
Reed me until 900 - #2

The day of doom has come. RK900 is to show up at the station today. What will happen?--------------------------------------------------

The air in the police station was tense. Even though everyone tried their best to focus on their work, they couldn't help but cast worried glances towards the entrance, as if waiting for a "certain someone" to show up.

When Connor arrived with Hank, the initial tension in the room spiked, only to relax when everyone realized it was "just good old Con" – a phrase Chris later used to explain the situation to the android.

This atmosphere made RK800 even more nervous. He had decided to be a good "older brother" and not feel jealous or anything like that. He even started to get excited at the thought of having some "androids-only" talks over some thirium drinks.

Maybe that's why Connor was more shocked than anyone else by what happened next...

It was around 1 p.m., shortly after Tina dragged Gavin's ass back to the station to "goddamn do some paperwork." Everyone started to relax, becoming less vigilant. And that's when it happened.

He entered the station, walked past the civil area to the back, passed a quick verification, and walked into his new workspace. Without needing to look, he checked his clothes: black neat trousers, a black shirt with a high collar, and a white CyberLife jacket with a single number: RK900. His brown hair was combed back, except for a small lock that refused to stay in place. His black, elegant shoes made little noise as he walked a few steps and slowed down to survey the station and plan the best route to Captain Fowler's office. His gait was so stiff that, even without the diode on his temple, he could be identified as an android. He walked swiftly past a few officers who stared at him in shock, surprise, and curiosity. He climbed the steps to the Captain's office just as quickly and soon stood in front of Captain Jeffrey Fowler, who looked at him first angrily, then with surprise.

"Good afternoon, Captain Fowler. I am an RK900 model. I'm the android sent by CyberLife to assist your police station with android-related cases." His voice was stiff and official, just like his posture. To him, it seemed perfect, but Fowler's worried expression said otherwise.

"Holy shit... I'm having déjà vu..."

"Excuse me?" RK900 wasn't sure he had registered correctly, but it seemed his superior had just sworn.

Fowler waved him off, not addressing him directly, and then yelled, "Reed! To my office! NOW!"

If RK900 were human, his ears would surely hurt. But he wasn't, so he continued to stand stiffly, hands crossed behind his back, not even flinching when there was a loud bang at the entrance, and someone stormed in.

"What... oh fuck," was all the other human said, and RK900 found it disturbing. Was every police station full of swearing humans? The android scanned the man who entered the office. "Detective Gavin Reed. Born on October 7, 2002."

"Good afternoon, Detective Reed. I'm RK900. I was sent here to be your android partner. I hope our cooperation will prove successful as I'm the newest detective model and can offer substantial support."

After he finished speaking, he heard another swear escape his partner's mouth. RK900's brows twitched, but his diode remained as blue as a peaceful ocean.

"You've got to be kidding, Fowler! What is that?! Not only am I getting a plastic prick, but he's the most plastic of them all?!" Gavin Reed ignored him completely, yelling at Captain Fowler.

"Stop making a fuss about it! We already had this argument yesterday, and I'm not going to repeat myself, Reed!" Fowler answered angrily.

The android was sure that everyone outside the office could hear the quarrel.

"Detective Reed, I recommend you cease arguing with Captain Fowler. It might result in another entry in your files. Besides, it is unprofessional and disrespectful to yell at your superior." His words were calm and emotionless, but it's hard to speak emotionally when you don't feel anything, right?

Reed didn't answer, his jaw dropping slightly as he glared furiously at RK900. Fowler, on the other hand, clapped his hands.

"That's right! Maybe someone will finally teach you to behave... now... both of you, get the hell out of my office and get to work!"

Captain Fowler yelled so loud the whole of Detroit could probably hear, and RK900 moved so fast he was already outside when Fowler finished his order. Reed followed, still muttering swears under his breath.

Gavin moved to his desk and sat down, still angry, ignoring his colleagues' comments. RK900 joined him and stood beside him.

"Stop hovering over my head... your desk is in front of mine! Go there!" Reed growled at him, reminding RK900 of an angry dog protecting its territory.

"I am an android. I do not require a place to sit or a computer. But if it will make our cooperation better, I will occupy it," he said calmly.

"Wait, wait! First... bring me a cup of coffee, you plastic shit," Reed ordered as RK900 was about to move to his desk.

The android stopped and looked calmly at the detective over his shoulder. He didn't know why, but for a moment, Reed looked surprised and a bit less bossy as RK900 kept looking at him coldly.

