thought of the boy with the beautiful hair, his excited heart now beating for reasons other than victory. 


AN: I'm sick, with a headache, a sore throat, and without my glasses, my eyes not only burn, they hurt... but here it is, one chapter. I'll upload another one soon, and that would make four chapters I owe you. Enjoy, comment, leave stars so the story can reach more people, please! 

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