"I am sorry, but I am a detective android, and making coffee isn't part of my duties. If you require your portion of caffeine, I recommend you make it yourself. Although, looking at your scans, I would dissuade it, as it seems you drink too much of it, which might affect your health."

His voice was calm, and as he finished speaking, he moved to the desk again. He was about to sit in the chair – which was unnecessary, as his legs wouldn't get tired – but then someone blocked his route. A human might say it was like looking in a mirror, but not RK900. He recognized an earlier model... RK800. A bit smaller and more delicate than him. And he was... smiling at him? Ah, yes. RK800 had functions to make him look less intimidating and to socialize better. RK900 didn't need it because being a detective didn't require socializing, according to statistics. Another curious thing: RK800 wasn't wearing his CyberLife jacket, which made RK900 frown slightly.

"Hello, my name is Connor. I'm Detective Hank Anderson's partner. That's my desk," RK800 smiled, gesturing towards his desk and human partner.

"Yes. I'm RK900... Detective Reed's partner," he said shortly, wondering why he should even say it. He was sure this android knew his model and who he worked with. Why should he say it? He was surprised when he heard "Connor" instead of "RK800." But yes, someone had mentioned that RK800 had a name from the beginning.

There was an awkward silence. Connor's smile started to waver as he looked at his cold and serious younger brother... wait, younger? He looked like an older brother, not the younger one.

"How about a name? You didn't get one? Maybe you'd like to pick a name for yourself?" Connor asked, smiling again, trying to be as friendly as possible.

"I'm the only RK900 model. I do not require a name. That is something humans need, and I am an android," his newer version answered.

Connor's smile disappeared. He looked at RK900, a bit shocked. For a moment, he felt as if he was talking with an old android who wasn't yet free. But before he could say anything, the other android spoke first.

"I apologize, but if you don't have anything work-related to discuss, I must excuse myself and attend to my own assignments. I recommend using break times for socializing if you need it."

The cold words spoken by his newer version made Connor... sad? Maybe... but it's not like he felt offended. Just yesterday he was worried there would be someone better than him, but today... Today he was worried that RK900 seemed so stiff and... android-like.

He returned to his desk and watched the other android sit stiffly.

"Hey, Con? Everything alright?" Hank asked.

"I'm not sure. I have a feeling he looks..."

"Even more robot-like than you did when you joined us? Hell yeah, he does... If you were like that, I'd never..." Hank stopped under Connor's gaze and coughed. "I mean, it's sad... yes... poor guy," he quickly returned to work, leaving Connor with his thoughts.

At the same time, Gavin Reed went to make himself some coffee and complain to Tina about the useless piece of plastic he got. It's not that RK900 was eavesdropping... it's just that his hearing was good enough to catch it. He decided to ignore it and focus on finding them a case. From the information he had after waking, there were many cases with androids as victims or suspects after Detroit became a city for both humans and androids. At first, he was made to replace RK800 in the deviant hunt. But before anyone activated him as an android, he awoke as a "free android." Everything he was programmed for... such a waste. He would have been more efficient without waking... But still, it gave him the choice to do what he was meant to do – be a detective.

He looked up at Detective Reed, who had returned to his desk.

"We have a case, Detective. There's a lost android chil–"

"Oh, so you're the silent, caring type, huh? Let the guys from another case take care of it. After the whole riot, lots of people are lost. We're detectives, for God's sake!" Gavin interrupted him without bothering to let him finish.

RK900 looked at him calmly, one eyebrow slightly raised. He waited for the swearing to end, and when Detective Reed started sipping his coffee, he began talking again.

"As I was saying, Detective. There's a lost android children case. I checked the disappearances of android children in the last month, which isn't right after the riot, by the way. I can see a pattern. There's an 86.7% possibility that they were abducted."

The brunette looked at him, a bit surprised.

"Ah... oh... Couldn't you say that from the start?" he snorted.

"I would have, had you not interrupted me. It is a human manner to stop speaking in the middle of a sentence. I will go to the parking garage to wait for you in the police car. I think 4 minutes and 38 seconds should be enough."

RK900 stood up and started to move towards the door leading to the underground parking.

"Enough for what?" Gavin was taken aback.

"For finishing your coffee, using the toilet, and washing your hands."

Without any further delay, he walked to the parking garage, not listening to the swearing and other less pleasant comments from his human partner. This partnership... it seemed it wouldn't be easy... not with someone like Gavin Reed.